Monday, June 09, 2008

went out to celebrate tammie's birthday today. uh .belated birthday. haha. finally i got to meet that girl. like after dunno how many donkey years. hahahahaha. had a blast today with all my babes.
wq and huihan came over to my place to wait for kell to come over. haha
bryan spammed huihan and wq's inbox. wth. damn freaking funny luh! "BEWARE OF THE KLLER TOMATOES!!" HAHAHAHA!
kell came. i bathed and changed. cabbed down to her place while wq went to huihan's place cos he freaking came in so called "basketballer" clothes. haha. he thought we were only going to tammie's place. and didn't even bring his wallet. thanks ah!
saw dearest ah ma and waited for that slowpoke to change. haha.
cabbed to PS to meet the rest.
bernette couldn't make it cos of cca. if you guys ask where's bernette, she's always in our hearts (:
junwen and julius came first.
longjohn-ed, kindly requested by wq.
then ben came. took hilarious shots of his and my hand made hearts tiara. haha.
bought tammie's balloon and donuts and after much "walking around and energy draining decisions", trained to city hall.
bought the birthday card and then, wq, jw and huihan went to get her while kell, julius, ben and i prepared her "cake".haha.
we celebrated her birthday at esplanade, the rooftop garden.
the guys brought her there before we even lit up all the candles. damn funny luh. and we were trying to tell julisu to block her vison and the wind. cos the candles blew out after being lit for mere seconds.
and half way, the police came.
tammie and i were standing on a pot pretending to be retareded flowers and they came to tell us to be careful. he was afraid we broke the gimongous flower pot. haha.
and then wq had to rush off for a bball game.
our legs dying from all the walking, we went to bugis for bubble tea. huihan and ben wanted shades and so we walked to bugis street.
had to leave early so tammie stayed with the guys to shop for a while more while kell and i went home.
hey ben!
pretty candles!!
our gorgeous cake. haha.
junwen, emo kiddo!
i thank god for blessing me with the circle of close friends whom never fail to give me support whenever i need it (:
it's not what i want but it just has to be this way.