Friday, June 20, 2008

birthday celebrations!!!!
thanks ya'll for everything(:
to think of all the whines and groans that i put kell through. haha.
retail therapy did work it's wonders. but i still need to get more stuffies(:
from tangs --> wisma-->shaw -->city hall-->marina bay-->bugis.
yea. really long walk. thank god i took the idea of wearing heels off my head. my poor feet would've died. haha.
met mummy for lunch at tcc. we saved for lunch cos that meal was on her:D
so we were walking and walking in bugis, and huihan appeared. i thought he was just gonna collect the notes from me and meet ruiwei after that. but nope. so we continued walking and junwen appeared. was really surprised to see him.
rested at the hongkong cafe and after a while, i itched to walk again. hee. dragged kell along.
didn't have much to buy so we headed back.
julius and ben appeared but junwen and huihan wasn't there. and the funny thing is the two of them were busy preparing the cake. haha.
then, blow candles, cut cake. haha. thanks guys!!! but wq wasn't there. they told me that they weren't sure if he was coming:(
so i thought that was it. until they said there was more if he were to come.
and then, we headed to the arcade. tried to catch on of those stuff toys. but to no avail:(
gave up. so we headed to marina bay to have steamboat. but didn't know that everything there was closed down. oh well.
headed back to city hall.
walked to funan to have swensens:D
walked around before that and took a look at ericson phones. random. haha. yea. dinner wasn't really at the top of our heads yet i guess.
then suddenly, some voice went "uh miss, you forgot your birthday present"
haha. i got a shock la. thought it was some salesman telling me i should stop touching their phones when i heard the "uh miss..." part. hahahaha.
turned around, and it was weiquan. yea.
dinner at swensens was truckloads of fun.
girl, i love your book lots!!!! YOU ALMOST MADE ME CRY!!!! hahahaha. omg.
wq, the CAP is awesomely fab(:
guys, thanks for the cake.haha. whats a birthday without a cake yea(:
swensens, i love your birthday firehouse. hahahaha. especially the banana and cherries (ps. huihan, you better check your forehead for any lump ya(: )
i love my birthday!!!!! haha. i love you guys very very very much!!!
thank you thank you thank you!!!
pics up soon kay.feeling lazy. heh.
and please don't disappear...