Tuesday, January 30, 2007

ooo... three days never blog. haha. not that long though. many things going on. my dude in actualy in charge of my sec 3 jr in cck!! haha. some ip shit la. dont really care. soem innovative prog. =) aniways, i guess my feelings for joel are maybe just really infatuation. or is it just me? i really don't know. when i was with him in the past, i really felt that i loved him. ok this may sound cheesy but he was the first i could actually bring myself to say like ''i love u''? argh!!! im so confused. we shared sweet, happy n bad times. always at the back of my mind i guess. hard to forget=) haha. anyways, we seldom communicate noe. maybe im a person hu actually needs communication to keep the whole thing going.. so yea.. haha. so far, all the tests are pretty manageable. haha. no stress. just kick butt times!! haha. sometimes i just dont understand myself. esp when it comes to the guy thing thing. i just dont know how i feel. oh wells. we'll just see. thats all i can say for now... till then, we'll see each other next time =)

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