Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday 10.8.2010
I caught Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D with jo, zhen chen and jerome yesterday.
Almost fell asleep on jo's shoulder because the front was kinda boring...
The Part after was not bad though. I'm not a Resident Evil fan so the movie was prolly a 6 for me.
Went to Makansutra for supper after. Wheelynn was working there too, so we got our food at lower prices :D resisted eating to much because i haven't ran since my wisdom tooth op. feeling the fats already:( sigh... hopefully tomorrow's swim with jo would burn at least a little of it away.

Today Saturday 11.8.2010
Emilia gave a farewell dinner at Imperial Treasure, Paragon. So I took the chance to snap a few pics with my cammie!
 my eyes half closed. flash too bright!
now lao dou's turn!
auntie! (dad's sis (: )

OH and not to forget, this chow chow that the jo and i saw at cine after the movie. God! It's like a giant furball! I could have got a close up, but the owner pushed it away too fast. And did i mention, it's in a freaking baby pram! omg. it would prolly die from walking because it's so hot here for it, judging from the mass amounts of saliva it was producing every few seconds. The maid had to constantly wipe its mouth!
omg. i know right! haha.