Friday, March 23, 2007

oh man!!i think my name is like getting smeared. even neh is ''watching'' me luh!!!ugh!!! and they are gonna spread rumours or something can? ahhh!!! actually, acting like im with ter is quite fun =) haha. i like to provoke pple =) thats me!! mommy said if miss tay ever comes and find her, can ask her to come and see her! haha. yay!!! IM TER"S GIRLFRIEND!! haha =) oops =)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

omg. something happened today. ok. tell you detailed one. =) i was in class n yanli started telling debbie, ''tell geraldine the thing!!!'' n i was like ''what?'' then yanli was like'' geraldine, i know you did something cheeky!!!'' and i was like thinking to myself, ''what cheeky thing did i do?'' and i suddenly thought about yest, when i went back to the band room, i was holding hands with teranna. so yea. was that the cheeky thing. YES it is. at least to them it is. and yea. debbie saw it and told yanli. i mean like okay.... whats wrong with holding hands? its a gurls sch can? ugh. and i asked yanli. ''whats wrong with holding terrana's hand? isnt it the same like holing caroline's and gloria' hand?'' and she was like '' but teranna doent have a ''clean'' record.'' at that pt of time, i was like ''omg. you guys seriously think too much'' yanli told me that i gave pple the impression that teranna and i are together, when the fact is we are jut good friends. ugh!!! what the hell man. how can they think like that. and yea. caroline was the first to know about it. and she was like dont tell teranna, she will be damn depressed. but in the end, she still told me to tell teranna. i did. and teranna LAUGHED!! haha. she seriously burst out in laughter luh. i really felt damn stupid. haha. i should have told her. shit luh. and i only wanted caroline to know. but when i was outside the band room, i was telling caroline something. tell you that something later. phyllis came over, and slowly, bernita and kayla came. damn. phyllis go and tell yanyu and the rest, that's it. DIE!!! anyways, in the band room. teranna pulled me to one corner and told me that actually marion doesnt want bernita to go out on sat. yea. n yanli suddelny hit me on the back. i thought she was playing. so on the way out, i jokingly tell her, ''just now you hit me right, so now, i hit you back'' and guess what she said? she was like ''that's a warning.'' i tell you, at that time, it's like seriously worse than OMG can! think too freaking much already!!! PARANOIA man!!! argh!!!! and when i was like ok fine, i tell you guys everything outside the band room, teranna was outside too. and i really didnt wanna say anything. but could tell she was feeling uneasy. facial expression luh. so on the way down the stircase, i just put my arm through hers and told her it was nothing about her. and when i was down another flight of stairs, SHIT!!! yanli and huiling was behind me all along. argh!!! whats the world coming too!!!! omg!!!! how i wish yanli could just forget about the whole thing!!!!!!!!! im gonna die man!!! pple are gonna start thinking that i like teranna or something. oh shit. I a completely STRAIGHT lor. die HOW????? anyways, i dont really care about what pple think of me luh. i mean im strtaight and not crooked what. they wanna think otherwise then go ahead lor. i dont give a damn!

Monday, March 19, 2007

what the hell luh. arggh. i bloody hell am studying my guts out n someone out there is thinking im not putting in my best. ugh! now, i cant go to the flea market, i dont think im going out with ox this weds. argh! i have no life man!!!!!!! ergh!!! i feel like bursting man!!! gonna score damn good marks and show you im no slacker!!! JUST YOU WAIT N SEE!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

had flag day today. went with yanyu n jessica. yanyu can be so paranoid at times. but aiya. heck la. her life is not mine anyway. we were at town. n instead of collecting money, we went to mc for brreakfast n topped up $2 in our money bag. then saw phyllis, grace n siyi on the way. gosh. their bags were damn full n thick . haha. they chase pple can. they went after this group of SJI guys. haha. damn funny. n in the end, the still donated. singaporeans are very very stingy can? argh! the angmohs were better at the very least. some of them just ignores you though. haha. they tao me can? dont want to donate then nevermind la. give me that face for what? stupid. then had section meeting after band. yamuna n phyllis scolded the sec 3s. i wont scold them luh. they never really touched my max limit yet. haha. so yea. the two of them are diff. but yamuna was too much luh. she even intruded gloria's affairs can. i mean like so what im she's crooked n so what if terenna cuts herself. she is not even their mother. what spoiling school reputation and all that shit. i mean like after you leave this school, will u even come back? i say all these n n front of her, i am like a girl who also breaks rules n whatever la. hu wants to look stupid. miss wee didnt even say anything about my hair. n yea. i dun wanna pin up then u get into trouble. but that is only if miss wee sees it what. she never see then what. still scold me ar? freraking political man, this band. cant wait to get out!!!! so much homework n no time to rest. ugh. is this even a holiday. oh, n bryan,
please shut your fucking mouth!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

band is like everyday form 1 to 5, n i have chinese class from 8.30 to 11.30 in the morning!!!! argh!!! hols is like no hols luh. oh man!!!! n i have SS test on mon. n i have cross country competition in April. so many many things!!!! shit!!! daddy go states already. will be back on the 29th. hope he will get the things that i want =) haha. many many things happened. but i just cant seem to remeber what happened. IJTP came today. didnt noe that jacqueline was a bung. haha. oh n kinny too. not bung but yea. crooked. but anyways, they are still very nice pple. slacked the whole day today. for sectionals. haha. suppose to practice the ensembles but what the heck. haha. we were just playing n slacking n eating. haha.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

tmr is sports day. wth. just try your best. ugh!!!!! i dont like man. just dont feel like running. AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! went shopping with oxy today. bot a pair of shoes from blossomz. haha. $19.90!!!! damn cheap. haha. from like 30, 40 over. haha. every shop is having a clearance sale. so yea. SALES!!!! saw junk food tops. haha. gonna ask mommy to buy damn for me. dont care. what the hell is wrong with that father of mine? i was just chatting with jieren. ugh! n wth, he doesnt have any test. what test u toking about? he just has a eng draft to complete. n bloody hell, throw some thing at me just because of that. senile man. crazy. uGH!!!! TMR IS SPORTS DAY!!! AHHH!!!! JEAN, OXY.... MAN. STRESS...

Friday, March 02, 2007

yanyu's camera was confiscated because of sandra n oxy. they were taking photos of each other in class n yea. somehow, the innocent party was yanyu n she was pissed at sandra and oxy for causing the confiscation. things were actually okay yest. but today, somehow, yanyu got pissed again with oxy this time. n with sandra too. except that she toked to sandra n the rest but never to oxy. not until the end of today at least. n its like oxy actually got really pissed with yanyu. for one, she did not noe why the hell yanyu was pissed at her n for two, she was confused n frustrated for not knowing why. n she flared up. somehow. everybody kinda was with yanyu all this while n i was like the only person with oxy through the whole thing. i know how is it like to be all alone, not having anyone to talk to or confide in. i just didnt want oxy to feel that way. so yea =) just stayed beside her. n after that phyllis n grace even reprimanded her for not wanting to reflect n think. something like that luh. and oxy kept telling me what friends are these? she was crying. n it made me want to cry too. coz the feeling is really lousy. but dont worry. it didnt flow down. phyllis n grace came to class later on. i told grace not to reprimand oxy anymore coz she was feeling bad n hurt enough. n thanks! i got shouted at by grace. she apologised to me at band later. i really forgot about it but she reminded me. but lets just let bygones be bygones. anyway, i didnt want such unpleasnt memories. jessica came later. n told oxy that it was best that she called yanyu. and yea. she did n they are fine already. haha. feel happy for them. but at the same time, i feel sad too. all along, i feel so isolated ya noe? like although im inside the click, i dont feel a part of it. n i feel like im being treated like a piece of shit. feeling left out and a substitute. argh! its sucky man. y do girls behave like that? cck wasnt like that. they were nicer to me at least. this feeling is lousy. i bring food to class, treat pple nicely n im not even asking all these actions to be reciprocated. i just want to be treated like a friend. is that so difficult? ya noe. more than half of the things going on within the click, im not even aware of it? damn!!! ugh! im always treated like a blur sotong n pple like them actually get frustrated over this. its not my fault that im blur ya noe? i guess oxy will just forget that i even stood by her during this incident. yea. anyway, she's so tall she cant even see me. they just dont give a damn luh. even when oxy was frustrated, she kept saying '' what bloody frineds are they? leave me all alone.'' am i not her friend? i am never going to let my children ifi have any, to go to a single sex school its seriously stupid. petty. jealousy. fucked up people.