Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

stop trying so hard

You know how things get screwed and the world seems to crash around you when the problem you face is just a minor thing?
Okay, heck it if this doesn't apply to you. But it does for me. Every bit of it. I can't seem to take stress properly. Not that I break down and cry, or scream hysterically. Ugh. I just feel like a balloon which may burst at any apparent time.
Wanna know the problem? My parcel to Jo and Krystal is stuck in New York for almost two weeks and its taking forever to reach them when I sent them on priority mail.
Minor? Yea maybe.
I am on a time bomb now. I may just snap at any other being who tries to ask me "Wassup!"
I feel like suing Royal Mail for telling me that my so called priority mail which I paid so much more for is traceable when its not possible to do that in US. F***.
I am ranting on and on now because I can't seem to do anything about it. And it doesn't help that the phone lines in UK close at 6pm. These people are really bums man. Shopping malls close at 8pm here. That's just pure laziness man. Who is able to shop at night when the working knocks off at 5pm.
I swear I can just pull the trigger at someone now. Just give me the gun.
Just me.
Go away. 

Thursday, January 06, 2011

love me, that's all I ask of you.

My holiday is almost over!! The gym has opened. That, I'm thankful for(:
My mind is in a whirl...
About so many things...I have started to think about and, yea, I don't know where I should start with.
I am so overwhelmed with so many different kinds of emotions.
Everything is in a mess, my mind.
I just can't wait for school to start.
Maybe that will settle the constant whirl of whatever-ness if that's what you wanna call it, in my head.

Saturday, January 01, 2011


Its a whole new year!!!!
Life's pretty monotonous these days because of the deserted town I'm living in now. Yes, many have packed and left for home and I am stuck here with the most horrendous person anyone can live with.
All hail the Great-Disgusting-Unkempt-Skinny-Beanpole-Ugly-Barbaric-CHINA man.
He pees everywhere except the toilet bowl, has no consideration for the amount of water and electricity he uses, which means he leaves the switches on, and the taps running. He leaves a mess in the kitchen, he eats his leftovers (yuck, the have mould in them i swear), he IS A TOTALLY FUCKING BITCH. UGH. It seems like, he has spent his whole life living in a well and has problems coping with metropolitan cities, much less, learning how to lock a door (yea, did i mention, he needs to open and close his door twice before leaving the room-.-, like there's anything valuable in his room).
Okay living all my vents aside, my ASOS parcel arrived and the postman left :( so my shoes would have to come a tuesday. AND i am down with a freaking cold. What a way to welcome the new year huh.
Anyways, retail therapies, hmm. I no longer think its the thing you do that makes you all happy and fuzzy inside. I got my new clothes, and watched Gulliver's Travels alone. New stuff that I have never did. I don't feel exceptionally happy doing all of these, although I wouldn't mind catching a movie alone again. It's kinda nice. But the clothes... No longer much of a therapy to me anymore. Don't ask me why. I don't know why.
Okay. Blank.
And the time for resolutions is here...
1) get my scholarship
well, that's all I have for now.
I don't have any reasons not the hate my life right now. I have a beautiful relationship with the most beautiful person on earth, I have a loving family, I am going to have the most awesomemest vacation in the summer, I have besties I can count on. Hmm, what's not to hate. I just need that scholarship to lighten my Old Beans load(:
Alrighty tighty, time to get my laundry. You guys have a good one year? (:
Happy New Year
