Monday, March 30, 2009

signed, sealed, delivered i'm yours.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

spent the day watching huihan's match at sbc. they played against victoria. nice game guys(:
then off to shopping and manicure with gny and ruiwei at far east.
chittychatty all the way. cheap finds but i think i spent too much:(
but new additions to my wardrobe!!!!:D
Class bbq at jazreel's.
thank you for everything dear(:
my sister
i doubt anyone wants me near this thing anymore.
they have deprived childhood. haha.
surprise party for ruiwei's at the botanic gardens(:
this is CJ's favourite hobby:D
penny was successful in the jumpshot
but not now(:
gny likes to practice meditating in the air.
and also to show signs of victory.
it wasn't pre-planned but look at the height! haha.
love ya'll!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

rants.gossips.bitch fits.going loose.

dinner at shoku was just the best time of my life after the horrendous common tests.
from appetisers to main courses to the long awaited desserts. O.M.G.
the desserts there are to die for man. SERIOUSLY.
you should have seen the look on kell's face when that piece of mochi went into her mouth.
maybe her decision to not go timbre was not a bad choice after all. but next time must go! yes. when you're all glammed up(:
little pictures cos someone feels unglam-.-

Sunday, March 22, 2009

for gny pang wenxin, please go and seeeeee.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

rahhhh. chem is making me go cuckoo cuckoo.
this is the first time i stared at a set of notes and my eyes just closed. i just missed the head-bang-table part.
snuggling in my cosy bed is what i like to do. but looking at the unfinished work, its like no cannot. resist it, ger!
sigh. i can't wait for all this hell to be over.
but hey. As. its still soooooooooooooooooooo freaking far away.
been thinking a lot lately.its really hard to say things that i don't mean.thinking about all these just make me wanna turn back the clock and let time come to a standstill.but its just all talk that i'm doing.yea. what's the point.its all over anyway.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

it may be a yesterday thing. it may be something that you did a long time ago. i don't care if i'm mean in what i say because you god damn deserve it.
damn you bitch.
damn you motherchucker.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

you know the nice thing about attending weddings is that you get to dress up. AND. getting to eat all the yummilicious food:D
the bride was my cousin. she's freaking gorgeous. no photos cos the emcess were blocking me the whole time. plus melvin kept on disturbing me-.-
and when you dress up, won't it be a waste if you don't take photos?? so my mom camwhored with me. well sort of luh.
besides, its been ages since i put on make up because of my minor op the last time(:
bryan's face is a joke. haha.
that was my night(:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

if a couple is meant to be, nothing can ever change that.

GP tmr. econs, math chem and china studies the week after next.
i haven't studied.
the weather is so unpredictable. one minute its hot like shitzzz and the next, my jacket is on.
could have gone home early today. stayed because i thought this GP lesson would be important and i end up using the period to do reflections-.-
i even got the sign out form can!!!!
nvm. at least i stayed lest someone complains that i'm not sister enough. haha.
i'm feeling so much inside yet i want it to never come out because i am afraid.
don't ask me what because i don't know.
i just know that maybe my f.n.d.

Monday, March 09, 2009

work load is piling. and i haven't started studying for common test. OH AM GEEZZZZZ. i am soooo screwed.
on a random note, mummy commented that anyone who wants to turn mad can just turn to me. haha.
am i that terrible?
everytime you expect people to give in to you.
when is it gonna be your turn to give in.
it wasn't really a big deal.
but you made it such.
you're still a very close friend.
but i seriously cannot take your nonsense anymore.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Friday, March 06, 2009

C stands for CHINESE!
no more chinese exams for the rest of my life.
this is awesomeness man!:D
training was slack.
pullout.stopping.hitting on the run.
played netball.funn ttm!screamed my lungs out till my throat is a little sore now.
oh wells. girlie gossips shared with hannah and bel was enjoyed tremendously<3
weiquan is finally out from sports camp so he kindly came to fetch me home from school(:
so nice i know. haha.
all this shit is draining me out.maybe a part of me still....
fickle bitch. i'm one.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

oh yea. walked to the teck whye market with pang and louis today for waffles. THE WAFFLE AUNTIE THOUGHT I WAS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha. omg. so much for lesbian tendencies.
i bluffed her and she really thought i was a guy for that 5secs maybe.
oh wells. maybe....

Sunday, March 01, 2009

shit i think i tore my back muscle:(
CIP at the international hockey 6's yest. at the "pandang".
after a gruelling hot day of picking up balls, we became red hot tomatos.
my cheeks hurt everytime i laugh.
many things we saw and experienced during the course of the cip.which includes:
-smelly sri lankans hitting on us.
-stupid black sri lankan goal keeper delieberately kneeing a forward from behind.(i think he broke his knee)
-the toilet stank because of sri lankans.
omg i think they just spoilt the whole tournament luh.
sorry but i think i'm just prejudiced against them but seriously who wouldn't be after seeing all these.
of course, the whole event was not all bad. uwc's no.7 was something we looked out for. and there was this caucasian baby, fred, FREAKING CUTE! his eyes are to die for!!!
AND, bel and i took the chance to camwhore!:D
i kissed the swiss hotel!!!:D
bel loves this picture cos her face can't be seen. but the finger looks a bit wrong. haha. if you get what i mean.
hannah and her scandal
having ice cream at the end of all that you've done is the perfect way to end your day.
fazee was feeling better too:D
bus ride home with chopsticks was love!!!!!(:
oh yea. rihanna and chris brown are back togetherrr!!!!!!!
i heard the news from my maid. haha.
i was walking pass the toilet when my maid was singing :" no air, no air..."
i thought she was really experiencing no air.
then she told me it was "jardin" sparks' song, no air. hahahaha.
and then...
"girl!!!! you know rihanna and chris brown stick together already!!!! i so angry you know!!!"
hahahaha. yea that's how i knew about it.