we went to sakae later on. at around 2. we ate until 5. haha. how on earth did we take so long. don't ask me. i don't know. but finally, i got to eat my tako balls!!!!!! haha. had three servings of it. and kell had 2 of her tofu. so that's 9 tako balls and 4 pieces of tofu. haha. just couldn't get enough of it. and i was talking halfway when my hp flew out of my hands and hit my cup of cold water. thankfully, not the whole if my skirt was wet and the table was large enough to prevent the water from dripping off. that was not all. kell dropped the plastic panel used to keep the receipt under the table. haha. and there was no more tissue. my nose was god damn runny i tell you. it was on the verge of coming out of my nostrils. how freaking gross is that. and then we decided to camwhore. yet again. we ate a total of 14 plates. haha. worth it huh. for $13.90. not bad huh. there was free mochi too :))) i enjoyed myself with that crazy girl. haha. we left the place after staking the plates up and sticking the chopsticks in between the plates as if those were the legs of a robot or something. haha. kell took a pic of me with the head on the plate. not literally of course. but it looked downright dumb. haha. get a good laugh at that :) and because she told me wastage of food would be charged, the mayo that i did not take (it came with the tako balls), i put it between every ''clean'' plate. haha. and it turned out that it was an alternate pattern of having the plate used for the tako balls in between the clean plates. totally not planned. it just happened :) had so so much fun. *kell, we should go there again k*
we went to meet our moms after that. kell was looking for her prom dress. and i got my sneakers. haha. she tried on this really classy dress. it looked hot on her but she didn't get it in the end. she wanted to try on this silver one she saw at vivo. after all, who doesn't want to look their best at prom :)
ger: kellyn, why didn't you get that dress. it's so freaking classy luh!
kell: i just got this feeling someone's gonna wear it at prom too
ger: -_-lll
ger thinks: kell, seriosuly, those 15years and 8months are not enough...
we went to the bra sale at taka. didn't find anything. too lacy, too busty, too flowery. yea. i saw ghazal. haha. she tapped me on the shoulder and i was like HI!!! haha. we hugged each other. she looked hot. as always. then cabbed back home. shall see kell next week!! haha. was so much fun and of course, i fufilled my aim of completeing 10 paper 1s of bio. couldn't be done with kell's constant and *i mean well* nagging. haha :)