Wednesday, March 12, 2008

yest day was like a rushing day for me. kell came in the morning to do some admin stuff in ngee ann. had her passport photo taken and then we cabbed to ngee ann to submit her orientation form. oncec the cab turned in, we thought the uncle would not know where block one was but it turned out that block one was just to our right. we thought that the submittion of the form would take ages but it only took five mins. still i did not have time to spare. had a date to rush to. hee hee. cabbed to kell's house and thank god we got on it before it rained. damn heavy luh. and the two of us were talking literally like bimbos. then we got on this topic about the dunno what european union and ASEAN. and i went ''kell, btw do you know what's ASEAN?'' and she was like ''uh. i forogt hee'' and before the uncle alighted us he went'' you girls really don't know what us ASEAN? and we said we forgot. and he told us and i forgot three seconds later. haha. my short term memory served me well:)
met marcus after that to catch the leap years. felt so bad making him wait for like one hour:( ahhh. but the movie was nice ppl out there! must go catch it yea:) had long john after that. gosh. it's been so long since i ate long john. that boy brought along his mom's umbrella because it was raining. haha. auntie-ishly cute:) i had to leave after the movie that to rush home and change. was going clubbing later. so yea. kell prepared everything for me when i got home. she's really a dear. hee. THANKS GIRL! he dad fetched us to toa payoh to catch a train down to town where kell went to meet her friends while i went to meet the guys first.
ITS MY FIRST TIME!!!! yea. fun fun fun. haha. anyhow, when we got there, gosh the queue was so long!!!! and we didn't know that there was a dance competition going on. and this lady actually told us to fill up our entry card and she'll help us jump queue. that got us excited for a moment. julius and huihan even went to grand copthorne to get a pen. wth. haha. we were one of the few ppl who managed to get in earlier. but we waited like for one our plus before the competiton started. omg. and we had to wait again for them to remove the stage so we could have a bigger dance floor. and then ppl started streaming in and before we knew it, the dance floor was so packed that we were squashed like sardines. there were ppl trying to dance their way through and hui han was trying to dance/push them away. hahahaha. omg. super funny!! there was a pt in time where we couldn't take it we decided to leave the dance floor. the platform above the dance floor was so much more cooling and less stuffy too. enjoyed myself. and i saw lots of ppl too:) had to leave early cos i had training later on that morning. boo. still had a fun time dancing there.
kell, myself and joan
this was with lena(girl on extreme left)
group photo!!!