Thursday, March 06, 2008

5th march, wednesday
kell and weiquan came that day!!!! gosh. it was like back to the pae days. like srsly luh. had hockey training. louisa and julia joined too!! sang the macdonald song during our running. damn funny luh. super tired after that. had dinner at lot one. i had my beef rice at pepper lunch!!!! nice nice nice nice nice. i love their food. especially the teriyaki salmon. kell and mine favourite :DDDDD couldn't stay long because mommy was rushing me home. and i got to bring my hockey stick back! bringing itt around makes me feel damn coolios. don't laugh okay. i never carry a hockey stick around before what. but i guess the novelty of this will waer off sooner or later. but still, just let my enjoy it la.
wanted to show dad the stick when i actually got a scolding the minute i opened the room door. wth. yea. i didn't even open my mouth. so much for wanting the say to end on a happy note.
6th march, today
weiquan came to meet me today. and omg. today was major gossiping session or something. ah ma gad. sophian, debbie, eunice and i were like talking about everyone and anyone in singapore. didn't go for our lessons except math. ponned pw and gp. breaks were like 1.5-2 hours long. thank god there was so much to talk about. oh wells. went to the area behing the sanctuary to study a little before slacking again. i just love that place. it really brings back loads of memories, be it those of laughter, tears or joy.
i guess i have to adjust myself to the people i'm getting to know and the environment i've chose to be in. it's not that bad after all. people don't revolve themselves around you and accepting them for who they are is what i've learnt to do now. as much as i miss my babes, life has to go on. and i'm glad that i have friends whom i can rely on, be it special ones or those whom i just got to know.
and and, the hold are approaching!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!