Saturday, January 17, 2009

bernette, weiquan and tammie came down to pj yesterday to celebrate julius' birthday. hahahaha. the look on his face was damn funny when he saw wq and nette. it's like a kid whose mummy just bought him ice cream! we gave him his $2 car which i dropped and the chapalang birthday card made from foolscap paper. we deliberately left the price tag there to fool him. haha. last minute work always makes a huge difference.
anyhoo, he seemed really contented with the the "surprise" that wq, tammie and bernette actually came down to pj. (kell couldn't make it cos she had stuff on:( )when everybody was there, we gave him his actual birthday present which was the remote control ferrari:D
it's sleek and cool kay!!(: but two huge scraches were already on the car before he played it cos of huihan and ben. at least everyone was happy(:
then i had to rush for training. after that, dinner at cafe cartel.
we made so much noise thanks to tammie's and my laughter. i could feel everyone's stares on us. but what the heck. we were having our own fun so mind your own beehive(:
i borrowed a camera from ruiwei and we started taking pictures, really stupid ones with our fingers, specs, hands. bascially any random shit we could find. haha.
the day ended nicely. everyone happy and all.
so that was my friday(:
photos up soon when i get can load the pics up to my com.
I NEED A NEW CAMERAAAAA!!!!! anyone wanna buy me one??:D