Thursday, January 29, 2009

i hate needles

school out's for me unlike some ass who self proclaimed an off for them today. haha.
anyhoo, 13 hours of sleep for me was definitely enough to get my whole afternoon going. finished up schoolwork and had my favourite noodles for brunch:D
weiquan came to visit after. takoballs were yummilicious. had lots of fun with that ass cos my whole afternoon was just work work work. a little colour added to my mundane afternoon always helps. the pictures that i was sent were really sexy. i shall not elaborate lest i blurt the whole thing out. but it's a useful tool against that special someone!(:
no more makeup for me till my eye fully recovers because of that stupid infection. shucks. that afternoon yesterday was really scary. thankfully mummy was with me. i think i squeezed her hand a little too tight though. oh wells. that needle was really big:(