Thursday, January 31, 2008

i attended lessons today in snooze mode. damn funny luh. kay min and i wanted to pon bio tut. because it was right after flag raising, we had to walk around to stall for time first. then at the second level, we saw one of the bio teachers. our class was split into two for bio. so yea. we took out the timetable and pretended to not know where our class was. in fact, our class was just opposite where we were standing. just as she left, we wanted to run for the sanc but our bio teacher came -_-lll. had no choice but to attend lessons coz she saw us. went back to class. everybody occupied the second row. kay and i had to just sit in front. and omg. she resembles dolores umbridge from harry potter luh. that's why i'm so scared of her. eerybody laughed at us for our failed attempt to pon bio tut. thanks guys. chem lec was next. omg. stoned all the way. kay nodded all the way. haha. and she woke up with a jump. damn funny luh. ponned math tut. couldn't take it anymore. huihan stayed with me in then canteen till wei quan and kell came. kell and i came. bernette had to leave early:( we headed for the sanc later on. uno stacko and heart attack. haha. and omg. PSP!! haha. i got first okay!!! pasar malam with kell and marcus after that. haha. the chicken wing was damn nice!!! i'm buying it again tmr:D thanks for waiting with us!!
okay the pics.


my babes. :))))

love this pic so much :)

ben, jules, bern, weiquan


with kell and huihan

bern, kell and wq

it really hurt leh!!

hey lexy sexy!!

with tammie:))))

we tried to pull ben into the water and his undies were wet too. hahahaha.

then, it was my turn.

with huihan, kell and wei quan

the fight of the reds. hahahaha.

hui han was all wet!!!

jules was next!!

with bernette:DDD

they were weiquan and huihan's shoes. we could literally fit another tennis ball inside. haha.

my face looks weird. but it was the nicest i had.

i had a fun fun day with them!!!!! really enjoyed myself. looking forward to the next outing:D love you guys to bits luh!