Friday, June 12, 2009

past two days was spent with jo, kell, pang and hong ping.
studying was okay. maybe i just need the chem bible to help me which i am going to consult after this entry.
consultation in school with miss lee was very very productive. learnt the new and revised the old. was suppose to do a run today but the weather was tooooo hot. not lazy kay!!!
caught hannah montana today! AWESOME MOVIE:D
i want the best of both worlds too!!!!!!
got my upper lip and nails done. i love my nails:DDDDDDD
then, was suppose to meet kell but there was a change of plans to i had dinner at jo's grandma's place.
loads of bread, pasta, curry and not to forget, DURIAN^^ haha.
so more studying tomorrow!
gotta buck!
checklist : chem tys and math rev paper. a lot kay!
so yup.toodles!