Tuesday, December 30, 2008

gosh. after nine days spent in sydney, it suddenly feels weird that i'm surrounded by sporeans rather than caucasians. haha.
i splurged but i wouldn't say it was a spree regarding the things i bought. I COULD HAVE BOUGHT MORE!!!! but oh wells. i must learn to be satisfied. okay but a girl's appetite for luxurious items and many many many wants and desires can never never ever be underestimated ya?(:
there was loads of sightseeing done. shall upload pics when i have the time or should i say i'm just lazy:D
but i missed a lot of people. lots and lots! the list is toooo long. heehee.
anyway, i went for training. haha. nuts right. didn't have anything to do at home anyway. so after one week of not touching my stick, everything is freaking rusty man! i can't even do a proper hit:( this training was uber scary too cos ronnie put me in the defence short corner. got me scared till i can really pee okay!!!! omggg. the way the balls fly like nobody's business is KARAZEEE!!!! playing second runner just ups the stakes more cos the chances of getting hit by the ball is HIGHER! and i think my blur-ness helped me. ronnie asked me to take a breather after two runs. heehee. thank goodness manzzzz!
okay photos up soon. i is gonna enjoy my "new moon" now:D