Thursday, June 18, 2009

its finally a thursday and now i'm sitting here in daddy's office waiting for my perpiration to dry off before setting off in the hot sun to jo's place.
its been a wonderful four days and counting so far.
revision is almost complete and i was glad i started off early so no last minute jitters:D
going for a movie latezzz then town with jo, hong ping and weiqing.
i got my nails done a few days back and my toes and a happy yellow now(:
tomorrow will come soon and before i know it, it's SATURDAY!!!! hahaha. yup and i grow a year older:(
oh wells. its always looking forward to 16 then 18 and 21 and then its I DONT WANNA GROW ANY OLDER!
okay enough of crapping. off to jo's place and a day of fun!
enjoy yours too ya?