Friday, January 11, 2008

FUN FUN DAY!!! haha. had CT. okay boring. kell crashed my math class. then we slacked all the way till 1230 with tammie, bernette and the guys who came later. i skipped GP lessons. haha. then we just stayed at the study area until 2 plus. met jun wen, wei quan and benedict. nice ppl. haha. we kind of lamed all the day till i don't know what time. and and kell and i excahnged unis. haha. that girl said it looked nice on me. thanks. and that led her to liking her uni more than ever. -_-lll. and she is DA BOMBXZXZXZXZX MAN!!! okay. tammie and bernette were also BOMBSSS!!! they kept on ''huo shang jia chu'' luh. haha. that's a new chinese word i accidentally created. thanks to those peeps i got laughed at so many times. we played pool at the sanctuary, kindly sponsored by wei quan. and because his eng isn't clear, marker box became butter box, junwen became wenjun. i really thought the latter was his name luh. anyways, those asses took photos!!! please delete them luh. and don't you guys ever photoshop it ahhh!!! warning. hahaha. went to the coffee shop beside the temple to eat and we went our own ways after that. kell and i went to orchard to meet her mom. ate pepper lunch. so full man. took like one hour to reach home. dead tired. but let me thank you for keeping me awake with your messages. haha. finally reached home. the bus journey looked like it took eternity to end man. oh. and i would like to end this post by saying :'' thanks for changing my sit ah!! hahaha''

studying with kay minn and amanda


couple in the making


ahem ahem...