Wednesday, January 02, 2008

what the hell. confused over subject combination. ugh. stupid la. the damn jc only gave us one day to make our selection. -_-lll. but what the heck. only going there for 3 weeks. and yes. i am so not going back there man. orientation group sucks to the max man. some oopish rara ppl who threatened to move my hands to do the desired actions of the cheer. man, all the st margs ppl like dispeesed settlement la. one in each ''city'' can. then that chang the best, leave halfway. haha. heng kay min didn't go too. if not i die. can't wait for orientation to be over man. maybe tmr might be a more rara day but i doubt so la. see the ppl in my group and you'll know why. seeing the peeps today did make the mood lighter though. missing them so much :(
everybody's getting vexed over everything. can just laxing a bit not. so tension for what. but anyway, all will be over la. before you know it. i hope.