Thursday, November 20, 2008

so, today's already thurday. nothing eventful has happened.
the clique's gathering has been cancelled because some of them couldn't make it:(
i was looking forward to it actually. but it's okay. next month next month --> 12/12. it's a must for all you dears out there:D
anyway, friends are all busy with their stuff and training is pretty much taking up my holidays. but i do enjoy it.
in addition, i promised mummy that i would tutor bryan with no charge because she is bringing me to hongkong the week after next-.- it's just three days and kell's not coming with me:(
sydney!!!! i hope i will be able to enjoy the next one more(:
anyway, the tuition sessions with bryan lee yi ren is really sucking blood out of me. in one session, so many f(s) are flying in the room:( and he's giving me shit attittude. gosh. i wonder if this whole thing can really keep up. the f(s) are pissing me off man.
thank goodness, i took off to town after that dreadful session of tuition:D i bought my havanias. and still love them lots although they are not yellow(: there was so many pairs of slippers i tried and kept having second thoughts about my final desicions thanks to aylwin gan. haha. but thanks for the company though. i had fun(:
and so, the whole of tmr will be taken up by hockey again. something i look forward to i guess?