Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just skyped with kellyn and my family - grandma, aunts and uncles and baby cousins.
They miss me very much :D:D:D:D:D
Went to Sunderland with Rains to settle our hsbc stuff. Reason being that the one that Eldon Square had a power failure. omg-.- So we took the Metro for half and hour complaining and whining that we didnt bring our cameras etc. haha. a fun little outing we had there together(:
I skipped the initial plan of macaroni soup for dinner today. Feeling very lazy. The washing up of dishes especially...settled for some instant noodles instead.
I got my dhl parcel just yesterday. So... more clothes and my textbooks and notes from junior college. I hope it will come in handy! anddddd speaking of clothes. Omg, the closet that I have cannot contain all of my clothes... OW HOW HOW! I guess i need to re-organize all my stuff again! I can't wait for the week after next!!!! SHOPPINGGGGGGG - MORE CLOTHES AND SHOES!!!!((((((((((((((:
Because its activity week. There won't be the need to attend classes, but we would have assignments to complete. Good time to consolidate all my content!! and shop! haha.
I am feeling very tired now.
So I'm gonna finish up my work and head to bed!! gonna get up early for a run tomorrow morning!!!(: