Monday, December 01, 2008

so anyway, it's been long since my last post. haha. i've been growing roots at home basically.
nothing really worth blogging about. so yea.
my day was spent at np with bernette, weiquan and junwen.
i met aylwin too(:
pretty good breather after being stuck at home for a while(:
chatted, bitched around for a bit before parting. well, bernette went off for "dinner" and weiquan, junwen and i went for pool nearby.
and then, we parted ways again. weiquan and junwen went to bukit panjang for peirong's bball match and i had to go home for dinner.
mum has this thing about me going home late these days.
but i'm meeting my aunt for shopping tmr:D
and thank goodness this whole week won't be another week for the oak tree to grow roots and home and kellyn tan can come skipping in to toh yi drive with her watering can:D