Thursday, July 23, 2009

this is like the only sane laptop which i can blog from.
my com's screwed with the posting layout so i cant type nuts. so i'm using daddy's laptop to blog.
anyways, school's boring as usual.
lessons which keep droning on and on. its endless.
intesive study should actually start this week which leaves me effectively eight weeks to prepare for my darling prelims.
tys.notes.foolscap.pen.revison packages. they are all gonna be my best friends man.
had a hockey photo taking yesterday. miss ho wasn't present though.miss her ttm man!
stayed on to watch the girls train and played a little bball with huihan and zhikai.
then cooled down and completed chem tutorial:D
CJ chilled at the table for a bit tgt with huihan and chris. he shared the most disgusting story with us. i shall spare the details.
caught up a little with gny and then i left at 6ish to meet jo:D
that silly boy ran all the way down the slope when he saw me only to have his friends cheering like he scored a touchdown or sth. haha.
so yup maybe yesterday was the most interesting day of my week so far.
what else is new.
i didnt manage to swim today cos the pool was populated with so many people and the weather was so freaking good.sigh.
kay i'm off for a little nap!
study hard you a level peeps:D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This was a surprise celebration earlier on friday for huihan, taking this whipcream-mayo-m&ms-nachos-cheese cake for his cake to be on his face.
it was an unfortunate event actually because he was not the only casuality. of course i got most of the shit cos it was right smack on my face.
peiyun, liling and amy bore the brunt of the cream cos it flew when it hit huihan's face. sorry girls.hee.
the funny thing was that ruiwei went "1,2,3..." i thought they were gonna sing a birthday song.ruiwei too!so after the 1,2,3... everyone stared at me cos i had the "cake" in my hand. maybe that 3sec retardation caused that total mayhem at the canteen.
but the newly 18yo had a lot of fun with the whip cream i got i suppose.
my clothes and face was all smeared with cream it stinks like crazy. my hair got it too:(
chaos spread wherever huihan went till that whole bottle of whip cream was gone.
but everyone had fun(:
clique gathering at my place last sunday for huihan's post birthday celebrations.had steamboat and many many food that daddy bought for us. did a little catching up with tammie before the rest of the guys came.
jules was sick and bernette had stuff on so the both of them couldn't make it.
omg next time must really really make sure everyone can make it.
and i saw huihan's sexy fossil!!! haha boy does it look sooo damn nice on his hand cos ruiwei and i NOT WEIQUAN chose it:D
my birthday present from the clique:D

Friday, July 10, 2009

its back to school after my long holiday break.
and greeting me at the door step is shitty results. great.
how nice:D
weekend plans canceled. only allowed out for the hockey match. sigh.
on a brighter note, chilled with bel at town after our phototaking.
camwhored many many and talked many many.
i'm so glad i had your company bel! <3
bel's waiting for her love to return home...ME!!! hahaha.
love you bel!:D
then bused back to sch to meet jo after his book out.
finally after four days!
had a sumptous dinner at this place near his house. i'm so glad i didn't have to wash plates.
met up with kell, weiquan, huihan, ben and junwen just yesterday night.
had dinner at mr. curry, central.
then pool at meridian.
home sweet home at 10ish.
i'll let the pictures do the talking.
happy walking and taking pics
still laughing and giggling like small kids
certain events caused kell to lose her earrings.
so we all went scouting for it on the floor.
i found the back of the earring and it actually fell into her bag.
happy girl again:D
ben looks nice here but he really sucks at the table. haha.
ben, no hard feelings!
this is the real pro
happy day!
one more with nette,tam and jules soon:DDDD

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

shopping with mummy today at the cktang closed door sales.
first step into the shopping mall, shiseido counter :
mummy goes i want this this and that.
i was trying this nail polish on...
"oh that looks good on you why don't you get one?"
haha i love shopping sprees with mummy(:
then went down to the household item dept to get the fruit juicer.
had to help her lug it allllll the way to F21 cos i wanted to get clothes:D
didn't get my watch in the end cos i still love my broken kenneth cole:(
so yea got like 4 tops in half an hour.
jo couldn't book out today cos of reasons. yea so i guess i'll have to wait till friday...(:

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

had a catch up with ruiwei today. haven't seen her since before the holidays which is like a super super long time! extensions and then shopped for huihan's birthday present.
omg huihan better love everyone for this!haha.
walked to cineleisure to came havanias for mr loh forgetting that there was an outlet at heeren-.-
then idled there for like forever leaving with nothing cos we didn't have his shoe size.
kell and weiquan came and ruiwei left for home.
bused to PS to get nice nice paper but don't have so kell splurged on titbits. she bought me caramel corn:DDDDDDD
then bused again to marina so weiquan could go to prints to get his ribbon box done.
everyone was so amazed at how to guy tied the ribbon while i irritated them with my billie jean:D
the ribbon that i chose for the box didn't have enough length. this made weiquan sooooo sad tha
he had to get another one. oh wells. haha.
dinner at yoshinoya.yabayaba till like 8-ish before we parted.
Billie Jean forgot to send kell home.
kell, next time i'll make sure he remembers kay!haha.
getting my hair done
kell said blur was good. haha.