Thursday, October 28, 2010

yesterday saw Rains and I dolling Pakern up. Ultimate cos-play cute jap boy! Hahaha. But yea he's from hong kong. And that was also before he went to do something to his fringe. He came up later that night with Rains with a new hair cut which totally went wrong-.-
See, Rains, Kelvin, Jason and I left for St' James Park for a soccer match - Newcastle United Vs. Arsenal.
Honestly, I have never heard of Newcastle United before and so I supported Arsenal all the way. And they won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha. I saw Vela, No. 11, Striker, and uh, yea I only know this player. Haha. Not really a soccer fan. But anyways, when they scored, I screamed and everybody stared. Obviously I was in the wrong place because our tickets got us in the Newcastle United fan base yup. But the epic thing was Rains and I saw these two guys trying to get everyone to cheer for Newcastle United and yea, every time they tried, they just failed. hahahaha. You guys should have seen the Arsenal fan base. OMG. So little people, but with so much heart for their favourtie football team... oh yea the score. 0-4.
okay photos.
first up, Pakern's make-over(:
 nice huh, this photo. (:
 that's jason and kelvin
  arsenal fan base. they only take up that part of the stadium!
 so yup. a part of my night from 745-930!