Friday, January 30, 2009

State your opinion(s) on the issue(s), as well as other ideas/thoughts related to it. In particular, comment on its relevance to Singapore. Elaborate on your views, providing reasons/ and evidence.
In my opinion, China has opened up to the world. More often than not, the China economy has not been able to make a come back because it sucks!
my brain juice cannot freaking hell flowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I MISS YOU TTM GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i hate needles

school out's for me unlike some ass who self proclaimed an off for them today. haha.
anyhoo, 13 hours of sleep for me was definitely enough to get my whole afternoon going. finished up schoolwork and had my favourite noodles for brunch:D
weiquan came to visit after. takoballs were yummilicious. had lots of fun with that ass cos my whole afternoon was just work work work. a little colour added to my mundane afternoon always helps. the pictures that i was sent were really sexy. i shall not elaborate lest i blurt the whole thing out. but it's a useful tool against that special someone!(:
no more makeup for me till my eye fully recovers because of that stupid infection. shucks. that afternoon yesterday was really scary. thankfully mummy was with me. i think i squeezed her hand a little too tight though. oh wells. that needle was really big:(

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

the damn eye infection is killing me like karazee. doctor was a bitch. touch my eye without even washing his damn hands. acting like a know all. claimed that he wanted to teach me how to apply cream but didn't in the end. pulled my lids around till it was fucking pain. showed me some gory pictures of cutting the lump formed due to the infection. hello! i don't need all that shit from you please. all that certificates in the clinic framed up just to show what a freaking good doctor he is. wth. he's just a piece of shit okay. ppl don't even go to the CHEONG MEDICAL CLINIC man. just a pack of liars. the consultation fee itself just explains it all. i can buy a mango top with that damn money. UGH!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

family gathering.friends came over.chitty chatty.the new year goodies were love.and not to forget my two dearest cousins!!!!! CUTENESS!
one year has flew by me just like that.okay saying this now is a tad bit late but still....
i can't believe i was still having steamboat with the clique last year. haha.
anyhoo. had a blast. and school's starting tmr:(
future hockey players.
see the resemblance? haha.
happy family:D
okay hello.i'm selling some of my clothes to make way for new ones. haha.
item 1 - white hoodie with red elastic band at the bottom, from fox
details at the bottom
top: black halter $8
bottom: skirt(elastic waist band) $10
hot shorts with elastic waist. stretchable.fits size 24-26
top:tube, from fox $8
bottom: skirt $10
top: orange off shoulder $8
bottom: black hot shorts $10
shirt $8
billabong halter beach dres $15
only meet ups.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

kell came over for a reunion lunch. major catching up and i realised there were so many things i thought i told her but didn't. so yup.
hockey in the afternoon with dongkai and fazee. had loads of fun trying to beat the defender and failed deceptions.
i need to wake up early tmr to go i dunno where. but yea. dolling up pretty pretty. and seeing kell again tmr and ah kong's house. i think we'll be seeing each other for the next two days anyway.
enjoy your two days of hols!(:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

ho-ho-ho. happy cny!

Melvin was here =) Jieren dont be jealous Please support great designs @ reasonable price!
today spells AWESOMENESS.
shopping with mummy was a lot of fun. but the rate at which money flew away was really scary. haha.
the first stop at tangs marked the start of it all. bra:(.shorts.heels.
that's about it. hope this new year will be a good and enjoyable one.
pray with me i will stock up enough red packets to get a stick since mummy doesn't want to buy me one.
weird though. she is willing is spend 200++ on cosmetics but not on my hockey stick:(
ah wells.
i need huge huge fat red packets!!!
and life without a camera really sucks ttm!!!!!!!!
so my chinese new year resolution is to come up with a saving plan to get:
a hockey stick.a itouch/nano chromatic(:
that is, if i can restrain myself from buying things that i don't really need.
enough said. ima scoot to my study table and finish up my homework.

Friday, January 23, 2009

angry with myself. for not chasing hard enough. i could have done better. fuck.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

yay! my econs test is over!!!! so much for waking up at 3am to study. the one that came out was what i studied one hour before the test!!!! pfft. but oh wells. there was additional help given to me by dearest friends. thanks!(:
and the better news was that chem test was cancelled! so i went to town with "elegant" weiquan after school. he calls himself elegant instead of civilised. i dunno why but that's just what he thinks he is. but if you look closely, he and the word are exact opposites. but anyway, my purpose to town was the raid muji off it's strawberry cotton buds and chilli corn chips but all were OUT OF STOCK!!! then we went window shopping for my cny clothes cos i didn't bring enough moolah with me. saw some pretty shoes. i wannabuybuybuybuybuy all of it!!!!:D

Sunday, January 18, 2009

i stayed at home for the weekend to study for the upcoming review tests. my gawd. it's killing me man. but on the up side, i caught up with dearest ECLIPSE and GOSSIP GIRL:DDD
was suppose to go study with aylwin today but got busted my daddy. shall spare the details. it wasn't something to be happy about anyway.
but it's over at least(:
AYLWIN GAN!!!! we meet up soon kay!! your christams present still with me!(:
anyhoo, a jog in the evening did make me feel better then on to grocery shopping with mummy.
had sudden cravings for ben and jerry's. the mini cups were so tempting and so i persuaded mummy to buy them for me. instead, she called me FAT!!!! OMG. she said i should stop eating so much because i am fat and my ass is huge-.-
daddy added in: " you have fat genes in you!!!" -.-
as if that's gonna stop me from loving my junk food. no junk food equals no life man! pfft.
okay back to GP and CHEM.
on a random note, those "long" locks on my hair will be chopped tmr. hope it's not screwed like the last time.
i'm glad all of this is finally over. friends?(:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

bernette, weiquan and tammie came down to pj yesterday to celebrate julius' birthday. hahahaha. the look on his face was damn funny when he saw wq and nette. it's like a kid whose mummy just bought him ice cream! we gave him his $2 car which i dropped and the chapalang birthday card made from foolscap paper. we deliberately left the price tag there to fool him. haha. last minute work always makes a huge difference.
anyhoo, he seemed really contented with the the "surprise" that wq, tammie and bernette actually came down to pj. (kell couldn't make it cos she had stuff on:( )when everybody was there, we gave him his actual birthday present which was the remote control ferrari:D
it's sleek and cool kay!!(: but two huge scraches were already on the car before he played it cos of huihan and ben. at least everyone was happy(:
then i had to rush for training. after that, dinner at cafe cartel.
we made so much noise thanks to tammie's and my laughter. i could feel everyone's stares on us. but what the heck. we were having our own fun so mind your own beehive(:
i borrowed a camera from ruiwei and we started taking pictures, really stupid ones with our fingers, specs, hands. bascially any random shit we could find. haha.
the day ended nicely. everyone happy and all.
so that was my friday(:
photos up soon when i get can load the pics up to my com.
I NEED A NEW CAMERAAAAA!!!!! anyone wanna buy me one??:D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

school "blues"

so my first week of school has started.
i'm still trying to fit the 615 alarm into my body clock because i just can't seem to wake up on time and hence coming in late for two alternate days-.-
first day of school and i was already running as fast as i could to the gate, praying it doesn't shut in my face with julius, ben and junyang-.-
so anyway. s13 got disbanded and some of them joined my class. apparently it was like 6 girls and a guy i think. it's already the fourth day of school and i still don't know all their names except for four.
OH! and i got caught for my hair too! haha. by the indian teacher/uncle who always "takes care" of the late students. but but he was exceptional nice luh! i was expecting him to shout at me or something. he just told me to dye my hair back. it's a darker brown now. haha. other that, i'm safe:D
and and ruiwei and i got pencil cases with the same designs!!!!! so coincidental right!:D
PE today was karazee! i literally pushed louis from the back so that he could pass his 2.4km timing. but still failed by 1.5mins. but good try though! cameron yao was being an total asshole. making dirty jokes out of louis and i. i shall spare the details.
and because i had multiple earrings on my right ear, they kind of shined because of the sun. he asked if i had more than one earring on and i showed him, with the earrings still there and said no and he really believed!!!! OMGGGGGGG!!!!! hahahaha. and he talked to me and all without asking if i dyed my hair. hahahaha. i know i shouldn't rejoice so soon but i escaped once again:D
i hope this luck will stay with me considering my dyed hair and my problematic skirt(:
anyhoo, i feel like my studying engine is getting warmed up. i hope it continues though. because life's gonna be so boring without my partner in class:(
went to town with weiquan today to settle some "matters". i was so concerned with whether it will be the right fit that weiquan got so tired of my indecisive choices. haha. but we decided on the red one in the end. NOT THE YELLOW ONE:( but the red one will do equally fine. wondering what i'm talking about? can't disclose until tmr!!! haha.
and the most wonderful thing that happened today was that i could use the stupid sentence that the clique always use on me "ARE YOU DUMD OR JUST DUMB?!" on LIMWEIQUAN!!!! haha. because he was just plain dumb. oh wells. enjoyed myself today:DDDD
i hope tomorrow will be a better day!
kay. toodles!

Monday, January 05, 2009

yesterday was the meet up with clique!
so many booboos happened, i just feel like burying my head in the sand like an ostrich.
1. was suppose to get up 174 when weiquan called but i realised i didn't bring my ez link card so weiquan got down to bus so that we could go to cheers to change for coins. then when we got back to the bus stop, i realised my mum put my ez link card in my wallet already. i didn't check it. so i caused weiquan to miss his double decker and kell to feed mosquitos at the bus stop opposite kap-.-
2. when we were walking to paragon from the heeren bus stop, kell suddenly ducked like there was an invisible pole in front of her. weiquan and i stared at her only to realise that it was a stream of smoke coming from a cigarette. and then seconds later, i screamed. cos a bunch of leaves fell on my head and i thought it was bird shit.
3. when we arrived at pandan valley, wanting to go to JUST BEER, the place that bernette was working at, i told the clique the wrong bus stop to alight. so junwen got down at the bus stop after pandan valley(the opposite side) and tammie got down at the bus stop before pandan valley(on pandan valley side). this miscommunication caused weiquan to walk twice to the bus stop junwen was at which triggered much profuse sweating.
4. the continued walk to JUST BEER really made everything worse cos the walk seemed to go on forever because i got my directions wrong. but we finally made it in the end:D
oh wells. at least everyone had fun right?heehee.
okay pictures(:
i was trying to fit the twister mat into my bag. haha. but failed.
so mr. lim weiquan took the chance to pose. haha.
this is really good. aylwin recommended it to me:D but kell finished like half of it-.-
this photo reminds me of the one i took at esplanade. haha. the clothes we wore were the same except that i changed my white top for a black tank(:
she became so stoned and RED!
julius and his hoe(:
major catching up
enjoying food. YUMZZZZZ!
i love this photo:D
weiquan likes this photo because he feels like he's in a photoshoot.haha!
ignore my face please.
i didn't know junwen was that crude. tsktsk.
the clique plus the absent ben:D

Saturday, January 03, 2009

i have started studying!!!!
and omg. i just realised that i have chem homework not done yet:(
but my accomplishments this week is being able to finally understand my summation AND the B.I.T.C.H BIMBO explained painstakingly by dearest lim singh! haha.
I AM meeting the clique tmrrrrrrr. before school starts for the poly babes!
can't wait:D

Thursday, January 01, 2009

trained to Hyde Park Inn
the busy city
taken at darling harbour. can't really see the landscape behind cos i editted it so that the focus would be on my family's faces:D
but this is darling harbour(:
second day : city tour via the explorer bus
sydney's famous bondi(bon-die) beach
opera house(:
day three(monday) : bondi!!!!:D
then, visit to the opera house and harbour bridge.
tuesday : canberra --> parliament house(no pics cos i forgot to bring my camera down from the bus:( ), war memorial, history musuem
this fire burns eternally
that's not all. will upload soon(: