Saturday, May 31, 2008

30 may 2008,friday
went out with marc after his geog paper. had truckloads of fun as usual. never bored with that loverboy :D
back to fazee's house where we prepared food for the farewell party for our seniors.
finished up the ppt.
farhana left for home to get the rest of the stuff.
silvia, fazee and i were screaming like nobody's business cos of the stupid rain.
waving my hands frantically in the air just so that the cab driver could see me.
loads of camwhoring with bel and the rest while setting up the ppt in the LT. (photos up soon i promise)
-and i swear bel's head is as hard as a coconut. hahahahaha.
we hoped that the ppt would cause tears to be shed. but tons of laughter came out instead. well, at least all of us had fun.
wanted to finish the last of the fruit punch but ended up with two huge stains like i got my boobs shifted on my shirt -.-
thankfully sok lent me her shirt:)
macdonalds with fazee and silvia before heading home.
dead beat.
31 may today, saturday
swensens with mommy,daddy and bryan. the spaghetti serving is so small:(
bryan is a born glutton/pig/big stomach/bottomless pit.
he had fish and chips, then followed by a mcspicy meal and huge bucket of popcorn.
and i know where those shit pimples on his face came from. that gross pig.
caught prince caspian.
it's been a long time since the whole family caught a movie.
had fun today.
although mommy had to put a damp note.
she just refused to take a look at the watch that i wanted:(
nevertheless, thanks for everything:D
dad was trying to be funny. as always. haha.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

although its the halls, this few days totally feels like any typical school day.
26 may monday
woke up early to acc marc to study in school.
pw lec thereafter.
my stomach was screaming for food. never felt so hungry in my entire life. bought cup noodles but didn't eat it cos miss ho came already.
today tuesday
thankfully rw texted to ask where was CSE lec. if not i'd missed it totally. today's lec was kinda impt. thanks girl:)
so, reached school at 8-ish. dead tired.
snoozed in chem lec. hengelaosai alkenes and alkanes are not tested. PHEW!
pw meeting to finish up GPP. it was quite productive i must say.
marc was stealing my fries. grr.
went to lot one to find my pencil box was not fruitful.
i have to rush my reflection and EoM by thurs. omg. i'm gonna die.
even if you're gonna go ahead with your decision, i want you to know that you're always a part of us and you'll always be our babe:) and and and!!! YOU BETTER HOLD YOU PROMISE!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

skipped chinese.
mugged at sanc.
marc came.
played stacko which determined if he still remained the head of HIGH CO. haha. (hel lost. oopsie) but...still high co head. haha
GP paper. went out with marc after that. truckloads of fun. I FORGOT TO CAMWHORE!! :((((
met kell for dinner.
marc left for home.
heaps of fun at dinner!!!
table drawing
enjoying her food as usual and took so long to finish it.
looks gross from here though
nice pic huh:)
heavenly ice cream:)
unwanted cream and cocoa powder
love you many many.
always here when you need me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

went out for lunch with mommy and daddy at family restaurant at taka. they used to be called pariss international. the name changed. the rates now are cheaper too! they food is heaven. would sure wanna go back there again. forgot my cam. so no pics.
kell came over at around 6 after finishing her project. talked. laughed. did loads of random stuff. i swear that girl acquired a "i like to praise myself" disease. haha. nevertheless, i still love her loads.
she was suppose to meet the guys for dinner at vivo but it was back to the hawker centre near my place somehow or rather. haha. truckloads of fun. when i finally wanted to camwhore, my cam died on me. yea. thanks. jw, wq and ben played crazy taxi on kell's com and i swear they went crazy alright. and omg. ben's hair was "nice" haha. yea *skeptical look* but it's alright. kell was like omg, you should get a pair of huge specs, button up your shirt and carry your bag really high;girls will immediately flock to you. haha. wth. but yea. we laughed, we had memory loss and many many random moments. ahhhh. i enjoyed myself with those babes. wonder when will it be the next time i see those asses again. gonna miss them:( but i know it's gonna be soon:) haha.
to weiquan, so sorry didn't reply your msg the other time. i didn't even recall it's existence in my phone. really really sorry. but no matter what it is, you can always count on me. please don't laugh luh kay. haha. i really mean what i say. and really really sorry i didn't reply that msg of yours. i think i forgot. but still , the five of you, yes the five of you will always be my darlings. that's for sure. much love!!!
after a very very long time, i've got the photos from bel.
more pics coming up soon!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

it's been a long long time since i've blogged again. hardly every find time to blog these few days. have been returning home late almost every night.
mon and tues - sports heats
wasn't too bad although my legs do hurt real bad now:(
weds - training
thurs - HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIEREN!!! went to np to find jr. sadly, he had prject disucssion. met only for a short while. omg. haven't seen that ass for damn long. haha. and as always, he always shun my hugs. pangsai.
fri - training. practised for the relay. got thrown by sok. thanks. haha. marc waited for me to end training. kell came to return my guards. haven't seen that girl for quite long. i think. haha. both of us were real tired. so didn't talk much. oh wells.
to us, silence does speak a thousand words:)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

i cut my hair and i don't like my fringe:(

Saturday, May 10, 2008

i've realised i haven't blogged in a week. haha. okay maybe the reason is because i have been keying in the wrong password to the wireless connection. okay. that aside. yest today has been spent with darling kell. haha.
had a nice dinner at railmall with that girl and then off to west coast park. camwhored. screamed cos of stupid bugs. was being super bimbotic. dunno why. at least that ass had a good laugh:) refused to walk across the sand cos it would dirty by feet. haha. yea. and then we kind of got lost. found ourselves by the coast. the night scene was beautiful. but the wind was seriously blowing my ass off. that girl felt okay though. i was the only one feeling like winter just came. wq, huihan, yunye and joel came to find us. yup. they were having a birthday bbq. and then yea. we talked as in the two of us. reached home at 11-ish.
i swear we were born camwhores. haha.
delicious tom yam:)
green curry
pat thai
enjoying her meal of course:)
it's so random that i don't know what to say. haha.
this is for you girl, you camwhore! haha
daddy please get well soon:(
woke up early and ran out of my room remebering about dad's toe. a hug definitely makes the day all better:) shopping with mommy and mother's day dinner. cutting my hair tmr. kell said this week's like makeover week for me but oh wells. haha. i'll "twy" to think of it that way:)
i miss you lotsssssss. that dream really scared me:(

Sunday, May 04, 2008

yay!!! i've done most of my homework. this post has a purpose. haha. see if you guys can figure it out. teehee.
17th birthday 20th june. ( a bit early but i just felt like posting it. haha)
ger hopes for:
-more clothes
-sneakers(spoiling already:()
-east pak
-hocley stick
mommy says if i'm a good girl, i can get my wish list. hee hee:D:D:D:D:D:D
ger says:
hello there!
[Iv3R7oN] says: yes?
ger says: what yes cannot say hello meh
ger says: pangsai
[Iv3R7oN] says: haha
[Iv3R7oN] says: jokin la
[Iv3R7oN] says: wat u doin?
ger says: tsk trsk
ger says: *tsk
ger says: checking for flea markets
[Iv3R7oN] says: she online
[Iv3R7oN] says: ohoh
[Iv3R7oN] says: hw?
ger says: huh?
ger says: what fw
ger says: haha
ger says: *hm
ger says: *hw
[Iv3R7oN] says: homework
[Iv3R7oN] says: haha
[Iv3R7oN] says: u finish ur hw le?
ger says: nope
[Iv3R7oN] says: alot?
ger says: not really
ger says: left GP
[Iv3R7oN] says: ohoh
[Iv3R7oN] says: enjoy man
ger says: do you know whats a flea market
[Iv3R7oN] says: duno?
[Iv3R7oN] says: wat is tat?
ger says: you dont know what's a flea?????
ger says: it's where you get branded stuff and clothes at very cheap prices, something like that.
[Iv3R7oN] says: ohoh
[Iv3R7oN] says: i testin u oni
[Iv3R7oN] says:
[Iv3R7oN] says: tsk tsk
ger says: ya right
ger says: omg
[Iv3R7oN] says: wat? ger says: what what?
[Iv3R7oN] says: nothin
[Iv3R7oN] says: u eat le?
ger says: haha
ger says: yup
[Iv3R7oN] says: im damn hungry la
[Iv3R7oN] says: ger says: where's your dinner
[Iv3R7oN] says: not ready yet
ger says: awww
ger says: wait luh
ger says: haha
[Iv3R7oN] says: lazy mum
ger says: got food still call your mom lazy
ger says: wait till you got no food then you cry
ger says: haha
[Iv3R7oN] says: u tink i lke u mah?
[Iv3R7oN] says: yellow banana
ger says: huh?
ger says: what i do SIA
[Iv3R7oN] says: always eat n eat
[Iv3R7oN] says: sia again
ger says: haha
ger says: eating is sex okay
[Iv3R7oN] says: huh?
[Iv3R7oN] says: wat e hell?
ger says: what
[Iv3R7oN] says: nothin
[Iv3R7oN] says: ps
ger says: haha

Saturday, May 03, 2008

it's 1.20am in the morning. i watched three movies in total. haha. step up one, two and take the lead. completed GP essay. gosh i'm crapping like crazy. this post is so rubbishy.
tammie just sent me a message saying she'll be going to china from 29th may to 6th june. that means she won't be able to celebrate her birthday in singapore:( but it's okay, we can call her to wish her happy birthday and celebrate it when she gets back:)))) i can't wait. okok. MYEs coming. gotta buck up girl!
finally we won the last match!!!! omg. everybody jumped on the field like crazy. evern before that when we were awarded the short corner, we screamed. haha. yes. WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is something blog-worthy about:D
dinner was catered to delta. yummilicious. camwhored a lot a lot. miss ho gave each of us a hockey pen:)))
met marc for a short while after that before cabbing home.
all i can say is that I LOVE HOCKEY!!!!! :D

Thursday, May 01, 2008

- you rock my world
- you are there for me when i need you
- you pissed me off many times
- but i still love you
you are the ass whom i love:)
weiquan came to my house bus stop to wait for me. sorry for being late. haha. daddy had to use the laptop for a while. so i had to wait. yup. bused to queensway to look for rw and huihan. i fell don while getting down the bus. yea. whoops. that ass kept on harping on it. pangsai. haha. walked around trying to find them. wq said we looked like stalkers. he wanted to catch the two in action. so he was the stalker. haha. i saw the eastpak i wanted!!! okok. gonna save up. mommy won't buy it for me cos she said i have too many bags:( so yes birthday birthday. haha coming soon:D
wanted to settle the class pullover so we went to the shop and we found it closed. that silly girl said sorry. haha. no need to be:) it opened soon after. studied in mac while waiting. we freaked cos gp relfection needn't be done since we were leaving school before that class. YESSSS!!!(i brought the laptop for nothing:( )
bused to queensway mrt and walked from toa payoh to home team ns. the weather was so HOT!!!!!! omg. wei quan and huihan went for training while ruiwei, qianru and i settled for a nice lunch at some restaurant. the price is reasonable. the food is nice. i wanna go back there again!!! haha. we explored the place later. i didn't bring my cam so we didn't camwhore. damn wasted luh the place was so nice. especially the dance studio. :(
rw left at 5ish while qianru and i waited for the guys. completed my work (well, sort of) studying by the pool is really nice. it's like aqau therapy. wei quan came to find me during his water break. for some reasons he didn't let me go up to the training ground so we were "play" fighting and staff thought we were really quarelling. haha. damn funny luh.
waited for the guys to end training before they headed to the bukit timah market centre to have dinner. reached home at 9-ish. just love staying late outside.
if only it could be a bit longer.
that girl is irreplacable
i swear you are fucking unreasonable.