Friday, October 31, 2008

it's OVER.
okay holidays start now:D
and i'm off to shop tmr!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

i feel so drained today.
the three hour chinki paper was krazeeeeee.
one part of me wanted time to pass quickly while the other just hoped it would stay slow so that i can check through my paper( for the first time in this whole 10 months) to make last minute changes. haha. quite dumb luh but it's a national exam after all.
all i hope is just a pass.
and i can fly to the moon already:D
then, i had project work rehearsals.
gosh. that really killed me too.
the wait for mr kow was painstakingly slowwwwwwwwww. gosh.
he swopped our time slot with another group without telling us!!!!
let's see. it was close to twelve when our paper ended.
so it was a rough three hour wait to our consultation at 3pm.
the swop made us wait for another one and a half hours!!!
and that means a blardeeeeee 4 and a half hours!!!
i had to give an impromptu speech because i didn't bring my script:(
maybe that was why i felt so nervous. haha.
anyway. tmr is the last day the group is going to put in an effort together to get our A. haha. hopefully.
enjoyed myself truckloads with these dearies(:
wtf. every night i get the same shit from you.looks like you really don't know me.can i just cry.ugh.

Monday, October 27, 2008

project work rehearsal was awesomeness today:D
constance was like our mother pig and the rest are piglets. haha.
we videotaped the whole recording.
had loads of fun fooling around but still, work was done(:
kell came to meet me and we bused to queensway. had my katong laksa!!!
happy happy:D
then we went around like suakus looking for umbrella in QUEENSWAY SHOPPING CENTRE.
gosh. we were even contemplating to steal umbrellas.
and our desperation was so bad i went to any random shop asking if they sold nike branded umbrellas. wth right. haha.
after walking around for a bit, kell decided to get herself a waffle and we walked and ate our way to ikea, for the much awaited task at hand. yup.
and even a stop at the traffic light was killing her.
kell's theory - faster walk, then the rain drops will miss us. and so we will not get wet
and after walking and walking so many many rounds in ikea, we finally found her small scented candles.
everytime we couldn't find our way around, we always looked out for yellow people. haha.
and the dumb thing was we found the yellow person, kell said thank you before that person could even finish her sentence -.-
yellow person : okay so you walk all the way down.....
kell : thank you!
ger: eh. so you know where is it not!
kell : uh... haha. walk and see lor.
ger: -.-
that's why my legs hurt.
but anyway, that wasn't all.
we didn't have a lighter for the candles.
the call to weiquan was very very redundant because he was out of his house already and HE PANGSEH ME AGAIN. (lim weiquan, if you are reading this. you are a very very very mean person.pfft)
we bought the lighter...
kell : omg. where do i put the lighter
ger: in your bag? oh shit. what if your bag catch fire???
kell : *panics* it's okay. i put it in an upright postiton. so it won't catch fire(:
ger: -.-
the candles were for a very very important occasion at west coast park.
and so. after setting the candles up, we attempted to try lighting them. and i have never dared to use a lighter before. match sticks are still my best friends:D
ger: omg. i dunno if i can.
kell: just try!!!
ger: *rolls the thingy to get the fire up* still cannot.
and after countless attempts..
the fire finally got up.
and together, we went "OOOOOO".
haha, stupid bimbos luh.
and kell couldn't get the fire up because her finger always slides off the roller. something wrong with her finger luh. haha.
and everytime i got the fire up it won't last for more than 2 secs because i'm damn scared the fire would burn my finger. freaking retarded luh.
and kell was the one who dared to use the lighter in the end. haha.
okay. we really had a damn bimbotic day today.
H.O.M girl!!!(:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

next thurs is chinki a level.
next friday is peedoubleeuu presentation.
gosh man. i can't wait for it to be O.V.E.R!
okay i'm just talking random stuff.
but i am boredddddd:(((((

Saturday, October 25, 2008


i caught this movie today tgt with kell and bryan.

gosh it's the last movie and i'm gonna miss it very very much

grauduation.senior year.prom.

it's so much fun!
i guess it's a time to just let your hair down and party with your friends.
a time to let loose,
a time to do many many group hugs,
a time to scream,
a time to cry,
a time to laugh and laugh and laugh,
a time to be silly,
a time to reminiscent the whole times.
gosh. i miss st margs:'(
i wonder how my graduating year at PJ be like....

Friday, October 24, 2008

can you be my pillar of strength forever?

i am shagged shagged shagged.
my hips hurt.ankle too:(
but training today was a blast:DD
and i didn't go to school today...
although today is like officially the last day of school.
yea well.
waking up early hasn't been my forte.
besides. ruiwei wasn't going either(:
okay. i know they are excuses.
but i just dread school.
and and i am going to do something about my hair!!!!
hee hee.
i can't wait for next week to be over.
my facade.a new friend.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

if only the rain can wash all my unhappiness away...

i had a pig out with junyang this morning.
what's breakfast without pancakes and sausage with maple syrup, butter and suger:DDDDD
and those sarcastic remarks. haha.
i am still waiting for my flaming lambo you pangsai:DDDDDD
i passed my chineseeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes damn happy!!!!!
the first compo i passed in these 10 months!!!
cabbed to np during my "2hr break" to find kell and weiquan because there was no one in school whom i can spend my break with. haha. sad life huh.
but i met jieren and MY BOYFRIEND MELVIN LIM!!!!
the more they spoke, the more humiliated they got.
and they didn't laugh at the cheeseburger joke:(
stupid luh.
cabbed back to school for GP learning journey.
complete waste of my time man.
i went to the court hearing where a woman was allegedly molested by a bangla because he grabbed her left breast.
sounds exciting?
i nearly fell asleep.
judge:so how did he molest you
victim:*said calmly* he grabbed my left breast
i guess the whole class was expecting some drama, but sadly that didn't happen.
and court hearings are so not like those in the movies or drama serials.
pfft. oh wells.
it's much much slower.
and the judge has to take down every statement of the defendant like a primary one kid taking dictation. haha.
it started raining cats and dogs on my way back home.
i didn't have a brolly with i braved the rain:D
had a jacket though.but i stuffed it in my bag to prevent my worksheets and CHINESE COMPO from getting wet. haha.
had to preserve those.
i was enjoying the rain until the thunder roared so loud i started running:(
and i came home soaking wet.
haha. stupid me. but somehow i wished the walk home was a little longer(:

Monday, October 20, 2008

the match between "kaixuan" and "ISS" will go into my book of exciting matches. haha.
kell and i was kept at the edges of our seat throught that whole game.
kaixuan led the throughtout the game but lost at the last 5 seconds cos of a stupid three pointer:(
but they really played well!!!!!I LOVE KAIXUAN:DDDD
i have the most retarded girlfriend ever. ger MELV IS MY BOYFRIEND says:
i am always sweet, sugar spice and everything nice
Kellyn says:
wa lao
Kellyn says:
copy spice girls
Kellyn says:
cant you think of smth creative!
what spice girls sia!!!
you have deprived childhood issit?
Kellyn says:
Kellyn says:
Kellyn says:
but still i love her all the same(:
bryan.get well soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

pw in the morning.
met weiquan for towning.
huihan came later on. but left in a huff.
what a party pooper.
so wq and i chilled at starbucks for ah ma's arrival.
we were one happy family(:
i had a happy day.
okay i'm tired.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

dinner with granny, grandpa and kell's fam at boon tong kee.
food was yummilicious.
grandpa had problems recognizing kell and i.
and my aunt was trying to be funny confusing him with our names.haha.
i bought new stuffies!!! hee.
happy happy.
played around with "nipple tape".
stuck it on kell and made her whine like crazy. haha.
and from two of us just hanging out at granny's room, everybody came in.
the night ended quite abruptly:(
didn't go to carrefour to walk walk.
i just love walking.
the night was soooo young!!!! wasted man!!!
anyways, i'm looking forward to tmr!!!
-playing bball with the guys
-crystal jade at holland:D
-finally meeting LIM WEIQUAN! haha.

Friday, October 17, 2008

today was like a really slackish day for me.
mummy didn't let me skip school so i skipped math tutorial telling them that school starts at nine instead.hee.
omg and i went with gny for another 1 and a half hour chem lecture.and i didn't sleep!!!!!!
gosh. feel so proud of myself:D
that one plus hour of sleep did make me feel much much awake than the usual five(:
and so, i headed to school hoping against hope that the security guard wouldn't confiscate my ezlink or catch me for late coming.
okay i know this is super noob shit but apparently it has always been like that since the j2s left. so we can just come at whatever time we want besides the usual 1230 :D
which means........
school will start late for me soon:DDDDDDDD
anyway, mock was okay. i hope i can just scrape a pass. like a damn 40/100. and i'll be damn happy already. please please please.
and then i towned with ruiwei to watch the guys' match at OFS. the buliding looks old and the toilets are dirty.
haha. but other than that, the match was exciting but still minyi vs whyenam was still DA BOMB!!!! and gosh. chris had so many hard falls man. it's really a wonder that he could continue playing in the game. and and huihan's three pointer saved the day!!!! hee. ruiwei and i cheered like mad. we were like crazy ppl having our own small fun luh. so retarded. but still, there was fun and laughter filling the air.
perfect medicine to take my pangseh blues away:D
dinner with junwen, julius, chris, banana, mingsun and weijie.
the aircon was shit cold and i was really becoming ice already. sometimes they get so engrossed in talking about their game in chinese that i get so lost. because everything was in chinese. and they talked really fast.
and so, i resort to stoning. for a tad bit.
and banana asked why i looked bored.
that junwen, being a really smart alec said : " oh. you needn't bother about her. she's used to it. "
WTHHHH!!!!! pfft!!! so much for supporting their match.
thanks ah junwen!
julius was being really nice. he waited for my bus to come before we took his bus back home.
i just chatted with jackie on msn.
gosh it's like a total bitching session about imah.
i saw her today.
i even took the inititaive to say hi and she just turned around. said HIII!!!!! and then dao me.
thanks!! to think i actually wanted to ask her stuff like "how's school?"
maybe i was just gonna waste saliva.
okay. i'm being a total bitch here.
gotta stop before this becomes an endless post.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

training was tiring. but prodective(:
that's the only yay thing about today i guess.
school was yucks.
i got busted for skipping class.
the beginning of this year to now has took a 180 degree turn for the worse i must say.
just look at my attitude towards school.
i used to have hope for the past, when the exam papers were given out, my heart used to thump like mad. but now, it's like "oh. i failed. not surprising" and then the next thing is "shit. there's another mock tmr???? gosh. i wanna pon!!!"
i am literally dragging my legs as i walk through the school gate.
but i won't deny that there are my close "bodyguards" and friends whom i can always have fun with.
still, they aren't always with me when i need them.
i need to find my motivation for school and those god damn "exciting" lessons man.
if not,
i'm a goner.

Monday, October 13, 2008

woke up freak early today to do pw.
gosh. that piece of shit is seriously wasting my time and beauty sleep:(
anyway. got that done and headed to toa payoh to help daddy get some stuff settled.
i made a mistake there and it's irreversible:(
felt damn bad towards daddy.
i said i was sorry.
and he just made it sound like i was desperate for money.
that bus ride home was miserble miserable miserable.
thankfully. weiquan waited at my house bus stop.
cheered me up a little. haha.
so we headed to my place. got some curry puffs to bring to np in hopes of appeasing his anger.
and i got busted again when he got home.
shit man. this sucks:(
i apologised.
yea it's my fault. but i am not some bitch who would go through whatever means to get money okay. that's not what i'm like and it's really heart breaking that you can't see who i really am.
but no matter what. it's my fault for getting things right.
anyway. school starts again tmr.
the good thing. THERE'S NO CHINESEEEE!!!!! hahahahaha. so it means i dont have to do my homework:D
but i have to wake up early tmr. duh. yea.
what a bummer.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay. sorry for the late post. her birthday was actually yest(:
and so. surprise surprise surprise!!!
she had like three surprises in a row that day. haha.
1- hockey
2- chromium
3- girlfriends
had pastamania for dinner and we took NEOPRINTS!!! haha.
it's been so long since i stepped into that machine already(:
crazy crazy fun!
then, the guys and i escorted the birthday girl home just so everything would go according to plan.
and it did. haha
i'll just let the pictures do the talking ya(:
huihan looks so much better like that(:
birthday girl with huihan, junwen, ben, julius and weiquan.*from the top*
you've got a problem???
perfect mismatch(:
ps.*julius was late*

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

today was the first time i had such gruelling training after such a long time of pigging out and slacking till i feel so fat.
i know people out there would wanna strangle me for saying that. haha.
but i do feel fat.
i am so shagged now.
staring at this blinking screen, give me 10secs of stillness and i swear i'll drift off to lala land.
i can't contact the people i need, but i've received a lot of great help.
i love my PW group((((:
consultation with mr kow just now was like aunties fighting for the same fish at the fish market.
i was arguing for the slot after eileen's group and i got it:DDD
because jay was a guy and LADIES FIRST!!! haha.
anyways, i'm going back to staring at microsoft words. it's my new best friend. but after tmr, i'm gonna ditch that piece of shit man.
and then microsoft powerpojnt can take its place-.-
i am so freakinnnnn cranky and stoned and disgusted with project work.
it's a complete waste of my time.
oh my my.
i wanna cry man.

someone.varenda.waiting.if only.missed.very much.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

happy happy birthday my special friend!!!!
i am going to miss this little cutsie very very muchly!
so you must take very very good care of it!!! haha. it needs to be loved very very much too(:
although kell has abused it very very badly.hee.
it was always in my subconscious.

Monday, October 06, 2008

met up with kell and family for dinner.
shopped around and aunt bought a dress.
there were countless times where kell and i would walk and we would not be able to find her parents because those two lovebirds are always in their own world. haha.
went to this country club for ice kacang.
really nice place.
stayed over at kell's place.
we chat our way to sleep i guess. haha.
ECP for breakfast.
GODDDDD. i have never rode a bike and felt so stressed before.
kell and i took the two seater bike and i was the one at the front.
everytime i felt myself tensing up i tried to relax but i was sooo tough!
and then there was this stupid fly which flew into my face. i tried to shake it off and the next thing i knew, kell and i were on the floor-.-
the funny thing was, that girl didn't know she was going to fall. she was still happily cycling away.
that whole cycling thing really made me burn man.
the next time, i'm gonna take the back seat. yup.
went home to change to meet kell later on for shopping.
i bought stuffies:D
and we each got a neckalce *best friends*!! haha.
and i got the bimbo out of her!!! teehee.
emo emo. emo-ing over what girl???:D
hotties in the house yo!

Friday, October 03, 2008

home-cooked food with girlfriend is always the way to go.
much love!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

shit man. i don't think i'll leaving the house today.
stupid doctor is taking like forever.
things just have to wait till tmr then:(

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

had a really fab chat with jackie yesterday at ben and jerry's.
thanks girl. i needed that(:
and then the evening and rainy night till ten was spent with dearest jieren(:
the rest, shhhh.....
met up with ox, amanda, mitch, madho and fion today!!!!!
it's been a really really long time since i've met them. haha.
caught up a real lot.
spent a wonderful day with them at raffles marina.
the water was great, the food was yum.
camwhored like crazy.
chilled at ox's before heading home.
i missed them.
thanks girls(: