Monday, April 14, 2008

i think today is one of the days where i sweat till my hair is so soaked. it looked like i just bathed. like soaked in sweat. ew. anyway, met giny, atina and qianru during recess. giny and atina was bitch fitting like nobody's business. haha. damn funny.
wanted to skip math tut but failed:(
and during math tut....
ger: gosh. why do we even have to learn maclaurins? ugh.
ruiwei: to confuse ourselves and to forget it later in life *:)*
ger: ????
PE - long jump. i was auntie molly!!! haha. yes. i just love sweeping the sand:D couldn't jump because of my back :( but still i enjoyed sweeping the sand!!!
i'll never forget the warm embrace of your hand.