Friday, March 14, 2008

training today. tired tired tired. had lunch in school with louisa, hannah and yeanjun. jolene went off but she was gonna meet us later at queensway.
bused there to get our hockey stuff and omg. yeanjun was wanting the adidas stuff all the way. in the end, we settled for the nike shin guards and orange socks. i got my shoe bag and so did jun and hannah. jun was so happy when she got her shoe bag because it was hot pink and she bargained for it:) had to rush off to meet mommy and daddy at paragon. they were waiting to have dinner while settling some bank issues. i saw wq and ben on the way out. and speaking of which, they were on time. haha. after a quick hi and bye, i bused home.
had fish&co for dinner. omg. i am so not going to order the whatever swordfish with mango ever ever again. i thought it would be something like the dory or coriander catch but when they served me my main course, it was like two dark brown deep fried pieces of bony fish staring at my face. couldn't finish it in the end. it was really really two big for me. haha. mom and dad were like shooting me with what i said earlier on....
mom: why do you wanna order such a weird dish.
ger: life is all about taking risk:)
when my dish came....
ger: *stones at dish*
dad: so much for taking risk hor????
ger: *rolls her eyes*
yup. then we shopped around town for mom's lipstick and some products for my face because mom claims that there are two black patches on my face o.0 yea. wth. headed home after that. feeling really lazy and tired now so i think i'm gonna bed. NIGHT PEEPS!