Thursday, January 10, 2008

do you think animals have souls? haha. at mitch's house now. i guess this is one incident that the four of us will never forget. well, at least we were there with her. it's better than her being alone luh. and gosh, the weather really ''complimented'' the scene that took place. ok. what happened? mitch's much loved bunny has died. wth. she got it only like yest night. we came over to her place to help her find it. searching high and low only to hear amanda saying, '' MITCH!!! I FOUND THE BUNNY!'' not in an exclaimed and excited voice of course. we all thought it was still hopping and alive. all well. but what can you expect when the rabbit's found in the drain and mitch lives at the fourth storey of the block, the highest level some more. ox and mitch cried like shit. scotch (the rabbit's name) was found with its half of its body flattened. then it started raining. it became heavier when mitch wanted to bury it. the rain stopped when we went back to her house. we all emo-ed together for a while. although this, it's baffling man. how it jumped out and all. but we figured it ran up her couch and jumped out. MITCH!!! REMEMBER TO CLOSE YOUR WINDOW MAN!!! she might be getting another mini lop. don't be so sad k :)))) always here for you :))))))