Wednesday, April 02, 2008

1st april, tuesday
it's been long since the last entry. i can't wait to see tammie dearest on friday!!! haha. it's been ages since i've last seen her.
went out with marc, eugene and kell yest. the sole purpose was to get my shin guards and socks. the uncle just refused to sell it to me at $20. but in the end he did luh. haha. all thanks to the guys bargaining skills. but it was so maluating luh. we thought we could get the same pair of shin guards at $20 at another shop but when i called penny to double check, she said it was the shop i just stepped in to -.- omg. we didn't know where to put our faces man. and and i've been to penisula plaza before!!!! i was thinking it was some ulu place. it's not really that ulu though. skinnies sold there are cheap i heard. and i think i'm gonna get more stuff from there. not shopped enough yet:) long john-ed at marina before that. was so excited to see kell cos she went on her wonderful taiwan trip while i'm studying my ass off here. haha. but it's not all bad:) just miss her loads. and i was almost mistaking every girl who walked past long john as her luh. wth. was doing a bit of catching up when that eugene ass pulled her away. idiot. haha. i'm so sorry kell but you were mine first kay:D
headed to esplanade after getting my hockey loots. we were walking in a straight line, holding each others' hands. super funny luh. trying not to get cut by ppl and all. chilled at the screening room at the esplanade library for a while. watched godzilla. left at 7ish for home. i had a lot of fun that day:DDD
today, 2nd april
lessons were as per normal. trying my hardest not to doze off in chinese class but omg. i just couldn't help myself. Mrs Ng was staring her eyes wide at me :X it was only then did i open my eyes real wide but after that it just felt like there were ten rocks onb my eyelids. pfft. thank god there was a one hour break after that.
we had pitched training at ntu today. leanrt new stuff practised the old ones. had a game after that. omg. 3-1!!! haha. but the last shot was taico one luh. still it was a score. NEH!!! bused to boon lay interchange with hannah, jo, and jun. we were all sitting there and then suddenly, jo just burst out laughing. haha. it was until she told us what happened that we all laughed. ppl turned back to stare at us. oopsie. bought my macdonalds. while walking out of jurong pt, hannah malu-ed herself. haha. step until so happy some more. you know what i'm talking about:D
campaigning and elections for student council starts today. wishing kegan and sonstance all the best of luck. o8so7 will support you guys:DDD
kegan and constance
ruiwei and my specs. randomness luh. haha
mommy bought this for me. it's a present:D
beloved 08s07
something from taiwan:)))