Thursday, December 06, 2007

5th dec i went to make my atm card and met ox later. we were supposedly meeting uh at ''i forgot the time'' but as usual. haha. late. yet again. ox overslpet!! OH!! we went to isaiah's house. haha. i remebered. to chill. it was raining so heavily and while waiting at the traffic light, because i was standing a little to near to the road, the damn bus splashed water on me!!!! thank god it was a small puddle. don't laugh. the feeling is not very nice. we met hei tung at boon keng and kyle and nige at serangoon mrt station. seriously, i really didn't know this mrt existed. haha. we waited for isaiah to come and then went to macs to eat after a while. YES!! SHAKER FRIES is back again!!!! haha. derek came after his dental. then, the rain got worse. we had to walk back. no choice one. coz ben, neh, rudy and swong were at isaiah's house already. derek was screaming like crazy coz he was all wet despite the umbrella. haha. the wind blew and the umbrella lost shape. hahaha. damn funny luh. and then, we had to cross this marble platform to get to the basketball court. i was teasing nige not to fall again like that time at beauty world. haha. he told me he was wearing shoes. i should be the one to be careful given the fact that i was wearing slippers. but he was the one slipping on the marble platform. haha. talk about who should be careful huh! everybody was so wet when we reached isaiah's house. and then some of them got down to break dancing. damn scary the way ben fell. heng nothing happened. neh and ox got into the dancing mood. we watched DEAL OR NO DEAL.haha. the guy who was to choose the case looked like a damn frog luh. haha. everybody was laughing at his actions on tv and the way his ''FAMILY OF FROGS'' acted. his pressing of lips and pointing fingers in the air. haha. omg. damn funny!! we were predicting the amount of money inside the case that we chose to open. some damn spot on luh! in the end, he went home with $16,000. not bad luh. the rest went home after that. kyle, nige, derek, isaiah, hei tung, ox and i went to chomp chomp. ordered some chicken wings, satay and ice kachang before we left. ox, kyle and i stayed over at isaiah's house. the two guys were acting damn crazy on the way home luh. doing the screamo thing. haha. there was a couple who stared at them really really weirdly. they did some recording back at isaiah's house. ox fell asleep at around 2 plus. and as usual, she snored. i dunno when i fell asleep. but the conversation i had with kyle about the car position was damn funny. haha. i think my meaning went across wrongly. kyle, i meant when you were at the 3rd pos. haha. not when you're 1st :) but anyway, good laugh huh. 6 dec OX IS LEAVING TODAY!!!!! i'm gonna miss my pasta buddy and bus partner. haha. you're always the late one though. but at least we have company on long bus rides. and pastamania is a must when you get back :) kbox-ed. my chinese is super lousy luh. before i can get the words, the sentence that is supposed to be sang has past. -_-lll i was helping ox pack her luggage at her hosue before that. wah. the luggage, the bigger one that she wanted to bring got locked after getting the number combi. and strangely, we couldn't open it anymore. ox had to settle for the mini one instead. we stuffed damn a lot of clothes inside luh. her jeans. OMG!!! haha (ox, you know what i'm talking about :)) we bused home after that. sorry ox, couldb't send you off. I"LL MISS YOU!!!!! come back soon yea :)