Saturday, April 05, 2008

so.... i didn't go to school yest. hee. it's halfday anyway. so yea. met kell and nette at 10.30. weiquan couldn't make it for breakfast so we met him at the mrt station instead. trained to potong pasir mrt station and walked to sa to meet tammie. omg. the journey to sa was treacherous okay. we were sweating like nobody's business plus the fact that the security guard was not so very nice. so yea. it was only 1230-ish then so tammie couldn't leave the school. we waited outside for her and wq played with my hockey stick. it was as if we were having some kind of illegal gathering outside sa cos the four of us piled our bags at the huge tiled area opposite sa and started walking here and there as thought it was our turf. haha. we asked if we could go into the school and the security guard "kindly" refused us. in the end, we walked to the coffee shop next to sa while waiting for tammie to leave. and just when we thought she was going to leave, her mom came to pick her up:( couldn't talk but it was comforting to know that we were gonna meet her later that night:D
the heat from the sun was srsly unbearable. so we cabbed from potong pasir mrt to wisma. talked at starbucks and then walked to cine to eat pastamania. had to leave for training at 4 plus. gosh, for a small ass like mine, i got a huge maxi cab all to myself. kell told me to move my butt all around the cab so that all the seats are taken up. well technically. -.- the uncle didn't know how to get to the hockey village and the dumb thing is i was lingering only tens of metres away from the place. yes. we had a friendly with jj. rushed home after that only to know that kell and the guys just finished their movie. thanks guys!!
tammie came first. went to the playground to wait for the rest to come. gosh. i miss that girl like alot alot alot. so we were doing a little bit of catching up here and there before the rest came.
dinner started when nette came from ballet and yay!! the clique was reunited :DDDDD omg. this is like one the rare days that we actaully get to sit down and talk crap. omgomgomgomg. really enjoyed myself yest and i can't wait for the next meeting:D
some pictures taken while waiting for tammie.
i've never regretted knowing each and everyone of you...
weiquan's gross nails.haha.
what's life without you guys:D
thank you guys for everything...