Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the earliest day school's out today.
lessons were generally alrighty except for the knocking out every last ten minutes of each class.
chemistry wasn't as bad as i thought thanks to all those crapping with lou.
and speaking of which, we told mr hou how useless chem was even if it was its applicability to our everyday lives. i mean how many of us will want to be chemist and all when more than half of my classmates are aiming for business related courses in uni.
class: mr hou, chem is so useless to us you know
mr hou: how can you say that. it is actually very useful! see ah. before you pour a cup of milo, you have to calculate its Ksp value before being able to make the sweetest milo. right?
class: i think you'll suffer from diabetes man.
how useful chem is to us huh? haha.
there's an econs timed assignment tmr. sigh. and i haven't prepared. kay ima study now.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

at this rate, i am going to lose my breathing space.
no wait. i already lost it.
in your eyes, i'm nothing but a leech who lives off your blood.
anyway its always me who is in the wrong.
so why give a damn. just fuck it.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

a paddle pop always chases my gloomy clouds away(:

Saturday, May 02, 2009

i missed the clique outing today:(
so sorry guys.
we'll meet up real soon kay!!! this goes out to tam and nette esp!
miss you girls like shitzzzz...
so anyway, last minute notice came last night that i have a test to prepare for next week. so yea.
staying at home the whole day would definitely kill me.
so i went swimming.
always nice to float around in the water. but i still did my laps:D
its been so long since i swam like that. my arms are starting to feel the sore.
but nothing beats the time i had in the water yesterday,