Tuesday, January 08, 2008

okay. had freaking PE today. ugh. they made us run some freaking 3.2km. wth. the 1st lesson like that already. some more is mass PE. gosh. some zhai ppl run with the teacher. there were 5 teachers there. they were suppose to split up and run amongst us but in the end all run in front. -_-lll. thanks ah. they pushing us from the front. haha. after a while, ppl started slowing down and walking. then at the finish, all those walking ppl chiong all the way. wah seh!! like damn pro like that. haha. the next class was bio. three words. OH MY GOD!!! it's freaking alien language man. wth. i didn't get like 70% of what the teacher was talking. kay minn and i were dosing off already. the slip i had from my table really woke me up though. then concentration all the way. but wth. althought this, didn't really get what she was talking. anyways, GP was next. lecture was quite fun. haha. went for lunch after that at thai nood. miss auntie's noodle like shit man. mitch, mad, ox, amanda and stacey was there. haven't seen those peeps for damn long.
mom's controlling me like shit. ugh. what is it with parental control man? i mean we were suppose to be gien ore freedom at this age and like now why do i feel like it's lesser than ever. even a lunch after school she made a huge effing fuss. and now i'm blogging, they think i have some problems in school. -_-lll. hanging out is what i do best. why can't they just face it. and school has not even really began on proper. and she's already like that. taking every cahnce i can to meet up with friends just in case school gets more hectic and meet ups start to decline faster than ever. gosh. when can they just loosen the tight hold they have man.