Friday, January 18, 2008

orientation gathering for all j1s today. the atmosphere was damn high. potluck. my og only bought pizza and drinks. but still, we ate all the food. had scavenger hunt. we were suppose to get stuff for to win. and one of it was to catch the councillors. in the course of catching yang yi, i fell down :( thanks you for dressing my wound guys. and omg. love my OG man. it was so weird coz i was sitting like in the midst of all the people in the parade square. so they moved me to the canteen. then coz we bought cake for out ogl, my OG moved a table to where i was sitting and we cut the cake for our ogls. then came the cake smashing part. all of us kena the thing luh except zhi kai and yihuai. thanks ah. had fun dance and mass dance. screaming our lungs out all the way. letting it all lose. we sang the colleege anthem, some songs and cheers and then it was time to pack up and go home.
waited outside the school for tammie and bernette to go home before leaving. some irritating ppl decided to set a frog on us. it's freaking BIG luh!!!! i couldn't move so my basic instinct was to scream. wth. kell was damn scared too. alex got damn angry. wei quan and hui han wanted to confront them. but we didn't want a fight to occur. as soon as bernette left, we left the college. we saw the guys waiting for us along the roadside. then, as we were walking to the bus stop, they followed us. it's freaking scary man!! kell and i held hands all the way. at the bus stop, there was some starring going on. gosh. hui han looks damn scary when he stares. then wei quan decided to confront them coz he didn't want trouble on mon. he's in the same class with those ppl. that's why. so everything settled luh. they apologised and all. so yea. my appetite for mac is back :)))) we had concoctions of chilli sauce and barbecue sauce. gross luh. julius gave kell and i a lift home on cab coz he didn't want to be locked out. thanks :)))
the picture is still nice with or without you, alex. haha.
thanks to them, every second spent in school is worth the while :)
NICE CAKE!!! but used for smashing ppl's face. hahahaha.
OG 27!!!! i love you guys!
we are da bombxzxzxzxzxz!!
the clique!! haha.
love you guys to the max!!! :))))))))