Monday, October 19, 2009

my last day of school

its the start of revision week!!! and in 3 more weeks, the first paper for As. gosh. two years flew past just like that. and i am on my way to freedom in 5 weeks!!! sounds long huh? but i bet you, it's gonna fly past me. and in the blink of an eye, OH ITS THE LAST PAPER!!! haha.
two years of college life has been a very memorable one for me, be it the lashings that i get from teachers or the retarded things that i do with my friends. i am thankful for meeting chromium there and very beautiful ppl like ruiwei, bel, gny, cj, liyan and more:D
the farewell assembly the teachers planned for us was a disappointing one i must say. but many rose to the occasion once the light sticks were given out and when we all started singing "if we hold on together". While the teachers and the student council sang on stage, ben and i together with his friends were throwing light sticks at them. literally the whole j2 cohort was doing that. but thanks to my poor aiming, i ended up hitting this guy, maybe 45 degrees to my right, twice. he was pissed. saw that on his face. farewell assembly ended with camwhores all over. sitting here and typing all these, i don't deny i miss peejay as must as i hate the school. although so, i still do the regret the mischievous things i've done, including climbing the rooftop:D
met bel and the rest to study after. and she suggested climbing the fence! stupid right? proper way dont wanna walk, must climb fence. but anyways, kind of last chance already so we went ahead with it.
and now, it's back to mugging. but before i go, PICTURES:D

thank you for always being there for me dear:D

ann!! my listening ear(:

my source of laughter and joy

without you guys, life in sch would be such a bore(:

medd!!please don't cry anymore, if not i'll tower over you like a giant!! hahahah.

recess buddies!

i think my class is the biggest amongst the J2 cohort...

at the library...

when climbing the fence...

my last day of school(: