Sunday, December 30, 2007

30 december, sunday, evening

went to jewel box for dinner today. omg!!! damn nice!!! the view was awesomeness manzzzz!!!!!!!! hahaha. thanks for the dinner guys. oh and the lychee martini!!! haha. uhm uhm!!! the best man!!

the scenery was awesome!

shuddup. i just like this picture.

camwhorezzzz buddies

nice night scene!!!

thanks for the dinner gurl!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Indian Nipple Song


Indian Nipple Song


OO. THIS SENTENCE. how many times have i heard it huh. so dominating for what. everybody has their own lives to lead. why can't you just get out of mine?

boring day. suppose to go ice skating. damn. i missed another time to ice skate.ahhh. but there's always another time :) i hope... went to visit grandma today. so yea.

went to the library. returned books, borrowed new ones, bought new ones. just can't get enough of reading. dad bought pirated CDs from sungei road. quality no bad. watched transfromers again. haha. although not the first time watching alr, still loved it:)

oh. and jackie showed me this video. omg. damn freaking funny. i laughed until stomach pain la. ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fart'' wth. see it for yourself :)

this video is called ''INDIAN NIPPLE SONG''

Friday, December 28, 2007

FINALLY!!! got to see my dearies. haha. wth la. that stupid jr stood me up for 2 hours. called melv and jackie. all of us thought something happened to him. and the fact was he got robbed of his newly bought phone. we were so worried la. melv came to meet me first. ate macs. friend's whereabouts not known still got mood to eat. i sat in front of him and okay, i got hungry. cannot blame me hor. i didn't eat my lunch. haha. the call from the public phone came and i heard jr's voice. walau. freaking relieved can. no news for 2 hours since 12. all of us damn ''chua sai'' can. haha. melv was like ''i'm damn scared i will lose my best friend''. awwww...i hope you do mean it :) went to play pool despite jr's mood. haha. he did brighten up. that's good rather than the long face. i lost to both of them. yes. my pool skills suck but not that bad okay. a few balls still went in. went to meet jackie after that. her sis bought barcardi/bacardi and long island tea for us. the peach flavoured one damn nice. haha. melv got a bit stoned. face damn red la, after half of his long islang tea was gone. but it was like 11% alcohol content. i tried, nice taste for that kind of drink but i don't like it. heng right. he was on the verge of being drunk la. lie on jr like shit when on the cab to heeren. haha. i didn't get drunk hor :)))) jackie's one was some raspberry vodka. tasted like cough serup but not bad. but i still like my bacardi. haha. try different flavour next time :))) ohhhh. and HOOCH!!! fun day althought short one, coz i had to meet mom and dad for dinner -_-lll. i'll see you guys soon!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

chilled at ox's house for a while today. her cat is damn cute. haha. my keropok damn hot demand can. even her pets loved it. thanks for the stuff ox. from aust i mean. call from heiting to watch ''i am legend''. thought it was at 4.15pm. when we got on the cab, jared called to say that it was at 5.15pm. i didn't watch in the end. when to ps in chill. for one hour plus plus. met kell and shermaine at ps. COINCIDENTALLY. haha. left when the rest went to watch movie.
got a damn good lecture from mom and dad. don't ask me why. eyes damn sore now. going to sleep now. night guys.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

hot pink bikes!!!
at the beach

derek's drunk face.

their nest.

25th december CHRISTMAS and ox comes back tuesday

okay. the gang came at around 1am. they bought vodka and hooch. walau, all don't let me drink sia. :( but in the end still got la. a bit. the hooch damn nice. omg. the vodka even nicer!!!!! they wanted to camp at the playground. but didnt in the end. derek drank 1/4 of the bottle of vodka. and got drunk. face so red la. damn scared my parents will find out they were drinking. my maid did. coz of kyle. ox kept on telling me not to drink. haha. read below...

ox: you better not drink ah.

i took the cup

ox: omg. you better not cross the boundary ah

i drank again

ox: omg. you cross the limit already la!!!

i drank again

ox: walau. you cross the customs la!!!


ox: wth. you cross customs without passport sia!!

i finished derek's leftovers. haha

we dragged derek down to the playground for fear that he would wake the whole house up. then. everybody went back up to my room. tried to sleep but that bum took up so much space. i guess i can understand why so many ppl were so pissed when i got drunk. haha. i'm not pissed but i kow the feeling. haha. sorry guys :) and then. in the wee hours, kyle drank more and he too got drunk. kept on babbling about somee bangla. he wanted to slit his throat and let the blood ooze out like crazy until his last heavy breath. and derek added on '' and you'll cut his balls and ask nige to come and play ping pong...pinky ponky pinky ponky'' -_-lll. wth. he repeated it throughout the night. can die man. and that derek. omg. hogged the whole bed. and i wanted to like drink hooch in the morning. snatched kyle's bottle. he was so agitiated sia. derek and him were desperately trying to take the bottle from me. everybody camped in the living room in the end. their nest was damn funny. mom bought breakfast for them and then went back to sleep again.

later that evening, met kell at east coast. we went cycling. hth-ed. camwhored. and because of that, we only had twenty mins to cycle all the way back. perspiring like shit. but the wind damn nice. we were all the way at the other end. so yea. mom damn impatient. kept on calling every five mins. and we were like alr on the way. and then went to hawker centre for dinner. the ppl wanted to kop our side. haha. heng i got there first. thanks me guys. haha. ate to our hearts content!!! YUM! damn nice!!!! food rockxzxzxzxzxz!!!!


26th dececmber wednesday

had class gathering today. met ox siyi and sandra first. went to town to meet the rest. haha. it started raining halfway and when we barely even started, phyllis and grace left. then followed by the five of us. was supposedly suppose to catch I AM LEGEND. but missed the 8 o clock show. so we waited at lido for derek to come. he was like the pimp la. and we were the bitches. haha . but anyways, went to dempsey's. damn nice. haha. at first, couldn't find ben and jerry's then we walked and finally located it. got to know the owner of the place and got free ice cream!! omg. that flavour he gave was damn nice. haha. some jamaica thing. but only one free scoop la. don't think so much. haha. camwhored damn a lot. we were like some tourists can. kept on putting on the thumbs up pose whenever we took a shot. wth. lots of random photos btw. it'll be up real soon. something wrong with my photo thing. walked a long way to the bus stop. walau. damn far la. cabbed home. fun day. damn tired. k. going to sleep now. goodnight :)

Monday, December 24, 2007





okay. so i had dinner. waiting for the rest to come to my place. kell and family just left. shermaine and shannen has grown sooooo much. haha. omg. and shannen's hair is damn nice!!! princess curls. ahhh. they seem so hyper, the two girls. i am already tired before they flop. had our own countdown party. haha. waited to twelve. freaking anti climax la. we wanted to count but when we decided to do so, it was alr past twelve. so pretend a bit count some 10987654321. MERRY CHRISTMAS thing. haha. but anyway, the best part are the presents!!.
so long since i've last blogged. haha. having christmas celebration right now. photos from japan will be up real soon. so long since i've seen the peeps i always hang out with. OX IS RETURNING TODAY!!! haha. missed her soooo much. the past one week was like spent with dearest kell and i'm gonna see her again later. yes. she's bringing my starbucks. omg. craving for it now man!!!! and and there's gonna be a feast and the peeps are coming for stayover. haha. yay!! CHRISTMAS!!! and and bryan and i bought mom and dad christmas presents!!!! at least they were happy!! yay. okay. guest coming. bye :)
okay. this is the edited part of my earlier post. ppl are freaking sick man. posting videos of ppl dying, of rabbits dying. PURE IDIOTS. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

i went shopping today!!! haha. thanks aunty grasie :) we shopped and shopped. from bugis to marina. all the way man. satisfied. very very satisfied. but wait, japan confirm got some more stuff one. so just you wait!!!! haha. gonna try to get stuff for friends. TRY. no promises. i'll miss those peeps man. haha. japan for one whole week. hope the weather there won't kill. AHHHH. i'm sad to leave and excited to go. how contradicting is that?? and oh. i think i'm addicted to starbucks coffee. haha. out of point la. but yea. craving for it now!!!! OMG!!! hope the airport has it. okay. sleep time. gonna miss you guys :)))))

Thursday, December 13, 2007

chilled at siyi's house today. met heitung at cityhall and trained to kembawang. while waiting for kyle at the mrt station, got approached by some ppl to do some survey. about some breast thing. omg. out of point la. but anyway, cabbed to chen's house and waited for the rest. the weather was damn hot. when the rest came we went to the park near the house to play. first it was just having fun with the swings in the playground and all. then later, we played the ''mushroom game'' we got kinda tired so captain ball came next. there was this 2 kids who wanted to play with us. we said okay but the girl was freaking domineering la. we tolerated but she was getting on my nerves. and her brother was like getting scolded for everything he did by the girl. when neh and jared came, we decided to run away. haha. damn funny. in the end we just told them that they were not gonna play with us and yea. we continued with our captain ball. GIRLS vs. GUYS. haha. 6 vs 4. we won!!! i think. haha. then neh came up with weird names for the guys. what MEGABYTE, MOJO, MANKIND AND M&M? hahahaha. we went back to chen's place after heitung went GTCR. haha. (go to chen's resideence) had dinner, played cluedo and left for home with neh and swong. haha. the bus ride was long but felt short. thanks to this two girls. haha. JAPAN ON SAT!!! GONNA MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

climbing the bukit timah hill was damn tiring can. haven't finish half of it already sweating like shit. but upon reaching the summit, the feeling is damn nice. haha. although it was raining. went to cine thereafter. we booked a room to watch a movie, ''THE HAUNTED SCHOOL''. ooo. scary movie. well, kind of. the woman who came out of the toilet was charcoal-ed faced. omg. scared the hell out of me luh. and swong and i were covering our faces. even when mark came in, we jumped. -_-lll. i don't like the ending though. not that nice. i didn't get it. and because the windows of the rooms were so weirdly shaped, i mistook them for the doors!!! damn malu luh. i was asking the rest how to go out and only then did i realise it was a window. to think they were asking me to run through it or bang it down. thanks guys. and i came home earlier than yest. ooo. THEN NIGHT WAS STILL SOOOOO YOUNG. actually, the sky was still quite bright when i left. haha.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i visited the national library today!!! haha. it's actually my 1st time there. it was like foreign land to me luh. walked around and around. finally found the entrance. haha. borrowed some books. whang came to pick me up and we went to bugis street. sandra met us there. they bought cardigans and the three of us bought bags!!! haha. YES! i've got another chukalaka bag. but it's the bigger one :))))) ahahahaha!!! we found the shop by chance coz i've kinda forgotten how to go there in the abyss of gazillion shops in the endless choatic market. haha. what the hell am i talking man. but anyway. we got our stuff and went to meet kyle and hei tung at taka. swong met us later. whang got her papillios. we went to cold storage later on. swong bought titbits and kyle did a very very naughty thing. i shan't elaborate on the details but kyle,YOU'RE A BAD ZEBRA!! hahaha. whang got damn irritated with her eyeliner. so we went to the cosmetic dept to get some ''free'' make-up remover. haha. i was taken in by her acting luh. i really thought she wanted to get the concealer and all. wth. she said it was to make the situation more real. -_-lll. we met the rest at food republic. and then, bryane and nige came with this other guy. we thought he/she was a bung. i left the place with isaiah. he said the person was a really real guy. haha. whatever luh. i went home after that.... this is like the 1st time i went home so early.

Monday, December 10, 2007

went to yanyu's house today. haha. sandra and i went there before the rest to help her with the water balloons. we bought like 350 luh. but all the pails were filled so not all were used. but but we still had fun with the so called ballons. they were actually plastic bags. haha. waited for the rest to come before we went out to the courtyard to play. it was raining too. but, the ballons still had EFFECT! hahahaha. damn painful luh. and the guns. haha. jared brought the super soaker. haha. huge bombastic contrast to our puny $1 and $4 guns, haha. when the ballons ran out, we used the pails and splashed water on each other. everybody was soaking wet luh. haha. dripped water all over yy's place. we tried to hug lyanne and isaiah. but they weren't as wet as us. damn hungry after that luh. we wanted second servings of spag but it was gone!!! haha. watched ''THE DEVIL'S CHILD'' after that. stupid movie luh. haha. except for the gory parts. but the blood looked damn fake though. still it was a horror movie. so called horror movie. cabbed home thereafter.
bro is an irriataing ass man. niao like shit. more naggy than my mom. sometimes i even wonder if he was supposedly born a woman... -_-lll

Sunday, December 09, 2007

neh, lyanne, swong, yy, kyle, isaiah, derek, mark, and jared came to my place today. finally!!! i learnt how to play bridge. haha. sort of luh. but yea. played captain ball. the ball kpot bouncing off kyle luh. and then i was at the defending side. not bad luh hor. haha. i managed to block some balls at least. jared damn tall luh. derek was easier to block. but the game was damn fun!! we should so do this again man. haha. we watched napolean dynamite before that. the show was okay luh. but that felipe kept on complaining. haha. he wanted neh to come faster so that he can be saved. the napolean danced damn funny luh. haha. and after the captain ball game, isaiah and derek did it at the playground. my mom saw them doing it. haha. so embarrassed.
meeting them again tmr. yay :)

Saturday, December 08, 2007

went to msia today. ugh. slept so much on the bus luh. we were off to some bee farm. sorry. i should say bee shop. there wasn't even some farm to walk luh. and the bees were soooo gross. insects, ewww. we stopped over to have breakfast. the guide gave us 35 mins. we were not surprisingly the last to board the bus. slept througout the journey to the other destination. we stopped over at some red house and church. omg. this tour is damn oop!! at least i had chukalaka with me. heart to heart a few times. haha. there was this accident that happened along the way back to the immigration checkpoint. some of the ppl in the tour group said that the car caught fire. haha. we were so excited. okay. sadistic but curiosity i guess. haha. while waiting the whole group started camwhoring. because kell and i were all the way at the back ,we actually climbed from seat to seat so that the phtographer can see us. literally monkeys you can say. but it was fun. haha. then as the bus began to move, and everybody went so near to the windows to see the burnt car. then comebody said it was the other side of the bus and everybody choing-ed to the other side. damn funny luh when you see it from the back. i couldn't see anything coz the road didn't have lights. but anyway, the bus ride back was like sleeping all the way. well, more or less. the uncle played fantastic four on the tv. and the guide switched it off at the climax -_-lll. thanks ah. overall, the tour was damn oop.

our so called nest.

this girl was trying to get the flash turned on, on her cam.

love this girl to bits!!!

seriosuly, why can't you like laxing a bit luh. all the disciplain shit. omg. this is not boot camp!!!! i don't feel like this is home anymore....i'm dying luh. it's as if i'm in jail... and there's nth i can do about it....

Friday, December 07, 2007

i stayed at home today!!!!!!!!!! i was supposed to be out luh!!!!!! ugh. mom and dad didn't let me go out. why why why...... the sky is sooo high. I WAS SOOOOOOO BORED. k. what did i do today... 1) stoned at com 2) read a book 3) disturbed bryan 4) watched harry potter and the order of the phoenix 5) disturbed bryan again 6) watched mulan 2, bryan forced me to watch with him 7) met up with jr. for a short while. was sent on household errands -_-lll 8) and now, i'm blogging... OMG!!!!!! i'm sooooo bored to tears man. ICE SKATING!!! ahhhh.. :( next time i guess. it's only one day and i'm dying already. cannot stay at home luh. must always be on the move that kind. its the holidays!!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

5th dec i went to make my atm card and met ox later. we were supposedly meeting uh at ''i forgot the time'' but as usual. haha. late. yet again. ox overslpet!! OH!! we went to isaiah's house. haha. i remebered. to chill. it was raining so heavily and while waiting at the traffic light, because i was standing a little to near to the road, the damn bus splashed water on me!!!! thank god it was a small puddle. don't laugh. the feeling is not very nice. we met hei tung at boon keng and kyle and nige at serangoon mrt station. seriously, i really didn't know this mrt existed. haha. we waited for isaiah to come and then went to macs to eat after a while. YES!! SHAKER FRIES is back again!!!! haha. derek came after his dental. then, the rain got worse. we had to walk back. no choice one. coz ben, neh, rudy and swong were at isaiah's house already. derek was screaming like crazy coz he was all wet despite the umbrella. haha. the wind blew and the umbrella lost shape. hahaha. damn funny luh. and then, we had to cross this marble platform to get to the basketball court. i was teasing nige not to fall again like that time at beauty world. haha. he told me he was wearing shoes. i should be the one to be careful given the fact that i was wearing slippers. but he was the one slipping on the marble platform. haha. talk about who should be careful huh! everybody was so wet when we reached isaiah's house. and then some of them got down to break dancing. damn scary the way ben fell. heng nothing happened. neh and ox got into the dancing mood. we watched DEAL OR NO DEAL.haha. the guy who was to choose the case looked like a damn frog luh. haha. everybody was laughing at his actions on tv and the way his ''FAMILY OF FROGS'' acted. his pressing of lips and pointing fingers in the air. haha. omg. damn funny!! we were predicting the amount of money inside the case that we chose to open. some damn spot on luh! in the end, he went home with $16,000. not bad luh. the rest went home after that. kyle, nige, derek, isaiah, hei tung, ox and i went to chomp chomp. ordered some chicken wings, satay and ice kachang before we left. ox, kyle and i stayed over at isaiah's house. the two guys were acting damn crazy on the way home luh. doing the screamo thing. haha. there was a couple who stared at them really really weirdly. they did some recording back at isaiah's house. ox fell asleep at around 2 plus. and as usual, she snored. i dunno when i fell asleep. but the conversation i had with kyle about the car position was damn funny. haha. i think my meaning went across wrongly. kyle, i meant when you were at the 3rd pos. haha. not when you're 1st :) but anyway, good laugh huh. 6 dec OX IS LEAVING TODAY!!!!! i'm gonna miss my pasta buddy and bus partner. haha. you're always the late one though. but at least we have company on long bus rides. and pastamania is a must when you get back :) kbox-ed. my chinese is super lousy luh. before i can get the words, the sentence that is supposed to be sang has past. -_-lll i was helping ox pack her luggage at her hosue before that. wah. the luggage, the bigger one that she wanted to bring got locked after getting the number combi. and strangely, we couldn't open it anymore. ox had to settle for the mini one instead. we stuffed damn a lot of clothes inside luh. her jeans. OMG!!! haha (ox, you know what i'm talking about :)) we bused home after that. sorry ox, couldb't send you off. I"LL MISS YOU!!!!! come back soon yea :)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

wth. never felt so broke in my entire life luh. went out today. we were suppose to meet at 12 but everybody was late except kyle and ben. haha. somebody said to meet at 12 but was late himself. ahem ahem. went to eat sakae and derek came. we walked to and fro from wisma to taka and back SO MANY TIMES!!! isaiah came later on. then went to marina to bowl along with yanyu and swong. sandra came later. my nail chipped while bowling :( started off quite okay but as time passed, it became worse. haha. derek and ox damn pro luh. some 100 something. ate at long john later. bused home with ox. while walking, we saw isaiah, derek, heitung and yanyu. ox frightened yanyu and her heart nearly dropped out. haha. sorry whang. i frightened isaiah but he just gave a stoned expression. -_-lll. then...ox told me she had a stitch.
ox: shit ger, i have a stitch
ger: do you need lilo?
ox: (stoned face) omg. AARON NO.4! haha.
slept throughout the bus ride. sooo tired. see you guys tmr :)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

finally back from taiwan. it was like 3 days of continuous shopping. mom was saying all of the luggages are filled with my stuff. we went there with three bags and came back with four, all filled to the brim. and...ALL WITH MY STUFF!!! HA!
29th nov
touch down at around 6pm and it already felt like 12 midnight. the expressway was so dark and the lights were not on. cars relied on their headlights more than anything. i slept throughout the journey. so tired luh. and then we went to ximenting. it was sooooo crowded luh. the food there was nice. love the mango thing. something like ice kachang but there's a ball of ice cream on top. really nice. :)

the night life. really insane shopping till 1am....

30th nov

we went to taipei main station and had free make up session at the shopping centre near by. haha. the guy was really nice got we got a lot of MAC products. so we got freebies. yay :) oh. this pic was before the make up. haha.

after the make up. slight diff luh. haha.

we took the mrt back to ximen later on. they don't use temp cards like us. the use coins instead and these can be scanned just like an ez link card. haha.

taiwan's mrt route

the coin thing that can be scanned.

the english font says ''don't linger on the gangway''. hahaha. damn funny luh. it actuallt refers to the part of the train that can move. as in the part where the flooring is silverish and not the norm marble flooring.

the taipei 101 building. it's never ending man.

chukalaka and i at one of the art works displayed outside the building. the walls are really warm. haha. a huge contrast to the cold weather :)

our love. hahahaha.

1st dec

SHOPPING ALL THE WAY. kell couldn't find her chukalaka bag. the ppl there imitate everything except this. i think. it's actually the balenciaga bag luh. but that girl can't pronounce it. in the end this weird word came out of her mouth. haha.

2nd dec.

HOME SWEET HOME!!!! but we didn't leave until we ate all our fav food!! haha. and the ppl here seem to like starch a real lot. everything is so starchy. but some are nice. now that i'm back home, i miss taiwan. haha. talk about home sick. i missed home there and taiwan here. wth. created a huge hole in mom's pocket. haha. but wait. there's JAPANNN!!!!!!!!!!! yay :)

wth is wrong with you ppl. don't like means don't like. don't want means don't want. no other meaning. kapeesh? you're just an irritating fly buzzing around and i can't wait to just use the bat to flatten you! feelings and emotions are something that i cannot control but pls. i hope you know that i DO NOT like you and there is nth such as trying to know you better. FRIENDS. fullstop. take it or get lost.

to my dearest chukalaka, thanks a million for these 4days. haha. had so so much fun. all the weird looks and all. hahahaha. so funny luh. and we were actually the smallest pao there if you noticed.haha. catch up soon. LOVE YA!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

27th nov - stayover at neh's house

i highlighted my hair blue. haha. did it together with yanyu. so we decided to call ourselves the blue streak sisters. the worse thing is i cannot wash my hair for two days. gross right. it's damn freaking yucky luh. but anyway, we wanted to prank neh. tell her that we were not going ot her place but no luh. she saw through the whole thing. haha. played captain ball and husband and wife. wth. i had blue sweat coming out of my forehead luh. and the sad thing is i couldn't wash it. GROSSSS!!!! after that, we went up to play the game neh and i came up with. well not totally luh. credits goes to the aeroplane game. haha. but the forfeits were totally original. gross, funny, sexy. you name it. haha. nick had to wear this really tight fitting tank, bryane had to pass a lime to lyanne using his mouth, and nige and ben ahad to eat the sour power together starting from the opposite sides of the sweet. haha. damn funny luh. we ordered pizza and played really lame and no logic games after that. wah. the feeling of not knowing what the game is about is really damn not nice. my heart is damn itchy luh. went in the middle of the night to 7-11 to buy maggi mee. we passed the factory and saw a room with red light. freaking eerie luh. just hate the dark.

28th nov

we slept at around four plus i think. not all of slept though. i was in a foetus position. haha. but i still slept in the end. the rest were talking through the night. and at around five six plus, rahim said the sun was ROSING!!! haha. wth. everybody burst out laughing. and nige and ben kept on imitating the way swong sneezed. everybody was kinda drained in the morning. coz not enough sleep. some slept while watching ''john tucker must die''. before that, went for dental. i slept on the bus while on the way back to neh's house. i thought i missed the stop luh. and in the end had to walk damn long to neh's house. i had more blue sweat again. -_-lll. we went to play pool in the afternoon. because of the rain and nige's ''no grip'' slippers, he fell twice on the same flight of stairs. the second time, he pulled bryane down with him. it was damn scary yet funny at the same time. haha. played one on one with ox, i lost in the end. boo. she was suppose to come eat dinner with me but had last min call from her sis to do some family matters. she missed her grilled wings. haha. next time then ox :)

looking forward to the next meeting :))))))

Monday, November 26, 2007

had so much fun today. haha. went to neh's house in the afternoon to do the stuff for tmr's stay over. omg. the hill i had to climb up was so much worse as compared to ox's. i even walked up the wrong hill luh. wth. after much directions given, i got to neh's house. freaking tired luh. then, lyanne, ben and jared came. they went cycling. and then, there was a sudden downpour while the three of them were in bukit timah hill. all of them had mud spots of their shirts. lyanne changed into neh's brother bear shirt. haha. super funny luh. ox, sandra, yanyu and siyi came later. they went down to play tennis. and swong came. because lyanne had to go off first to vivo, the four of us(neh, me, swong and lyanne) went back up to her house and to also complete the supposed purpose why i went to neh's house. haha. had a lil chat there. and i did the stuff. thanks a lot to neh for giving me ''soooooooo much'' help. hahahaha. i wanted to play tennis luh.

not long after, the rest came up. wth. they said they smashed a tennis ball into the window. i was damn scared for them luh. all the implications and stuff. and guess what. ALL BLUFF ONE LUH!!! wth. dam ass. swong and neh the most dua jix one. they immediately ran down. coz siyi said the person was going to looked for neh at night. walau. lyanne went home after that. we went down to play tennis again at around six. siyi, ben, jared and sheryl left at that time. tennis is not easy. haha. i need to train. seriously. i haven't played it before what. you all reading this post better don't go NOOB SIOL okay. haha. there's a first time to everything :)

yanyu, ox, swong and sandra came to have dinner at my place after that. haha. ox kept asking if there was any chicken. you damn carnivore. haha. we literally had a feast luh. with all the food all over the table. it filled the entire table to be exact. we went up to my room after that. shouting over the com. haha. the friendster thing was the most funny one. hahaha. omg. and my com can't even show the video's on ppl's profile. -_-lll and it's damn laggy. the thing about the rauter, yanyu, i'm gonna ask my dad to get it soon. hahaha. you make me damn scared now luh. the laughing part was the most omg one luh. stomach muscles damn pain. swong can laugh until start hitting ppl. luckily ox was sitting away from her. hahaha. we should have this more often man. loving it a lot :)

Friday, November 23, 2007

bryan has his braces on already!! haha. finally!! yay! but still, the teeth needs extra care to be taken. if not, it'll corrode like how the acid rain corrodes limestones. hahaha. omg. that is damn out of pt. but oh wells. anyway, i watched ''enchanted'' today!! haha. damn nice!!!! but it's the kind of show that is so surreal. it's like a wish you can have but unlikely it'll come true. but still, always nice to dream of something :) some parts of the movie are taken from certain fairytales. hahahaha. then, the four of us (plus kell and mom) went to toa payoh. mom went to settle some stuff while the we went to the foodcourt. didn't really eat dinner coz the swensens we had earlier on were seriously filling!! hahaha. bused back home. kell came to stay over and we decided to stone at the playground to stone. but guess what, we ended up playing badminton and camwhoring (yet again) haha. perspired like shit. but nice working out. it's been so long since i ran anyway. kell's ass didn't hurt at all. and my leg can't even be seen. wth. hahahaha

then we went up to my room to slack. haha. i started to ''doodle'' on kell's face and ended up drawing too eyes on top of her eyes. she was worse okay. a heart on my right eye and a jelly fish on my left -_-lll. thanks gurl :) we seriously laughed like crazy. stomach muscles still undergoing vigorous contractions. haha.

today was so so fun. hahahaha. no kell, i'll die man.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

eh wait. i forgot about 19th nov. haha. ox. dirthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOXY!!! haha. we had mass chat the two nights before. just for this. swong and i wanted to plan for her birthday surprise. haha. everybody woke up damn early just for that. everybody was asking for grace but nope. haha. and SURPRISINGLY, ben was one of the earlier ones to reach BTP. haha. jared and i were the 1st ones to reach. looked around for cake but don't have. had to wait for fariprice to open then go to chocz to buy ox cake. haha. we waited for everyone to come. bused two bus stops away and climbed the treacherous hill. omg. swong and i ran to ox hse while the rest prepared. i saw some crepe paper on ox's floor. so i took it to blindfold her. haha. then swong and i led her to the playground. haha. everybody kept damn quiet. i took of the blindfold and she ran away. haha. wth. but she didn't cry. that's the sad part. haha. nige and ben smashed the cake on her face. haha. she smelt of cake. then she refused to cut it after that. we forgot to buy plates and ran out of tissue. wth. then it started to rain. seeked refuge in ox hse. haha. everybody was damn quiet. not their usual self. haha. the guys later left to play pool while ox and swong came to my place. went to town after playing pool. got drenched. kyle was protecting his hair la. haha. damn funny. then i accompanied swong for her dental appointment. had to get wet again. the rest went to toysrus. when swong and i went to meet them, they were all waiting outside. then, went to play arcade. haha. ddr-ed. lyanne's damn good at it luh. i went with ox for her bdae dinner after that. her cous was my pri sch friend. wth. what a small world. haha. the dinner was damn filling. thanks ox. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. hahahaha.

chalet's over. boo. nothing to do again. haha. but anyway, it was fun luh.

20th nov

i got drunk. haha. i didn't remember drinking. seriously. aaron: you said i had a lamboguini(heck the spelling :) ) kyle and isaiah: you said i wanted my pillow i confused jared and ben i said isaiah had a huge pimple and described siyi's way of sleeping in class i wanted to run 2.4 with nige i shouted so loud that we got a warning letter from the person-in-charge i called nick (why the hell did i do that) ox said i cried and she hugged me i guess i did lots a crazy things and made everybody pissed. sorry guys. haha. thanks for putting up with this mad person :) the feeling after that was not nice at all. head so pain luh. went to the beach in the early morning. cold but nice. haha. i had to borrow jared's jacket. looked like a bathrobe on me.haha. camwhored, but neh is the biggest one. hahahaha.

21st nov sandra's birhtday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAND! we went to wild wild wet. spent like 2 hours there coz the rides were damn little. wanted to sit the V again but ox too lazy to climb the stairs. we played catching in the ''playground''. i was one of the catchers. catching nige is freaking tiring. that $2.10 tong. so hard to catch luh. haha. then, went back to chalet to bathe. watched SAW IV. freaking gross show. the guy had no eyeballs and tongue can. but i didn't watch the whole movie. had to prepare for bbq. we bought all the food and forgot the metal thing to put above the pit. haha. so nige went to buy it. we couldn't open the sausage packs so jared called nige to ask him to buy scissors. nige didn't pick up so jared told me he didn't bring his phone. i ran all the way to cheers and guess what. nige brought his phone -__-lll. thanks jared. haha. my sweat was damn worth it. hahaha.ox and mitch had food competiton. haha. yet again. damn funny luh. mitch ate like a hamster while ox gobbled the drumstick in 4 bites. *applauses* haha. then it started to rain. ahh..the food bought was not finished. we went to rent bikes after that. but the kiosk was not open. so went back to the chalet. kyle dranked 5 bottles of drinks. got a little high but not as high as mine i guess. haha. played a few games of mafia and murderer. isaiah and leo started telling ghost stories. then the plastic bag moved and everybody freaked. haha. damn funny luh. we slept not shortly after. kyle and i slept the longest. haha. but i was still damn tired in the morning.i crouched like a foetus coz 4 ppl squeezed on a single bed. at first it was lyanne, kyle,ben and i on the bed. then isaiah came and then i forgot what happened later on. haha.

22nd nov went home to collect bryan's PSLE result. it wasn't what i expected but i guess he tried his best. he was disappointed. could tell coz he sobbed a little. kell and i helped mommy create a list of schoold he could try to go to. and then, we went sakae-ing. haha. damn hungry. couldn't blame my stomach. we laughed like shit while having our food. i forgot why. haha. then we wanted to double check if the mochi served was not charged, so i called for the waiter. and because we were still laughing when he came, i just couldn't stop. managed to calm myself down but before i could open my mouth to talk normally, i burst out laughing again. wth. the waiter just gave stoned face. i embarrassed myself, yet again. -_-lll we went to wisma to collect her phone after that but that woman was too lazy to out her sim in the lao pok phone she brought along and missed the call the service centre gave her to tell her that she couldn't collect her phone today. sotong man. haha. but i don't blame her since tan kailing was like that since young. haha. i slept on the bus on the way home. so tired. ahh. didn't get enought sleep. haha. but the chalet was fun luh. thanks a lot guys :)

Friday, November 09, 2007

look so freaking mini beside her. haha. but blame the camera :). it wasn't kell's face. haha. went to study with her was somuch fun today. she accompanied me. Os are not over for me yet but it is for her!! so nice of her. thanks kell. but that doesn't stop me from annoying you :) i was late. couldn't spot her at the station. maybe she was too small to be noticeable hor. then we took a train down to the airport. it was a long journey. but not long. filled with gossips and bitching. so yea. at the airport... my water tap started running again. haha. it was damn cold and the aircon was seriously frreezing my ass off. wth. i was wearing a skirt. so yea. haha. what do you expect. kell was so bored that she decided to settle her bear in her red bangle. the bear looked vute though. haha. let's just say boredom really gets some ppl creative juices running :) i needed tissue to absorb all my ''water'' and kell was down to her 2nd last packet. she didn't want to give ne her last packet coz she knew i would need it again once we went for lunch. haha. so she went to get tissue from the uncle. it wasn't enough and i went to ask myself. she said her ass was too lazy to get up. haha kell's bear in the red life bouy. check out my mountain of tissue. that was in the beginning. forgot to take the one before we left. i swear it was taller than mount everest :)
we went to sakae later on. at around 2. we ate until 5. haha. how on earth did we take so long. don't ask me. i don't know. but finally, i got to eat my tako balls!!!!!! haha. had three servings of it. and kell had 2 of her tofu. so that's 9 tako balls and 4 pieces of tofu. haha. just couldn't get enough of it. and i was talking halfway when my hp flew out of my hands and hit my cup of cold water. thankfully, not the whole if my skirt was wet and the table was large enough to prevent the water from dripping off. that was not all. kell dropped the plastic panel used to keep the receipt under the table. haha. and there was no more tissue. my nose was god damn runny i tell you. it was on the verge of coming out of my nostrils. how freaking gross is that. and then we decided to camwhore. yet again. we ate a total of 14 plates. haha. worth it huh. for $13.90. not bad huh. there was free mochi too :))) i enjoyed myself with that crazy girl. haha. we left the place after staking the plates up and sticking the chopsticks in between the plates as if those were the legs of a robot or something. haha. kell took a pic of me with the head on the plate. not literally of course. but it looked downright dumb. haha. get a good laugh at that :) and because she told me wastage of food would be charged, the mayo that i did not take (it came with the tako balls), i put it between every ''clean'' plate. haha. and it turned out that it was an alternate pattern of having the plate used for the tako balls in between the clean plates. totally not planned. it just happened :) had so so much fun. *kell, we should go there again k*
we went to meet our moms after that. kell was looking for her prom dress. and i got my sneakers. haha. she tried on this really classy dress. it looked hot on her but she didn't get it in the end. she wanted to try on this silver one she saw at vivo. after all, who doesn't want to look their best at prom :)
ger: kellyn, why didn't you get that dress. it's so freaking classy luh!
kell: i just got this feeling someone's gonna wear it at prom too
ger: -_-lll
ger thinks: kell, seriosuly, those 15years and 8months are not enough...
we went to the bra sale at taka. didn't find anything. too lacy, too busty, too flowery. yea. i saw ghazal. haha. she tapped me on the shoulder and i was like HI!!! haha. we hugged each other. she looked hot. as always. then cabbed back home. shall see kell next week!! haha. was so much fun and of course, i fufilled my aim of completeing 10 paper 1s of bio. couldn't be done with kell's constant and *i mean well* nagging. haha :)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

today's yest and today's today

today's yest...the geog paper finally finished. no more touching my geog books any more!!! haha. i cut my hair. see me with neh in the pic. yup. that's my new hair. haha. it feels light though. anw, went to meet kell after that. cabbed to her place and we then took a bus to town. she accompanied me to eat my dearerst and much missed pomodoro. haha. got hollered at by some mutts. wth. heck it with the spelling yea? freaking retarded ppl. then, i walked her to PS to meet shermaine and i bused to meet neh at BTP. saw the whole gang playing cs. haha. neh and i had to help them buy drinks since they were so busy with their games, then accompanied her eat lunch. she was starved. while eating, we waited for aaron. thereafter, we went together with benedict and jerad to BTSC to play pool. yes, I WON! haha. i teamed up with jerad. it was a 180 degree turn okay. we really thought we were losing because of the all-hail-mighty-newbie-at-pool moi. haha but i had fun :) shortly after, the rest of the gang came. there was this period of time when neh and i got so bored, we invented the pool dance with the sticks. and we played with yanyu's heelys. haha. nobody was sucessful in cintrolling it except sandra. haha. well, practice makes perfect just like pool. i've got more balls in this time. looking forward to the next time i play my new found love :)

i've been trying to publish the damn thing for so long but nth apperead on the damn blog. i'm gonna try again. if it appears, good. if not, damn i'm gonna heck the damn thing. nth much really happened today. kell came over. had a H2H talk. thanks gurl :D

Saturday, November 03, 2007

you are soooo cute!!!

omg!!! i'm going gaga over you. haha. you're soooooo cute!!!!!!!!! that's the reason i don't like to get tied down. the sea is so vast. the forest has so many trees. haha. and i'm seriously omg. haha. but htis thing will blow over soon. not the stalker kind =))

Thursday, November 01, 2007

get out of my head!!!

gosh. you must have seriously polluted my mind or sth. ugh. stupid. i'm not suppose to bloody hell think of you but i am okay. UGH!!!! it's always like that....anyway, i guess i have better things to do besides accomodating to you.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

i want Os to be over!!!!

YES!!!! the Os are gonna end in three weeks. for me. not really yay. but at least the major papers are over. haha. can't wait. the prog after Os is like OMG!! haha. hanging out, clubbing, shopping... AHHHH!!!!! I SERIOSULY CANNOT WAIT!! now must mug for emath, ss and bio. and the day Bio P2 ends, it's like PASTAMANIA!!!! yes!!! my pomodoro!!!! and and my mango, topshop...AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Os, you better get your big fat ass away!! haha.

Monday, October 22, 2007

yea. maybe i'm too bloody hell shallow to get what you meant. i mean like first i wasn't sure about you. and then it just hit me. first it was a crush and then yea. i started to look forward to every conversation i had with you, esp the video call. and then you kinda came into my mind. and now this. what is it man! ugh. you said i don't get it. what do i not get? the ''i don't like to force pple to do things''. like what the hell? yea. that's me. i don't force pple to do things unless it's really a must. i'm not saying it's like a must that we chat. but what is it? it's like you suddenly turned. with what i said? or what. i'm too big a dummy to understand. or was it read between the spaces huh? ugh. whatever. ger's not the person that will get affected by what ppl think of her. but i can't help but feel kinda not right when you're feeling like that towards me. you don't owe me anything. nobody does. and yea. maybe somethings are better left unsaid and maybe we're not meant to be as much as i don't want to admit it coz i do really miss you. a real lot...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

we celebrated phyll's bdae today. haha. she was damn touched. ahh. how i wish somebody would actually bother to do that for me. It's the sweetest thing ever. maybe i'm a person who tends to notice the little things that ppl actaully bother to take the time off to do for their friends. St Margs proved a seriously new env for me. haha. the ppl, the culture, everything. i remembered hating going to school for the first few weeks and even felt amazed at how time flew for the first few months and the wanting to always meet joel and the rest of my close girlfriends. i kept lamenting that the girls there were no fun and how the chua chu kang pple were so fun and i would definitely be enjoying my time there than here. Of course, as time passed, i met new ppl. and phyll and ox were definitely the forst few ppl i made friends with. haha. they were actually really nice. and sson the whole gang came. yanyu, choy, sand, chen, grace. they really made me feel that St margs wasn't just about the competitive studying and all the shit. it was actually more than that. definitely, i had to get used to the way things were being done around there. haha. like maybe not really waiting for each other when it was time for assembly or recess. not really the recess part coz i'm always running to the canteen with the ever-craving-for-food ox. haha. or maybe it's just me. i'm always waiting for ppl. and jackie and hani never failed to wait for me for recess so that we could go down to the canteen together. but yea. haha. like i said, i guess i just tend to be a little more sensitive to things like this. well, call me a little over the top but yea. haha. and i always felt that maybe my existence in the clique wasn't really acknowledged. OMG. don't get me wrong. i mean like uh... i tend to be shut off maybe coz i'm too soft and nobody ever bothers to listen huh? haha. nah. maybe i'm just being oversensitive. haha. it was part of st margs that made me who i am today. and not to forget the unforgettable days i had in cck. haha. they shaped me. a real lot. well. the party grace planned for phyll was really. haha. WOW! but that's what good friends do for each other yea? haha. she was so touched that she cried. tears were nearly in my eyes too. haha. i'm touched okay. it would really be nice if somebody actually did that for me. haha. omg. well at least they remebered her birthday. i guess my birthday is not really easy to remember or something. haha. it wasn't until sandra i think who brought it up in class when sch reopened that the rest of the gang did actually wish me. its not like i'm jealous or anything. seriosuly. don't get me wrong. haha. just envious i guess. not a close part of them yet or something. haha. these are just thoughts. take it as blabbering or put on the earphones if you think i talking shit. haha. just felt like pouring them out.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

o levels officially begin in the week after the next. haha. it's damn fast. kell's here. i'm gonna start a new blog i guess. haha. after o levels are over. CAN"T WAIT!!! and maybe i do like him after all. and maybe she likes him too. haha. i don't know. hope all will turn out well. but first, O LEVELS!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

woah.... it's been so long since i've blogged.... i guess they proper real post will come after prelims man. haha. so lazy. gonna mug hard!!! till then =) nights..

Saturday, June 30, 2007

i started on rev. don't wanna tok abou thtat. today's post is about my bdae surprise my donkey. haha she gave me my all along wanted anna sui perfume!!! haha. and we kinda cried together. a nice sweet sixteen bdae surprise. haha. thanks gurl!! love ya lots =) and oh. happy belated bdae calv. haha anyways. really wanna do well for prelims. then hopefully. donkey and i can go to same JC. haha. yay!! then maybe form own click or something. at least we have each other. haha. can't wait for 'o's to be over!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

ugh!!!! stupid fucking koh. ughh!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!! why the bloody fucking hell do you have to cut my hair. and i have to bloody pay 5 bucks to someone who is not even a bloody qualified hairdresser????? NO WAY!!!!!! i rather do it on my own. FUCK!!! PISSIFYING okay????? rarrr!!!!! damn angry. you already fucking hell told me its baby hair, and you still insist i cut? fine. jannah cut for me and you fucking hell say its still short????? AHHHHH!!!!!! and you make me cut fucking short???? what kind of discipline mistress is this??????? argh!!!!!!!!! i really wanna cut your hair too okay???????? just bloody hell eff off man. hate you like shit. i know you don't like me and don't think i like you very much too!!!! fucking ass. can't even teach properly. it bloody hell doesn't even touch my eyebrow anymore and you still insist i cut.ugh!!!! and it's so fucking ugly when i pin up my hair. y can't you just accept the fact that its baby hair and no matter what i do, it just doesn't go up with the pin. ugh!!! its BABY HAIR OKAY????? what the hell do you expect???? and you loody hell stll insist i cut my hair. fine. now its so freaking shot that it stands up. and the bloody fringe looks damn weird now because the two layers are freaking uneven. AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! eff you!!!!! stinking piece of fat shit. no figure, no niceness in you. you're just evill!!!! fucking evil man!!!!!! UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!! poof. now that it's off my chest, i'll get on with bio rev.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

today is ah yi's bdae and dudes' day!! haha. happy bdae ah yi =) i am in hong kong now and shopping is a little sucky. like 10% sucky. but oh wells. haha. at least i bot something. haha. i made a card for dude. haha. walau. bluff me say he never take. haha. but i know he loves it =) kell and i slipped the cards through the door of their rooms. haha. i even told her. coz we were laughing all the way, that if she was a secret agent, 1st mission will lose the job already. neh!!!! OH!!! and the bungs here are so hot!!! haha. at least can make it luh. not like those in singapore. and the guys her carry handbags. like burberry. etc. haha. and the dresscode here...omg. i'm feeling damn out of place. haha. coz it's like so jappy. haha. tmr, we are going to macau. speedy boat ride for 1 hour. hope it will be fun though =) oh. , anyways. if i stayed in hk, haha. i might turn crooked. haha. the bungs here are so irresistable. haha. oopsie =) esp the one at the bangle shop =) muahhahahahaha. Happy bdae ah yi. Happy fathers' day every dude!!! haha

Sunday, June 10, 2007

i just viewed mizi's profile. gosh. i really miss them. and its like when i see them putting their class gathering on friendster. cant help but feel jealous. oopsie. but yea. =) i know i shouldnt feel like that. but can't help it. haha. i really miss those guys. they changed a lot. really really a lot. haha. n i just gave jackie her bdae present. she lurves it. haha. that's good for me =) i miss them!!!! ugh! dont really like those guys in st margs. not like don't like but just not used to their way of life i guess. but no matter what, at least i have a true, best friend, a cool and cranky 'sister'.... thanks kell =)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

fuck u! dont anyhow accuse me okay!!! think what. just because u are my elder does not mean u can do that. did not really believe what mom said about u. but after yest, my opinion of u have changed ever since. just because ur son is the precious n only pillar of ur life, it does not mean u can throw ur weight anywhere u like. no respect for anybody man. even the closest one to you also gets this kind of attitude. fuck! no self respect, no respect for others, what the fuck are u born into this world for???? ugh! oh n ur son, tell him to fuck off to. sensitive brat. I HATE YOU!!!!!!! you dont get the facts right, neither did you ask for my side of the story. but to the hell with that. i tried to clarify, but fuck it. i dont have any respect for u anymore. just FUCK OFF!!!! AHHHH!!! hate u to the core!!! AA said i looked sloppy, look dead and i need to make a lot of effort to walk. like wth! what's his prob anyway. do i need to change my look to suit what he wants to see? ugh! what the hell is the world coming to??? he's always giving me those weird talks and thinking that i have a serious porblem with myself. i have a hunch he thinks im aneroxic. but i SOOO AM NOT!!!! whats your prob AA? ugh! just beacuse u are a t'''''', does not mean u have the responsibility to do all these! ugh! i know u ''care'' but please. its a little freaky!! and its weird too. but thanks for the concern. too much is an overdose though.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont feel like talking can not?????? results damn screwed up!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh!!! really feel like killing myself okay??? fuck! and you guys have to rub it in. i know i have to do better. admit this term a bit slack. I WILL WORK HARD!!! got that? whats your freaking problem?????? walau. say that you predicted that i would get these results? fuck! didnt you wish me luck on the exam day? didnt u say i would do well since i work so hard???? ugh!!! fuck! all that shit you have said are erased with the fucking sentence - i knew you would get these results. what is the problem with you? the school's marking scheme is freaking strict. i cant even blog in peace. FYI this post was suppose to be before the very recent one.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

suppose to go out today with kell. but mommy said NO! ugh!!! then she said go out tmr. then i changed my mind. dont wanna go out at all. haha. coz i wanna watch tv. oh wells. study chinese until wanna die man!! do do do. aiya. used to it can already. oh wells. the week following the next is the mother tongue Os. GOOD LUCK!!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

its the end of the week already!!!! got so much chinese homework!!! haha. what the hell!! but okay luh. kinda got used to it already. had band performance for the school today!! haha. played heart n voice n sunrise. my FINAL performance already. haix. gonna miss my dears. haha. to think my anthony asked phyll if we could put in the same amt of concentration in hist classes. oh wells. haha. u gotta admit they are very different subject. n hist is not even relaxing. haha. but ya noe? the crowd literally roared when we ended the song. haha. that shows how much we mean to the sch. oh wells. we are important anyway =) i called hani yest n asked if she wanted to go with me together and give jackie a surprise isit on her bdae, like right after the chinese 'o's and guess what? she's going with aini and the rest. apparently that's jackie and hani's current click. so yea. i guess i'll have to go myself or something. oh wells. i guess im just not as close to them as before. accept that fact ger!!! knock it into ur head!! whatever u do. accept it! yea. i have to get that into my head. really miss the times we spent together. st margs just isnt the friendly env i was exposed to in cck. really miss my friends. at least i still have kell. but even then, she has her click n all. but yea. haha. at least she was there when i needed her. oh wells. i really want to go back to the past. i dont even want to transfer school!!! y did i do that in the 1st place? damn kuku brain leh! ugh!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

school started again today. it feels like hols now. ahhh!!! next week is x country n the following week is chinese 'o's!! haha. wow!(sarcastic) no comments on my hair. thank god! maybe those pple might be toking about it but i dont even noe. oh wells. i dont care!! haha! anyways. today was a long day during mother tongue. haha. ugh!!! im gonna die man. mother tongue damn long. stupid. but quite okay luh. at least i can eat and lao shi won't say anything. haha debboz!! haha. hope your tummy is feeling better =) ahhh!!! y do i have this thing thing in me when i see whee lynn's blog and see that there is a result thing thing which shows how much her friends know her.the thing thing came whe i saw that joel actually knows her 80%. im not suppose to feel like that!!! IM OVER remember???? ahhh! slap me pls!!!!