Tuesday, April 13, 2010

waxing appointment today! then to steakhouse to retrieve jo's lost NY cap and i decided to try my luck at cathay's lost and found to see if that boy's psp was lost there.
and guess what! I WAS RIGHT!! when the manager returned with that green console in his hand, it felt i just won lottery. haha. dumb i know. but just so happy(:
then trained to cathay to pass jo his stuff and meet up for a bit before heading home.
Speaking of which, what the hell is up with Singaporeans man. They never take the left side of the escalators, thereby jamming up every automatic staircase available, AND they like to hog up spaces in the bus! kay one of them was a filipino. I gladly gave up my seat to this old lady in the bus only to be blocked by this maid for like half of my journey. I had to keep resting my nose on my shoulders because the smell of the bus was unbearable. it smelled like shit to be honest. then i managed to get out and this guy, kept on messing around with his bb, refused to move, kept on leaning against the chairs, i had to nudge him with my bag and he continued leaning on another pole in the bus' standing area! O.M.G. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! does he have a brain of an ant? or does his brain resides in his ass. the whole bus was freakin' packed like sardine and he just stood there with his bb. no brainer!
kay ben's here irritating me instead of eating his damn pasta. yup so night world!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Everyone's pretty much asleep now.
was just blog hopping about. and reminiscing about my disgusting results despite the huge jump i've made since prelims. everyone around me is progressing so fast. to think i would do better than them. such complacency is ought to be scorned upon. dontcha think so? i failed my btt twice. common sense questions? maybe i really lost my common sense or has it been covered up by my wants and desires to just have fun and spend time with my loved one, thus the heck-it-and-eff-off attitude?
there are questions i should ask myself about what am i gonna do with my life although in my head its pretty much planned out already.
i have my SATS to take this coming May 1. At ACJC. yea. but it doesn't serve much purpose since I'm no longer pursuing my studies in the states. Funds issue. There's my brother to think so, says my parents. The real reason? I like to think otherwise. But I know I can't be that selfish. Neither are they so selfless to throw their entire wealth on me, holding a 50-50 chance that I may squander it all away. All I know is that I lost a chance, yet again, to prove my worth, in my parents eyes. Stumbled at PSLE, then Os, the As. Yea. If i screw my degree, I'm gone. I can even forget my masters. yea.
All i know is that i won't see myself in Spore in the next three years. Maybe somewhere further away. Somewhere i can start anew. Be someone successful, someone who can support my high spending habits. However, i know there is someone out there who i can always lean on, to blow those gloomy clouds away, to shelter me for the rest of my life.
Yea, doctor?(:
we got there at one-ish. because of my btt. which i failed again. maybe my common sense failed me or i'm really born with cow sense... or maybe its my strong "bimbology" according to my dad -.-
anyways. we had a blast despite the main attraction closed for maintainence and the wet ride down too, on the day we went, due to technical glitches. we screamed at the mummy, weiqing almost peeped in his pants, and its even better than the one in US!!! that's the worthwhile part! hahaha. but the thing closed way too early.... 6! omg. could have spent longer time there. We closed the day with a little shopping at all the gift stores as jo scoured for his gimongous mug and i got my stuffies at VS and dinner at chilis!!(: 
this marilyn monroe is really uhm... sexy?
this is the only attraction that is made exactly like the one in US. i was dozing off. haha. the show was exciting but you wouldn't wanna catch it twice. really.

where's beer without jo(:
here's the start of jackie's wrap story(:
yup that's how she eats her wrap. the old jackie since 6 years ago(:
this was at the shrek's 4d house.
this is the only reason why i wanna go back to universal studios...
the place where you stand and see this river or pool or whatever you call this, it's a really nice place to just enjoy the breeze and maybe catch the sunset(: