Thursday, January 15, 2009

school "blues"

so my first week of school has started.
i'm still trying to fit the 615 alarm into my body clock because i just can't seem to wake up on time and hence coming in late for two alternate days-.-
first day of school and i was already running as fast as i could to the gate, praying it doesn't shut in my face with julius, ben and junyang-.-
so anyway. s13 got disbanded and some of them joined my class. apparently it was like 6 girls and a guy i think. it's already the fourth day of school and i still don't know all their names except for four.
OH! and i got caught for my hair too! haha. by the indian teacher/uncle who always "takes care" of the late students. but but he was exceptional nice luh! i was expecting him to shout at me or something. he just told me to dye my hair back. it's a darker brown now. haha. other that, i'm safe:D
and and ruiwei and i got pencil cases with the same designs!!!!! so coincidental right!:D
PE today was karazee! i literally pushed louis from the back so that he could pass his 2.4km timing. but still failed by 1.5mins. but good try though! cameron yao was being an total asshole. making dirty jokes out of louis and i. i shall spare the details.
and because i had multiple earrings on my right ear, they kind of shined because of the sun. he asked if i had more than one earring on and i showed him, with the earrings still there and said no and he really believed!!!! OMGGGGGGG!!!!! hahahaha. and he talked to me and all without asking if i dyed my hair. hahahaha. i know i shouldn't rejoice so soon but i escaped once again:D
i hope this luck will stay with me considering my dyed hair and my problematic skirt(:
anyhoo, i feel like my studying engine is getting warmed up. i hope it continues though. because life's gonna be so boring without my partner in class:(
went to town with weiquan today to settle some "matters". i was so concerned with whether it will be the right fit that weiquan got so tired of my indecisive choices. haha. but we decided on the red one in the end. NOT THE YELLOW ONE:( but the red one will do equally fine. wondering what i'm talking about? can't disclose until tmr!!! haha.
and the most wonderful thing that happened today was that i could use the stupid sentence that the clique always use on me "ARE YOU DUMD OR JUST DUMB?!" on LIMWEIQUAN!!!! haha. because he was just plain dumb. oh wells. enjoyed myself today:DDDD
i hope tomorrow will be a better day!
kay. toodles!