Sunday, March 30, 2008

suppose to meet the clique this fri. just received a msg that there will be training although it's gonna be half day on fri. ahhh. and the thing is tammie can make it this fri. double sigh. BOOOOO!!!!!!!! i just hope training for fri will start late. at least we can meet up for a quick lunch. ahhhhhhhh. it's damn saddening. haven't seen tammie for a long long time :(

Saturday, March 29, 2008

suddenly felt like posting all these pics. missing you guys a lot a lot:(( the times we shared the fun we had. i'll never forget chromium. dont why that part rhyms but for memory sake yea? enjoy.
loving you guys lots, forever and always,

Friday, March 28, 2008

though you think it's all cocked up and screwed up, i'm doing okay. all i hoped for was just a word of praise or encouragement from you. yet the first sentence that came out from your mouth just made me sink all the way down.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

i swear by the life that thursday is officially the killer day of the week. started off fresh and dead by the end of the day. ruiwei and i were doing some stuff for our locker and that piece of art is nice!!!! haha. yay. can put it on our locker tmr:D and then, as they day progressed, we got crankier and crankier. randomness start to set in and it's just silly laughter and hongkong accents all the way. haha. had to stay back in school to complete presentation for pw. we did it in 20min!!! yup. but this time definitely more slides and more effort put in i can say. well done girls:D haha.
met up with marc after that. that boy was feeling really down due to common tests results. but thank god it wasn't the As. so still have time to work hard:D you can do it!! now must become cao mugger already. haha. glad i could lift your spirits up a little. always here when you need me:D
ruiwei and my art piece :DD
(edited version of course, it's originally black and white)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

my recess today is the best one in the week so far. it clashed with huihan's, junwen's and marcus'. haha. haven't seen those two asses (jw and hh) for so long. they acc me to buy my chicken rice and started suaning me like there's no tmr. every sentence that came out from my mouth was retorted by huihan with a ''omg. see luh. you change already'' isit want to take knife anf stab him. haha. but haven't seen them for quite long given that we have after school activities plus we dont usually have regular recess clashes. so yea. we were doing a little catching up. gosh. i want the nine of us to go out again! TAMMIE SUI, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I MISS YOU A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!
hockey training at the pitch at the old police academy. i've got mud all over my body and that makes me feel like a rugger. all muddy and dirty. didn't bring my slippers. and i didn't have extra socks. had to go home praying i don't return with blisters. i fell down while running so that explains the dirtiness. haha. the walk back to the bus stop was treacherous and tiring. the few of us the 985-ers were screaming like nobody's business.
tree branch
fun fun fun. bused home with hannah while sylvia waited for penny.
got stupid chinese haven't do yet. got to go and do. got busted for opening locker without permission today. wth. yea. so homework. bye!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i think you are one guy who truly understands how i feel. gosh the things you've hit on like jackpot really amazes me. i'm glad that i let you know how i feel about certain things and in return, allow us to communicate with each other better. and you're making me love you even more. thanks!

Monday, March 24, 2008

school was okay today. hockey training was fun and tiring. some aching muscles here and there but that's about it.
the bus ride home today felt especially lonely. i don't know why but there was just this overwhelming feeling that i needed mommy and daddy to come fetch me from the bus stop. felt that i just needed them by my side. to walk me home at the very least. called home but no one answered. called mommy's hp and she said that she was bathing and hung up. so yea. walked home alone and saw daddy eating at the table. told him that i actually wanted him to walk me home from the bus stop. they used to do this when i was younger. sec one if i'm not wrong. but it stopped as i grew older. felt the need for independence and all that shit. however, today, i just wished i remained the littel girl i once was. maybe it's all the hmwk and blog spamming shit. i will not say that i am not giving two flying hoots to all that's happening around me but i'm comforted by the fact that there are ppl out there who love and care for me. was really sayang-ed when mommy told me that they still love me a lot. that was all that i wanted. just for a little attention, care and concern to be showered upon me.
daddy asked if there was anything wrong,.denied it but everything spilled out later on because i could no longer keep it within me. calling me a bitch, names and all. i don't really care. but i want more importantly is for my loved ones to be there when i need them the most, be it a shoulder to cry on or just a listening ear. told them all that has happened. what i hoped for weren't facts or live examples that are experiencing the same things as me but more of concern. not that they don't care about me.but it's not my fault that i'm called a bitch. it's not my fault that there are ppl out there who hate me so much. all i want is that all this will stop. i've had enough of all this shit.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

had project meeting. we finished in like half an hour luh. haha. went to coro and holland with ruiwei to find the class' jumper and pullover. met marcus after that before he went for his tuition.
gosh. that place sure holds a lot of memories for me.
really nice to sleep in your arms. hee.
i am so so tired.
woke up real early today just to complete my 10 rounds. i could barely open my eyes luh. dragged daddy to run with me. haha. thanks dad!
webcam conversation was so fun last night:DDD
now i'm missing you bad:(
today is officially daddy's 50th birthday. haha. last friday was just advanced birthday celebrations. I LOVE YOU DADDY!

Friday, March 21, 2008

so woke up at 9 today. met kell at tangs with her mom and dad to get my daddy's birthday present. that girl suppose to meet me at 11, and then changed the time to 1130 when i've already left my house.
we left for wheelock after that to get my eyebrows done. but didn't manage to do it cos we had to make an appt before coming. so yea. walked to fep to get my shoes, bag and dress but i left the place with a belt and leggings. didn't manage to get my bag cos i didn't have enough money with me:( shall get mom to see it tmr. hopefully. haha.
trained down to bugis to meet marcus. had pastamania and those two loggerheads. haha. omg. they suan each other like mad everytime they meet. damn funny luh. and that neh neh. haha. thought i prefered mint to the flavoured ones. but it's the thought that counts:))))))
shopped at bugis where i got my jeans and belt. yay! then we walked around to see if marcus' loafers were selling. they didn't have his size. somebody's feet big sial! haha. then was suppose to go dempsey but decided on kap instead cos eugene was gonna meet us and i bumped into yanyu, swong, tung and kyle. haha. small small world. happy to see them though. it's been so long. didn't want to stay there so we cabbed to irc. wth right. haha. cos kell couldn't walk anymore. yup. waited there before eugene came. separated for a while cos somebody wanted time alone. hee hee. but no worries. that's understandable. kell's mom called so we had to go. we were suppose to act like we didn't know the guys but ended up laughing all the way to the bus stop. gosh. that part was like super funny luh.
oh oh. and and WE FOUND OUR SECRET HIDEOUT TOO! haha. all written here in black and yellow. haha:DDDDD
celebrated daddy's birthday in advance today. feasted. gosh. fat fat and happy happy day:D

Thursday, March 20, 2008

it's been a few days since i've updated. haha. it's 20th feb today!!! ah ma mad. ONE MONTH ONE MONTH. school was so tiring since i had only three hours of sleep. was talking to marc on the phone so yea. hee. it's been so long since we've talked for hours. so the lessons were like never ending chores i had to go through. and i slept in econs lec. omg. i hope i don't miss out. thank god ruiwei offered her notes. thanks girl:)
the aniticipaton of 3.30pm to arrive was like crazy. i was dying already luh. and so, bused to lot one to meet marc and then, decided to go to city hall instead of causeway. the train ride didn't feel long though. all thanks to dearest marcus yeo! haha. we walked around before settling for pepper lunch at suntec. guess it wasn't dinner time yet hence to small crowd. kell and eugene dropped by silently later. and they didn't even tell me that they were going soon luh. that girl just appeared out of no where. marcus suan-ed kell again. haha. she's a gardener. so yea. but girl, no worries, i love you and your darling plants a lot a lot a lot. parted ways at new zealand natural and planned to meet at 730 back at city hall. but since marcus and i were heading to the esplanade, i let kell know that i would be busing back home from the bus stop nearby. went to the rooftop garden. nice place. hee. i enjoyed myself tremendously today. love ya marc!!
the present you gave seriously blew me away. haha. we even used the same pics. maybe for the same reasons too. we shall see!! thanks for everything! ONE MONTH ONE MONTH :DDD

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

orange juicec stalker

the tale of the orange squeeze stalker
omg. i love you mommy!!!! MWAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

mommy brought me for facial today. gosh. i'm still not used to ppl putting cream all the way down to my neck. i get all squirmish and ticklish. and not only that. it is painful. the woman was trying to remove my blackheads. they are gone now but what's left are red spots cos she tried to squeeze them out. pain i tell you. i was tearing and grasping my hand really tight together the whole time.
okay. it's really getting to me. all this nagging and disgusting remarks made by bryan. freaking crude luh. mom's nagging about studies. god. just because i'm not at my table doing my work does not mean that i have not done it. like what is it with all these ''ger, do not be lazy'', ''ger, you have to buck up'', ''ger, don't be like those a-level students who end up crying upon getting their results''. like what the shit. ugh. and that sickening ass, BRYAN LEE YI REN. i hereby announce that I DON'T LIKE YOU, in fact, i am beginning to dislike you very very much. if you continue your irritating and unruly behaviour, my dislike is going to turn to hate! GRRRRRR!!!!!!! what's with all the stupid words like ''dickhead'' and all that shit. why so cool???? well, it makes you look dumb. like srsly. it's just plain stupidity. if i don't get it off my chest, i am going to explode.
to ppl/things(cos you guys don't even there to leave your names) out there like ''anon'', ''passer-by'', ''know it all'', get your backs off my blog!! JUST GET LOST!!! go do your own little things and just omg. GET THE SHIT OUT OF HERE. why is it that you have to make comments about how i am and what i do? i am who i am and what shit is it to do with you? UGH!!! i am seriosuly on the verge of spilling and throwing vulgarities at you. you thank god i didn't. this is just so god damn sickening. is spamming and leaving stupid comments all you guys ever do? wow. maybe you guys can like form a club and leave comments on blogs of so called ''bimbotic'' ppl like me. you know what. you guys are just total idiots. period.

Friday, March 14, 2008

training today. tired tired tired. had lunch in school with louisa, hannah and yeanjun. jolene went off but she was gonna meet us later at queensway.
bused there to get our hockey stuff and omg. yeanjun was wanting the adidas stuff all the way. in the end, we settled for the nike shin guards and orange socks. i got my shoe bag and so did jun and hannah. jun was so happy when she got her shoe bag because it was hot pink and she bargained for it:) had to rush off to meet mommy and daddy at paragon. they were waiting to have dinner while settling some bank issues. i saw wq and ben on the way out. and speaking of which, they were on time. haha. after a quick hi and bye, i bused home.
had fish&co for dinner. omg. i am so not going to order the whatever swordfish with mango ever ever again. i thought it would be something like the dory or coriander catch but when they served me my main course, it was like two dark brown deep fried pieces of bony fish staring at my face. couldn't finish it in the end. it was really really two big for me. haha. mom and dad were like shooting me with what i said earlier on....
mom: why do you wanna order such a weird dish.
ger: life is all about taking risk:)
when my dish came....
ger: *stones at dish*
dad: so much for taking risk hor????
ger: *rolls her eyes*
yup. then we shopped around town for mom's lipstick and some products for my face because mom claims that there are two black patches on my face o.0 yea. wth. headed home after that. feeling really lazy and tired now so i think i'm gonna bed. NIGHT PEEPS!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

finally i could like wake up late today. haven't been able to enjoy my beauty sleep since the holidays started. had piano at two. went to meet marcus after that. we met at west mall and didn't know what to do there. so we bused to jurong point. i wanted to walk around there since i haven't really been there for a really long time and when we got there, i felt like going to a playground and he brought me there and sheltered me with his auntie-ish brolly. heehee. and since it was raining we couldn't play. wq called later on and i needed to leave soon. so i sent him home. yup! and then he sent me to the bus stop to take a bus back to jurong pt. haha. i enjoyed myself today:))))
to my dearest chromium, sorry for making you guys wait till your stomach growled and that we couldn't settle to fish&co. will make it up to you guys. and to kell, sorry about them finsihing your marshmellows! thanks for the lollipop though.
after waiting for like super long at fish&co, we decided to settle for sakae cos kell and i found a spot there for the 8 of us to squeeze in. ordered like super a lot of food only to cancel the sushi cos they lady told us that we might not be able to finish all of it since a lot of rice were inolved. and omg. the amount of tako yaki we ordered piled up like a mountain luh. pictures will be up soon:) we ate till we're so full and all the guys were starting to walk like ''L''. Seeing them again tmr!!!
you're the first that i've ever loved with all my heart.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

yest day was like a rushing day for me. kell came in the morning to do some admin stuff in ngee ann. had her passport photo taken and then we cabbed to ngee ann to submit her orientation form. oncec the cab turned in, we thought the uncle would not know where block one was but it turned out that block one was just to our right. we thought that the submittion of the form would take ages but it only took five mins. still i did not have time to spare. had a date to rush to. hee hee. cabbed to kell's house and thank god we got on it before it rained. damn heavy luh. and the two of us were talking literally like bimbos. then we got on this topic about the dunno what european union and ASEAN. and i went ''kell, btw do you know what's ASEAN?'' and she was like ''uh. i forogt hee'' and before the uncle alighted us he went'' you girls really don't know what us ASEAN? and we said we forgot. and he told us and i forgot three seconds later. haha. my short term memory served me well:)
met marcus after that to catch the leap years. felt so bad making him wait for like one hour:( ahhh. but the movie was nice ppl out there! must go catch it yea:) had long john after that. gosh. it's been so long since i ate long john. that boy brought along his mom's umbrella because it was raining. haha. auntie-ishly cute:) i had to leave after the movie that to rush home and change. was going clubbing later. so yea. kell prepared everything for me when i got home. she's really a dear. hee. THANKS GIRL! he dad fetched us to toa payoh to catch a train down to town where kell went to meet her friends while i went to meet the guys first.
ITS MY FIRST TIME!!!! yea. fun fun fun. haha. anyhow, when we got there, gosh the queue was so long!!!! and we didn't know that there was a dance competition going on. and this lady actually told us to fill up our entry card and she'll help us jump queue. that got us excited for a moment. julius and huihan even went to grand copthorne to get a pen. wth. haha. we were one of the few ppl who managed to get in earlier. but we waited like for one our plus before the competiton started. omg. and we had to wait again for them to remove the stage so we could have a bigger dance floor. and then ppl started streaming in and before we knew it, the dance floor was so packed that we were squashed like sardines. there were ppl trying to dance their way through and hui han was trying to dance/push them away. hahahaha. omg. super funny!! there was a pt in time where we couldn't take it we decided to leave the dance floor. the platform above the dance floor was so much more cooling and less stuffy too. enjoyed myself. and i saw lots of ppl too:) had to leave early cos i had training later on that morning. boo. still had a fun time dancing there.
kell, myself and joan
this was with lena(girl on extreme left)
group photo!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

HOHOHO! i'm feeling really happy today. cos i had hockey training and then i went to have subway to have my lunch. speaking of which, i spent the same amount of money as hannah but i wasn't full. wth. i went to marcus' place to give him a surprise!!!! haha. and of course he was surprised. for that moment, he didn't believe that i was outside his doorstep. and now i'm home :))))) was suppose to meet kell but i didn't since i'm gonna meet her tmr anyway. so yea. can't wait for tmr:DDDD
what's up with you and the aircon thing?

Sunday, March 09, 2008

i'm still very very full even though dinner was like two hours ago. daddy just opened a box full of books and because they were wrapped in bubble plastic, the both of us threw it on the floor and started stepping on it. mommy joined in after that. and so did our domestic helper. hee hee. it was super funny!! cos the sound of the bubble bursting was like the sound of us farting. wth. yea. that was just for laughs. that aside. i have to get back to my work. baaaah!!!!! BYE!!
random. super random.
so. what am i doing now?
i'm eating a chicken wing.
i'm listening to nick lachey's i can't hate you anymore
i'm typing with one hand because the other hand is holding my chicken wing.
i can't wait for tmr because there's hockey training.
i am super super hungry.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

okay. super random. but i've got some chinese new year photos that've yet to be posted. so here they are :)
monkey face
birthday boy
okay. so i've decided to blog. was at kell's place just now. when i got there, she was about to go running with her dad. so i spent my time finishing her oreos and sweets. haha. and my eyes were gonna pop out from using the com for too long. srsly. i was bored to tears already. that girl was so sticky and sweaty when she got home. my boredness got me a little cranky and i took loads of random photos when she got back home. haha. had asean kitchen for dinner. the food was damn nice!!! kell and i ate until our stomachs were about to explode. bused home after that. tired tired day.
some random conversations we had in the car
ah yi: eh dear, kellyn is teaching ger econs leh uncle simon: how can? oh wait. kellyn got P1 for econs right? kell: what P1? uncle simon: didn't you get P1(A1) for your econs? ger and kell: -.- uncle simon: geraldine!! how come you got no tests? ger: lessons haven't start proper. uncle simon: so how's punggol for you? ger: HUH!!! what punggol? kell: daddy, you mean pioneer? ah yi: hahahaha. PUNGGOL JUNIOR COLLEGE. sorry we forgot the college's name. kell's not studying there anymore so we erase the name from our hard drive. ger: wth. kell: eh. you got a new ring? ger: *looks at my finger* what ring? kell: shit. i just realised it was your ear piece. i was wondering why it's so fluffy ger: *please kill me now* uncle simon: so we're eating dintaifung? later eat until feng man. AH MA GAD!! i can just die of laughter la. PHOTOS!
with granny!
kell's cup since dunno when
her messy table
daddy repairing some switch.
og25 shirt. i was thinking why it was 5062 -.-
our mom's. GLAMAROUS!
smell the flowers girl:)
love this girl to bits!
gosh. i'm so tired. i don't have energy to lift my fingers. shall blog tmr. night!
the release of the a level results happened yest. the school did relatively well. there were many improved students. the j2s went to the hall to witness the release of the results. i went with hannah and jojo to the sanctuary to see. took peekchas of the huge student body from above. they look like black and white spots though.
he got back his chinese results that day :( mug hard then play hard kay:) i was trying to get to him but the stupid cafe no reception one. but at least soccer made him feel better. gonna miss you loads!
had hockey training after that. we went to ccab to train. gosh. the pitch is so big luh. we only played half court and we were so tired. right now, i'm having a very very bad butt ache. but good. it tones my butt. muahahahah. and when we were cooling down, the sprinklers came on and somebody shouted ''WATER!!!''. everybody started screaming and running. damn funny la! omg. haha. bused back home with hannah and yeanjun. the stupid 67 took so long to come. we missed two buses cos one just flew by us and the other was full. we ran after the bus and it still didn't stop. idiot. but i still had a fun day:)
that's jojo's finger.
fishball hannah!!
secret secret!
they're the reason why every hockey training is so fun.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

5th march, wednesday
kell and weiquan came that day!!!! gosh. it was like back to the pae days. like srsly luh. had hockey training. louisa and julia joined too!! sang the macdonald song during our running. damn funny luh. super tired after that. had dinner at lot one. i had my beef rice at pepper lunch!!!! nice nice nice nice nice. i love their food. especially the teriyaki salmon. kell and mine favourite :DDDDD couldn't stay long because mommy was rushing me home. and i got to bring my hockey stick back! bringing itt around makes me feel damn coolios. don't laugh okay. i never carry a hockey stick around before what. but i guess the novelty of this will waer off sooner or later. but still, just let my enjoy it la.
wanted to show dad the stick when i actually got a scolding the minute i opened the room door. wth. yea. i didn't even open my mouth. so much for wanting the say to end on a happy note.
6th march, today
weiquan came to meet me today. and omg. today was major gossiping session or something. ah ma gad. sophian, debbie, eunice and i were like talking about everyone and anyone in singapore. didn't go for our lessons except math. ponned pw and gp. breaks were like 1.5-2 hours long. thank god there was so much to talk about. oh wells. went to the area behing the sanctuary to study a little before slacking again. i just love that place. it really brings back loads of memories, be it those of laughter, tears or joy.
i guess i have to adjust myself to the people i'm getting to know and the environment i've chose to be in. it's not that bad after all. people don't revolve themselves around you and accepting them for who they are is what i've learnt to do now. as much as i miss my babes, life has to go on. and i'm glad that i have friends whom i can rely on, be it special ones or those whom i just got to know.
and and, the hold are approaching!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

3 march, monday
i went for hockey training!! so so fun. omg. hannah super funny when she plays. thanks for running with me jolene:) met loads of nice ppl there. yea and then waited for marcus before heading home. this time it was my turn to tell the stories. short ones. haha. as compared to yours :)))
4 march, tuesday, today
lessons today. yea. as per normal. can't say they were much fun. well, lectures are not fun to begin with. and new words ''recalled'' today!
mum mum - eating
kaka - insect
kaikai - shopping
orhorh - sleeping
pongpong - bathing
omg. this is so childish but we are bored ppl. please be understanding. haha. this is what a 2 hour break can actually do. bought the college's polo tee. gosh. it's so small luh. might get the bigger size tmr. and and i went for chinese!!! haha. and i didn't fall asleep. the teacher was talking about don't know what peranakan thing. some baba and nonya. yea. could get the gist of it:)
went to vivo after school. couldn't really find a place to sit. cos we didn't want our shirts to get dirty. settled at the spot we sat the last last time we came. it's been kinda long since we went there together already. slacked around. and it was time to go home. was so worried cos 61 took so long to come. had piano at like 6.45 and it was 6 already. so yea. the bus ride normally takes 45mins. it was slightly shorter this time. so phew. we were looking for the cat which has been at the void deck since very very long ago. it only came after i left:( and so i played with it and had to rush home. and you stole something from me!!!! haha. training tmr. yay!! looking forward to it:)))))

Sunday, March 02, 2008

gosh. weekends are like time for me to rot at home and pig out. went to get my haircut. mom said it was okay but i still prefer my old hair. why did i go and cut it in the first place??? ugh. NEHMIND! it's done. just wait for it to grow then. suppose to meet kell and nette after that but didn't cos i had to be home early. walked around holland for a while. i got a junper for 10 BUCKS!!!! AH MA GAD!!! cheap cheap cheap. i feel like going back there to get some more clothes. haha. and those little shops. they sell nice stuff. too bad mom wasn't there. would have bought them if i had enough cash with me. boo.
anyway, reached home and slacked around. did math tutorials. gosh the way i do my math is disgusting man! i can write one line of working, go downstairs to get an ice cream, sit in front of the com doing nonsense, finish my ice cream and write another line and then lie on my bed for half an hour, write another line, play with my handphone, and after that, complete one question. then start on a question, talk on the phone with kell, wei quan and huihan before i write another line of working. I PROUDLY DECLARE THAT I'M BORN A SLACKER! haha. okay. i'm just lazy luh.
dad went all the way to kallang just to buy noodles for my bro and i to eat. everytime he asks me if i want to eat the prawn noodles from serangoon or that char siew noodles from kallang, i'll say no or anything. but most of the time i end up finishing the food and leave none for him to eat. hee. sorry. so he always buys a packet extra just in case. LOVE YA!
i know you guys are gonna slap me for saying this but i've been eating and i can't help but feel a teeny weeny bit...okay. i'm gonna say it. i'm really gonna say it. really saying it now! i'm not kidding! kay. here goes! *deep breaths* FAT! haha. but only for today!!! it will go in a matter of minutes. cos i'm not moving about. so yea.
missing you!!
ps. blog's not gonna have poictures for a while cos my camera is under repair. boo!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

i'm pissed. ugh.
i was to tired to blog yesterday. so here i am. it was cross country yest. had so much fun. especially when running with junwen. haha. zomg! we should run tgt again some time:))))
there is a fragile side to everyone. i'm glad that you had my towel. haha. as much as it looked funny on your grassy head, it still served a purpose :)) last night i got to know you better. and i'm glad that you told me all these. you always said you got cry smiling and i know you always try your best to do so ( my mama said so long i try my best it's okay) hee. this was the first time i faced something like this and if being there for you is what you need, i'll do it. the place we went sure holds a lot of memories for us. haha.
oh. and to the person who loves to revolve her/his life around me, STOP SPAMMING MY TAGBOARD! can't you do it on someone else's blog. this is so stupid.