Saturday, October 24, 2009


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For Ng Joel:
Its tough. The As. I know it has been hard on you. The times that we get to see each other... you have camp and i have school, if not i'll be at home mugging. Yet you've never failed to give me your support in whatever i do. At times when i wanna give up, you'll push me on. Telling me that you'll be there, whenever i need you. And i wanna thank you for that, for being my friend and my pillar. For that, i wanna let you, my dear, know that I Love You.
kay since i'm blogging, and my blog is so freak not updated and i really cannot stand it anymore. so yup.
10 oct 2009 SATURDAY
kell's birthday celebrations at the white dog's cafe(:

the card i did for kell!nice right! its from the clique(:
the chicken cutlet there is good!
so is the fish!

one of her 18 dares was to do the michael jackson crotch pose(:
and pluck a strand of hair from marcus' armpit,

and order a lemon tea with no ice, more lemons and more tea,
not to forget, getting kissed by all the guys(:

and this was the present from her friends. it was opened after her unwrapping of the 18 wraps containing 18 dares(:


finally,legally 18.
for my little sister.
sweetheart!if you're seeing this, i know this is a little late to send you a letter of declaration now since your birthday has past. Still, i wanna dedicate this post to you.
Since young, you threw tantrums. You would ignore me in mornings when we go on holidays together, you would need time to warm up to me and then you would start talking. I always questioned this weird behaviour of yours. Wondering if there was something wrong with me, something that you disliked. But when we started to have fun together, there was nothing in this world that could bring us down. I don't know if you still remembered, we slept in different rooms at the hotel in Msia but we ran to each other and gave each other a good morning hug that particular morning. That memory is still permanently etched to my mind. I know now that we are in different schools, we spend very much less time together. We don't usually have time to meet up now, because of my As and your busy school schedule, so I really appreciated it when you came over to visit yesterday and surprised me this morning. Its these small little things that make me love you more than I already do. The times that we had together, since young, the masak masak that we played, the roller-coasters that I forced you to sit with me and the little chats we used to have when the both of us stayed over at each other's place, I still remember them! Still remember the time at granny's? Batman and Robin?(: And the cards that i would slip through your door when you were angry with me? You heard me cry, you heard me complain, you saw how angry i could get, you know what a bitch i can be at times. You know me inside out as I do for you. Our moms used to say that we could possibly be sisters in our past lives hence the close bond that we share. I never doubted that. I just want you to know that whenever you need me, I am just a call away. Maybe recent events may have changed how you look at me, but you still hold a special place in my heart, the little sister that I can never do without. So i want to thank you for all that you've done for me, for the little things that have come along way to allow us to become who we are today.
The world can change, we can change, everyone can change,
but not the place that i have left for you to occupy in my heart.

Monday, October 19, 2009

my last day of school

its the start of revision week!!! and in 3 more weeks, the first paper for As. gosh. two years flew past just like that. and i am on my way to freedom in 5 weeks!!! sounds long huh? but i bet you, it's gonna fly past me. and in the blink of an eye, OH ITS THE LAST PAPER!!! haha.
two years of college life has been a very memorable one for me, be it the lashings that i get from teachers or the retarded things that i do with my friends. i am thankful for meeting chromium there and very beautiful ppl like ruiwei, bel, gny, cj, liyan and more:D
the farewell assembly the teachers planned for us was a disappointing one i must say. but many rose to the occasion once the light sticks were given out and when we all started singing "if we hold on together". While the teachers and the student council sang on stage, ben and i together with his friends were throwing light sticks at them. literally the whole j2 cohort was doing that. but thanks to my poor aiming, i ended up hitting this guy, maybe 45 degrees to my right, twice. he was pissed. saw that on his face. farewell assembly ended with camwhores all over. sitting here and typing all these, i don't deny i miss peejay as must as i hate the school. although so, i still do the regret the mischievous things i've done, including climbing the rooftop:D
met bel and the rest to study after. and she suggested climbing the fence! stupid right? proper way dont wanna walk, must climb fence. but anyways, kind of last chance already so we went ahead with it.
and now, it's back to mugging. but before i go, PICTURES:D

thank you for always being there for me dear:D

ann!! my listening ear(:

my source of laughter and joy

without you guys, life in sch would be such a bore(:

medd!!please don't cry anymore, if not i'll tower over you like a giant!! hahahah.

recess buddies!

i think my class is the biggest amongst the J2 cohort...

at the library...

when climbing the fence...

my last day of school(:

Friday, October 02, 2009

a tummy ache which caused me to run a fever followed by bouts of fever and dizziness. never felt so ill for a very very long time.
so, i gave school a miss today.
was suppose to finish certain homework today. but i only managed to complete a math paper:(
gosh As are like in 6 weeks.......
i know i shouldn't even be blogging cos a certain someone wants me to be on my bed, tugged under my blanket(:
jo came all the way down to my place with his grandma's freshly brewed chestnut water, in 6 mini cola bottles filled to the brim. i'm suppose to down two a day. so that i cool my body's temperature. haha. feel so blessed(:
anyways, i passed him his birthday present at the same time. it's like a 5 day early birthday present. i have my reasons for doing so(: but i'm glad he liked it. maybe because its not from bossini or giordano huh?(:
kay off to bed for a bright and early morning tomorrow.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

my results are like shit. far cry from what i expected. it really sucks especially when i expected myself to improve at least a grade despite that minute improvements i made.
so what's the result. i'm grounded. well done ya?
all those comparisons made with the time during O levels. driving me crazy. gotta pull up my socks, be a god damn nun and cut off all distractions.
dont ask me why i'm so angsty.
because i'll just tell you to eff off.