Monday, February 18, 2008

so today is the last day of pae. tears of joy and sorrow. i cried till my eyes are swollen. would wanna thank my dearest babes for the lovely bouquet of flowers. it's so pretty!!!!! to think a comment i made actually came throught overnight. haha. feel so envious of those who are actually staying in pj. but yea. i've become so attached to this place that i already feels like second home. the people i've met, the fun i've had, the trouble i've got into. haha. it's just a whole lot of memories etched permanently to my mind. the bus ride home today was just filled with emptiness. i didn't really get to say goodbye and the day didn't end as i've expected. a little more time spent was all that i asked for. but it's okay. at least i got to see you. thanks ben for your lame jokes and yea. weiquan and julius, for being my big brothers. the ride home wasn't that bad. just thought you'd give me a hug before you leave.
pretty kell :DDD
my ferero rocher roses:DDD
our favourite activity - folding hearts, stars and roses from straws
favourite food - chicken rice
favourite drink - pocket(pocari) sweat
my babes
the geek in the white. hahahaha.
kell, tammie, me
the stories we share will never ever end :DD
you guys are irreplacable
sorry for the inverted 'E'. haha.
they gave up and decided to LUV without me
i love piggybacks
and finally, i managed to carry kell :DD
the pimp and his bitches
the one that i love the most. haha.
i'll never forget the wonderful memories we shared. always remember that i'll never faill to put a smile on your faces:DDD the love we have for each other will never ever ever end.