Saturday, August 28, 2010

First things first. Overdued pics from yesterday(:
Jo's new ride!

FRIDAY 27.8.2009
Met Jackie in the afternoon for some retail therapy. Went in and out of topshop with nothing at first. Jackie got her maxi from Selfridge. I needed to get something. Itchy hands. So we went back to topshop again. and i finally got something. heehee!
We caught up with Jo and Pang back at bukit panjang for some local delights. yum yum. the food was really awesome(:
and then cabbed back home to take a bath before meeting them back at bukit panjang plaza to cab again back to town to watch Step up 3D (my third time watching)! While waiting for the start of the movie, the boys went to the arcade so jackie and i decided to walk back to ion for some last minute shopping. and we got something again. a top of the same design each, but a different colour :D
just can't get enough of shopping!
maybe more shoes now?(:

SATURDAY 28.8.2009 
chilled at jo's gram's house. lazy day. we spent more than half the day sleeping. haha. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

jo got off early from camp today and the inital plan was to head to the ICA building to get his passport done.
we met earlier at our usual lunch hideout - the prawn noodle stall near his condo for lunch and he was all smiles when he saw me(:
then the bad news came...
he's leaving for thailand on the 15sept. which means i only have 23 more days left with him...
i almost cried.
the next time i see him will be in july 2011.
how far is that huh...
sigh. suck it up ger.
we took a long bus ride down to city hall and that pig snoozed till he didn't wanna get off the bus.
the later decision made was to not go to ICA.
so we grabbed a cup of coffee and starbucks and moved on later for some retail therapy.
he finally got a pair of havaianas (PS. he thinks those slippers are for gays-.-). i was so tempted by the white pair with gold plated embellishments but the price made jo stop me from buying them. waste of money he says.
we then stopped over at robinsons because i needed some white lingerie but the saleswoman kept forcing me to buy so many of them i decided to not buy any in the end.
we ended up at Calvin Klein where I got all the stuff i needed at amazing prices plus a little something for jo(:
then, we needed to rush back to his aunt's place for dinner.
the cab ride back took an hour and wounded at whopping 32bucks. crazy. we could have took a bus and the ride would have cost just 1 or 2 bucks instead. but we will never survive without cabs. so... haha(:
followed him back to his place to watch him play soccer before he gave me a ride back home.
anyways, had an amazing day with my boy.
i just have to stop the fact that he's leaving for that thailand exercise so god damn early from getting to me.
time for some sleep.
ima have another beautiful day with bestie boo tomorrow!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

stayed over at jo's this weekend.
i got more pimples and dark circles.
but i got more love too(:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

i typed and backspaced and typed and backspaced....
a very eventful day - good, bad, happy and sad.
i'm very tired.
of trying so hard.
of trying to get back the things that use to mean something.
night world.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

back in school with fav gfs of mine yesterday!!!! what more could I ask for(:
bel overslept-.- so i ended up waiting for her outside of school for 20mins, melting in the hot sun...
thankfully, ruiwei finished class, so she came out to get me.
chilled around, met jules and wenyi!!!!!! haven't seen them for agessssssss.
had prawn noodles from the school canteen, followed bel to fnd her geog teacher, went to find william chan because bel and i wanted to crash ruiwei's lecture but it was full. so we waited for her outside instead. she skipped her econs tutorial and studied in the canteen. jules and i caught up a little...
so yup, that was what happened in school yesterday!
met jo and a few friends after to catch the expendables. awesome movie. i love it!!!!!!
dinner after at esplanade's harry's before we caught the last bus home together.
happy happy day!(:

bel took this when i rolled my eyes at jules because he said something stupid. haha!
bel with her geog teacher
this is what you get when the zoom is on(:

my camera died after taking all these, so no pics with jo!
other than that, ima happy girl(:

jo's playing his dota on my desk and not entertaining me so i took the time to blog and reply bel's mail.
gonna go for a run later! the meals i've been consuming is scaryyyyyyyy. too much too much!
hope you guys had a wonderful day as well(:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

monday 9.08.2010
Visited jo's grandpa and spent the afternoon there. Boy was it hot and humid! the weather was seriously a killer...I had to resort to sleeping at the balcony. For once, I preferred the cold clay-tiled floor to the comfy sofa. Jo on the other hand was asleep like a pig. He woke up a little later to join me on the floor because he was perspiring like crazy. Later that evening, we went over to his aunt's place so that he could help fix some video box to the tv. had dinner there and he sent me home later that night(:

tuesday 10.08.2010
met ruiwei for a study date at wcp starbucks!!! haven't seen that girl for a super super long time already...caught up a lot. and i found out really hilarious information i shall not disclose here. because i know its really "-.-". yea ruiwei?
set eyes on this shop selling vintage bags and i managed to control my wallet from coming out. sigh. they were really pretty... shall go back when i have more moolah!!
dined at sakae sushi. and for once someone said i was mature looking! goodness. so much for looking not my age all the time. she didnt believe i was a student. but yea, the ez-link card proved otherwise(:
isn't this so colourful! wait till you see her file!
so that was my day! i got so restless i took more pictures of things than faces. and i forgot to take a picture with her:(
but still, i'll see you in school kay!!!! going there with bellaaa!!!!(:

Sunday, August 01, 2010

i want you for who you are

had breakfast at jo's gram's the morning. his aunt prepared breakfast, american style(:
then...chilled around and the three of us - he, me and krystal kinda feel asleep on the sofa. had very little sleep the night before. that's why.
jo came over to my place later on to have dins, played games with bryan, and f*** just flew out because they were so engrossed in their games-.- so much for all the underaged nonsense...
but i enjoyed his company(:
hope we can do this more often dear!
love you many many!(: