Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hey guys!! how are you doing?
i can't control my excitement because i have finally gained access to the internet. But its via a secured network, so i can't use the wifi. but anyways, i finally have web access! omg its been freaking five days-.-
no use of the computer...

I'm not going to lie. living alone is not easy. My mom came with me to newcastle to settle me in. she made sandwiches for me yesterday and cooked for a few friends and I the two nights before. I cried when I got here because I miss home and Jo so god damn badly. When I talked to daddy, I cried. When I called Jo, I cried.
I was a princess at home. Now, I have to start from scratch. Takeaways, instant microwaves, COOK. omg. I hate smelling like oil. But yea. I'll have to suck it up and become a big girl. Not a baby. Sounds all grown up huh? Believe me, I'm still trying to suck it up inside. School's starting next week so... hopefully everything will become better(:

Anyways, pictures!!!!!
Nearing to touch down in Newcastle airport
On the way to my accomadation
Uncle John and Auntie Yvonee. They call me almost every day to ask how i'm doing. Uncle John's a friend of my dad(:
A close up of the menu
It doesn't look very appetizing here yea? I know vivo's carnivore is better, but the turkey(chicken) and beef here is not bad. This place is called Toby Carvery. Its a place where the English go for Sunday Roast.
Their house
 A fresh and sweet prune from their garden
 A budding rose from their garden too!
This is River Tyne where all the night scenes happen. Newcastle is very well-known for their night scenes. Just three four days in school, I'm getting a pamphlet almost everyday telling me there's a party going on somewhere later this month.
 This place is called the Sage if i'm not wrong. For the artsy people (:
yup and this is me(:
My first class - Registration to be recognised as a student here
This is where some of the matches of the premier leagues happen. Newcastle United owns this. They are a listed company according to Uncle John. And I have never learnt about them until I got here. Heehee
The new business school that they're building.
On my way to Eldon Square...
Their Chinatown.
 This is the view that I get whenever I walk home from school.
And finally, my smartcard that I got today(:

So yup, that's my past 6 days in Newcastle. My room is in a huge mess so I'm not gonna post pictures of them up. Tidy it up first. Lessons start at 10 tomorrow. Gonna head to bed now. Really long day.
Night world!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Last night, I slept in your arms. The night before, I drooled on your arms and used your blanket to clean it away. Actually, I was marking my territory! Now that I have just typed that sentence, I remembered that its pee. Not drool... okay you get the idea.

The beginning of this week, I spent it with Jo. At his crib. Ran like crazy on Monday only to feel like I never exercised at all-.- Watched Jo play soccer with the old and young at Hazelpark. They always look at me everytime Jo makes a mistake at the court.
and then I'll just nod (:

Had the best stay over this time at his place. My last time before I leave next Friday... Just waking up and seeing his face. I feel like the most fortunate girl in the world.

On the first night, we were watching Frozen on the computer. Shit movie btw. And then, when it ended, I asked if he wanted to sleep. He said he couldn't sleep. He didn't want the day to end so fast. He didn't want to week to end so fast. Because he knew he would be left with just 5 more days with me.
He asked me who was going to go to his check-ups with him. Who was going to watch movies with him. Who was going to attend dinners with him. Who was going to call him in the middle of the day to ask how is he...
When I am no longer here physically.
I teared. I felt so bad. For leaving. I didn't know what to say...
We just hugged each other so tight... crying in each others arms...
I wiped his tears away and he kissed my cheek.

I do not know what is going to happen when I'm in UK but dear, I just want you to know that no matter where I'm at in the world, my heart will always be yours, I will always be yours. And we will be each other's, forever and always.

I love you.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday 10.8.2010
I caught Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D with jo, zhen chen and jerome yesterday.
Almost fell asleep on jo's shoulder because the front was kinda boring...
The Part after was not bad though. I'm not a Resident Evil fan so the movie was prolly a 6 for me.
Went to Makansutra for supper after. Wheelynn was working there too, so we got our food at lower prices :D resisted eating to much because i haven't ran since my wisdom tooth op. feeling the fats already:( sigh... hopefully tomorrow's swim with jo would burn at least a little of it away.

Today Saturday 11.8.2010
Emilia gave a farewell dinner at Imperial Treasure, Paragon. So I took the chance to snap a few pics with my cammie!
 my eyes half closed. flash too bright!
now lao dou's turn!
auntie! (dad's sis (: )

OH and not to forget, this chow chow that the jo and i saw at cine after the movie. God! It's like a giant furball! I could have got a close up, but the owner pushed it away too fast. And did i mention, it's in a freaking baby pram! omg. it would prolly die from walking because it's so hot here for it, judging from the mass amounts of saliva it was producing every few seconds. The maid had to constantly wipe its mouth!
omg. i know right! haha.