Thursday, January 31, 2008

i attended lessons today in snooze mode. damn funny luh. kay min and i wanted to pon bio tut. because it was right after flag raising, we had to walk around to stall for time first. then at the second level, we saw one of the bio teachers. our class was split into two for bio. so yea. we took out the timetable and pretended to not know where our class was. in fact, our class was just opposite where we were standing. just as she left, we wanted to run for the sanc but our bio teacher came -_-lll. had no choice but to attend lessons coz she saw us. went back to class. everybody occupied the second row. kay and i had to just sit in front. and omg. she resembles dolores umbridge from harry potter luh. that's why i'm so scared of her. eerybody laughed at us for our failed attempt to pon bio tut. thanks guys. chem lec was next. omg. stoned all the way. kay nodded all the way. haha. and she woke up with a jump. damn funny luh. ponned math tut. couldn't take it anymore. huihan stayed with me in then canteen till wei quan and kell came. kell and i came. bernette had to leave early:( we headed for the sanc later on. uno stacko and heart attack. haha. and omg. PSP!! haha. i got first okay!!! pasar malam with kell and marcus after that. haha. the chicken wing was damn nice!!! i'm buying it again tmr:D thanks for waiting with us!!
okay the pics.


my babes. :))))

love this pic so much :)

ben, jules, bern, weiquan


with kell and huihan

bern, kell and wq

it really hurt leh!!

hey lexy sexy!!

with tammie:))))

we tried to pull ben into the water and his undies were wet too. hahahaha.

then, it was my turn.

with huihan, kell and wei quan

the fight of the reds. hahahaha.

hui han was all wet!!!

jules was next!!

with bernette:DDD

they were weiquan and huihan's shoes. we could literally fit another tennis ball inside. haha.

my face looks weird. but it was the nicest i had.

i had a fun fun day with them!!!!! really enjoyed myself. looking forward to the next outing:D love you guys to bits luh!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

today. i ponned all my lessons except ct. hahaha. wth right. slept at the area behind the sanctuary. felt so good. then break all the way. i played wq's psp. damn noob luh. i'm always first from the last:( but but it's still a first!!! i don't care! suppose to go huihan's house after school coz he sprained his ankle during bball the day before. please see a doc man!!! went to marina. and after much deliberation, we settled for long john. i wanted yoshi, kell wanted bk. so the compromise was long john. haha. damn funny luh. wq, huihan and jules came after that. omg. we could send sms as noted via bluetooth!! i didn't know. thanks jules for that discovery. haha. so yea. we were playing with that all the way. headed home at around six after getting some stuff. kell and i slept all the way home. that girl had the window to lean against but i got nth:( kept on bumping into this guy's shoulder. so paiseh can. kell's staying over tonight!! haha. more fun awaits!! :))))))
yay yay!!!! i got my camera back. so i can blog about mon!!! hahahaha. it was suppose to be shopping for new year clothes but only kell and i bought stuff( shades and a dress) haha. but anyways, we are ultimate camwhores man!!! haha. i really enjoyed myself there. ben treated us to carl's jr. THANKS AH GONG!!! i'm expecting a huge angbao for new year:D we then decided to go to the deck to play but not before taking countless photos at the ''i don't really know what's that place called'' haha. it was just outside carl's jr. got wet but they couldn't wet my top because it was white!!! hahahaha. i'be gained the upper hand:D wq, hui han and ben got very very wet. so did jules!!! kell and i were the first to go in and then tammie and bernette went in too!!! junwen was the only one who didn't get wet. wth luh. went to bugis for dinner. ate kentucky. it's been so long since i ate it. so yea. haha. then we headed down to bugis street. bought shorts and hui han and ah gong bought truckers!!! it has a monkey face on it!! hahaha.
i'll put the pics out tmr. haha. lazy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

it's back to school now. haha. at least for the next 19 days i guess. gonna treasure my time there. i hate to leave though:( lessons were a just a mere passing of the long and tiresome days. but what i look forward to is the time i have after school. hahahaha. it's just so nice sitting by the table next to the field and let the wind blow into your face. the feeling is just OMG. yea. but anyway, watched huihan, junwen, ben and jules play bball. gosh. ben looks so concentrated and into the game. they are not bad luh. this was the first time kell and i actually got to watch them play. but yea. had to leave early. because of piano lesson. if not.... oh wells. tired tired day. but nonetheless, i enjoyed myself :D
pictures of monday's outing will be out real soon. as soon as i get my camera back!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

finally. i've made my decision. it's a relief yet i still feel like i'm weighed down by something. it's nothing like a burden, just that i feel like i can't let go of something.
just can't do it.

Friday, January 25, 2008

i'm super confused.
i dont know what to choose.
i don't want to leave the environment that i have already adjusted myself to.
i hate this. really. this is stupid shit luh.
there are ppl close to my heart that i can't bear to leave.
i want to go to a place where i am free of all this.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

its the release of the o level results today. didn't do as expected. but i have to just accpet it as it is. making the choice of the jc which i am suppose to attend is really tough. i really didn't regret gong to pj. the friends i've made are ones that i will never forget. they have left deep impressions on me. and now, everytime i think of them, it's a whole lot of memories to think of. gosh. CHROMIUM! you guys really make my day like everyday and i look forward to school everyday because of you guys. and recesses i have with my dearest darlings, from like the drumming of tables to irritation of each other with our countless ''jie jie''. haha. these memories are permanently etched to my mind. the rest of the days we are spending in pj must be spent to the fullest k. weiquan: GORILLA!!! life of the party. don't always emo leh. haha. i prefer your ''cute yet terrorising'' character. junwen: alex! haha. sexy lexy. we can be ''tehhing'' partners k:) ben; blur queen!!! omg. don't be so blur can. the younger version of an ah gong. next time dont wear so loose pants luh. hui han: iverson!!! i need my bananas!!! coolest metro ever. your pecados tshirt damn coolios. haha. and and i have almost mangaed to tolerate the neck itch everytime you grab it :) julius: primary school friend. long time no see. haha. nice to meet you again!!!! tammie: so funny. we are actually good friends although we came from the same school and didnt really know each other until now!! i know you just love junwen and i doing ''that'' to you:) bernette: you are sooooo sweet!!!! haha. ONE WORD FOR YOU: SWEET. :)))) kell: you very bue paiseh hor. 16 years of friendship. one more word and it's off. hahahaha. love ya!! this feels like a farwell post. but it's not. just felt like saying these stuff to you guys. everyone of you is really special. good or bad. i don't wanna say goodbye. this is a beginning a new story that i would like to treasure very much. i've made friends that are really special to me and yea. always kept in my heart:))) LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
to you: don't need to read between the lines luh. haha. i'll write it here:) thank you for all that you've done for me. love the charm!!! i'll treasure the times i've spent with you. see you in school:)))))

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

my apologies. haha. to chromium. so very sorry!!!! i sent the wrong frequency to you guys!!! okay okay. so now, it's definitely the right frequency. crashed kell's econs lecture today. bio's out and i'm taking econs man. so we just slacked at the sanctuary. slept for a while. damn nice!!! we literally had the whole room to ourselves!! played uno stacko, heart attack and basically just had fun all the way. i shall not talk about unhappy stuff. but just that...I LOVE YOU BERNETTE, TAMMIE, KELL, GORILLA, ALEX, IVERSON, BEN, JULIUS!!! chromium meeting tmr hor!!! please come no matter what!!! please please please!!!!!
uno stacko!! the highest we've managed to achieve!! haha.
with bernette:)))
sorry. that's the only pic i've got. haha. the nice one at least. i look gross here can.
my loves!!

hey peeps. tmr is the day man!!! haha. don't be stressed up k :) i will treasure the times i had with you guys!! always and always. SEE YOU TMR!!!!
thanks for the charm:))))))

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

i'm gonna miss you guys :(

missing you guys loads and loads and loads!!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

yest!!! haha. outing outing. yay :) i had fun!!! met kell first then julius at marina. gosh. didnt have breakfast so we settled for long john before bernette, tammy and the rest arrived. went to bowl. walau. we were not bad can. TAMMIE AND I MAKE A GREAT TEAM :) from 2nd to don't know what position. WE ARE TO BEST!!!! haha. i DUN CARE!! speaking of which, alex and iverson( ahme ahem) haha were the best bowlers i've ever seen. they can be crowned the long kang kings man!!!! i forgot to take pics of them bowling. but oh wells. went to the arcade after that. i'm damn lousy at racing luh. i admit that. always last one. haha. then went to carl's jr to eat. hungry again. the four of us ordered a kids meal. gosh. chicken stars -_-lll. one piece for each of us. haha. damn funny luh. then then bernette had to leave :( we went to pool after that and then on to eat before we left home. tired tired day. kell came to stayover. had a nice talk. we really can't bear to leave pj. oh wells.
sup dawg!
kell's hostage!!
beauty and the beast. hahahaha.
emo kids
i was the photographer of the day. thank me. faster faster!!! thank me!!! hahaha.
classic pics of gorilla :)))

Friday, January 18, 2008

orientation gathering for all j1s today. the atmosphere was damn high. potluck. my og only bought pizza and drinks. but still, we ate all the food. had scavenger hunt. we were suppose to get stuff for to win. and one of it was to catch the councillors. in the course of catching yang yi, i fell down :( thanks you for dressing my wound guys. and omg. love my OG man. it was so weird coz i was sitting like in the midst of all the people in the parade square. so they moved me to the canteen. then coz we bought cake for out ogl, my OG moved a table to where i was sitting and we cut the cake for our ogls. then came the cake smashing part. all of us kena the thing luh except zhi kai and yihuai. thanks ah. had fun dance and mass dance. screaming our lungs out all the way. letting it all lose. we sang the colleege anthem, some songs and cheers and then it was time to pack up and go home.
waited outside the school for tammie and bernette to go home before leaving. some irritating ppl decided to set a frog on us. it's freaking BIG luh!!!! i couldn't move so my basic instinct was to scream. wth. kell was damn scared too. alex got damn angry. wei quan and hui han wanted to confront them. but we didn't want a fight to occur. as soon as bernette left, we left the college. we saw the guys waiting for us along the roadside. then, as we were walking to the bus stop, they followed us. it's freaking scary man!! kell and i held hands all the way. at the bus stop, there was some starring going on. gosh. hui han looks damn scary when he stares. then wei quan decided to confront them coz he didn't want trouble on mon. he's in the same class with those ppl. that's why. so everything settled luh. they apologised and all. so yea. my appetite for mac is back :)))) we had concoctions of chilli sauce and barbecue sauce. gross luh. julius gave kell and i a lift home on cab coz he didn't want to be locked out. thanks :)))
the picture is still nice with or without you, alex. haha.
thanks to them, every second spent in school is worth the while :)
NICE CAKE!!! but used for smashing ppl's face. hahahaha.
OG 27!!!! i love you guys!
we are da bombxzxzxzxzxz!!
the clique!! haha.
love you guys to the max!!! :))))))))