Wednesday, March 21, 2007

omg. something happened today. ok. tell you detailed one. =) i was in class n yanli started telling debbie, ''tell geraldine the thing!!!'' n i was like ''what?'' then yanli was like'' geraldine, i know you did something cheeky!!!'' and i was like thinking to myself, ''what cheeky thing did i do?'' and i suddenly thought about yest, when i went back to the band room, i was holding hands with teranna. so yea. was that the cheeky thing. YES it is. at least to them it is. and yea. debbie saw it and told yanli. i mean like okay.... whats wrong with holding hands? its a gurls sch can? ugh. and i asked yanli. ''whats wrong with holding terrana's hand? isnt it the same like holing caroline's and gloria' hand?'' and she was like '' but teranna doent have a ''clean'' record.'' at that pt of time, i was like ''omg. you guys seriously think too much'' yanli told me that i gave pple the impression that teranna and i are together, when the fact is we are jut good friends. ugh!!! what the hell man. how can they think like that. and yea. caroline was the first to know about it. and she was like dont tell teranna, she will be damn depressed. but in the end, she still told me to tell teranna. i did. and teranna LAUGHED!! haha. she seriously burst out in laughter luh. i really felt damn stupid. haha. i should have told her. shit luh. and i only wanted caroline to know. but when i was outside the band room, i was telling caroline something. tell you that something later. phyllis came over, and slowly, bernita and kayla came. damn. phyllis go and tell yanyu and the rest, that's it. DIE!!! anyways, in the band room. teranna pulled me to one corner and told me that actually marion doesnt want bernita to go out on sat. yea. n yanli suddelny hit me on the back. i thought she was playing. so on the way out, i jokingly tell her, ''just now you hit me right, so now, i hit you back'' and guess what she said? she was like ''that's a warning.'' i tell you, at that time, it's like seriously worse than OMG can! think too freaking much already!!! PARANOIA man!!! argh!!!! and when i was like ok fine, i tell you guys everything outside the band room, teranna was outside too. and i really didnt wanna say anything. but could tell she was feeling uneasy. facial expression luh. so on the way down the stircase, i just put my arm through hers and told her it was nothing about her. and when i was down another flight of stairs, SHIT!!! yanli and huiling was behind me all along. argh!!! whats the world coming too!!!! omg!!!! how i wish yanli could just forget about the whole thing!!!!!!!!! im gonna die man!!! pple are gonna start thinking that i like teranna or something. oh shit. I a completely STRAIGHT lor. die HOW????? anyways, i dont really care about what pple think of me luh. i mean im strtaight and not crooked what. they wanna think otherwise then go ahead lor. i dont give a damn!

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