Wednesday, April 30, 2008

yes my second post for the day. it's been so long since i blogged like for more than one post in an entire day.
so hockey training and off to town to meet kell and nette. was deciding to go down to meet marc because he was sick but couldn't:( so i towned instead and met a new friend called julian. haha. the two girls said he's "gay" but haha. oh wells. watched to baracudas performance at ngee ann city. the salsa was good too:) especially the jive. and the jc poly kid had to come about. talk about poly kid"S" vs. jc kid (note: no S) :( my gang wasn't there okay. and dont forget you guys are part of my gang.
dinner at the food court later on. nette and julian left for the baracudas later performance at eight while kell and i continued to have our dinner. it was back to the bimbotic days we had during pae. julian gave the puzzled face when nette and i exaggerated our "don't know/how" movements. it's a girl thing. teehee.
went home after that. kell walked with me to my bus stop before leaving to take the mrt to meet her parents. thanks girl see i'm expressing my gratitude to you. don't say i didn't:) although i was trying to think of the many times i sent her to the bus stop. whoopsie.
i had a great time today:D
girl, you please take care of yourself kay:)
health is more impt. i'll miss you loads. remember your medication!!<3333
having CT now. everybody's having jellbeans from jelly belly. YAY! JELLY BEANS MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND:))))
wednesday classes were tiring although we ended at 1.30-ish. loads of fun and laughter and many many "-.-" faces given to ruiwei. time after class till hockey was spent with marc and his class. they are really nice ppl. wei han's really damn cute. haha. reached home at 9-ish. wanted to study have econs. weiquan called melike 7 times. gosh. i thought something happened to huihan. he even told me kell was talking to huihan now. omg. i really thought something happened. when i entered to conf, weiquan said "huihan you wanna cry can cry now" and it all turned out to be fake. YOU ALL STUPID PANGSAI. PFFT. OWE ME LUNCH AND DINNER FOR DRAINING MY REMAINING ENERGY.
studying with ruiwei tmr. yes i can't wait to get out of my house:)

Monday, April 28, 2008

okay. i'm doing my econs now. rushing like mad. i've still got chem rev to complete. SHIT SHIT SHIT! and gosh. i'm feeling so sleepy now. just the sight of work just makes to wanna hug my pillow and go to sleep.
oh and dearest wei quan came just now. haha. thanks my dear. you save the day:))) and omg. the funniest thing happened. thank god daddy was there to tell him to hold on for a while becaues......yea. haha. you know:)
okay. back to work!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

AH MA GAD. what is this man. i've to rush my PI, my econs essay and revision for math and chem. BAAAA. i am so sleepy now. have to do my PI and essay now if not i dont think i will have time for revision tmr:( help me please....

Friday, April 25, 2008

i finally understood my chem!! well somewhat. haha. omg. i was srsly gonna cry when mr tan bombarded us with all the dunno what pd-pd, id-id bonds. okay whatever. what matters is i finally see the light. YES!!!
do lessons were alright luh actually. crapping and doing all the nonsense with ruiwei.

this was what she did during GP. haha. (some editing done though)

she had econs remedial after school so marc accompanied me till i had to go for training. met ter shortly after to pass her my dictionary. it's been long since i've seen that dear. haha.

dinner with kell and the guys after training. omg. it's been so very long since we've sit down and talked and omg. LIM WEI QUAN. STOP YOUR "BASKET" I TELL YOU. anw, it's like the old times. just wished nette and tammie could be with us. but i know this time will come soon. teasing ben and huihan about their loves was damn funny. "just looking at her makes him smile". ahem ahem. went up to the food court at the third floor just to eat the red ruby. as usual. haha. while taking the escalator down, kell saw one of her friends. something maluating happerend. haha. i shall not elaborate on that part:) it really amazes me that something embarrassing always happens when the two of us are tgt.

htht with kell. i know someone's thinking if i'm gonna say it out. no worries. i wont:)

no matter what, you'll always be the guy who lifts me off my feet <3

Thursday, April 24, 2008

huihan ah huihan. i saw that expression everytime you look in my class but not at me you pangsai! haha.
suppose to go for GP lec but we skipped it. haha. rw stayed in school to study while i went out with marc. we had a hard time deciding where to go. town was too far away so we hopped on 172 which went to jurong point because that pangsai wanted to go to the pasar malam. he got his chicken wings and i ate long john again. haha. oops. bused home at 6-ish.
i just love spending times like that with you:)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

lessons at G2-71 was fun. hee. yes yes. break was awesomely one hour and then china studies lec was skipped and so was assembly. COINCIDENTALLY, the class qianrun chose was F2-67!! haha. it's beside F2-66!!!! everytime somebody walked past, we will always press ourselves against the wall just hoping that they won't see us. the auntie came in to clear the dustbin and in the end, we all scared ourselves. She thought something was wrong and we thought she was some teacher inspecting the classroom. haha.
excused from defence talk so that i could go for training. we had a team talk. damn funny luh and miss ho got taupok-ed. unintentionally though:) had a fun time at the pitch today.
met marc after that. long john-ed at jurong point and cabbed home at 8-ish. and i bought my clips. haha. my dear, you have to stop those scary laughters.
i guess things are not going the way they're suppose to be. like why are you becoming more of a hi-bye friend? i miss the old you. not that you've changed but yea. just the old times that i miss maybe.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

played with smelly shoes and pink socks:)
classes were energy draining. crapping with ruiwei all the way about going to which toilet and f2-66-ing. haha. we tried to pass it but somehow ended up at the G blog. oopsie. GP video-ing after lessons. had loads of fun with the class be it in bitch or lovey-dovey mode. hee:) lessons at lt3. OMGOSH! i just love it when we have to whole lecture theatre to ourselves. waited for marc to end his lessons before leaving home for piano. the weather was so hot. perspired like crazy. slept on the bus home and kindly woken up by milla. haha. thanks. if not i'd miss my stop:D i swear i'm a pig.
i really thank god that i have a bestie who understands me a real lot be it in good or bad times.
why mus be of all times now that this kind of shit has to happen. could i just have all that i once had in my hands returned back to me. selfish as you may put it, i just hope that everything can be how they used to be.
those walks you had will never be taken alone. i just pray that our hearts will forever be linked as one...

Monday, April 21, 2008

i could end school early because of nationals. haha. had lunch before the team left for ccab for the match against MI.
met kell after the match ended. I SWEAR CYNRIC CHIONG IS THE "SEXIEST" HIMBO ON EARTH. -.- (i know that you know you're a piece of pangsai smelling like my "fruity rhythm adidas deaodorant". haha.)
went to find wei quan at kismis(kissme) court where he had his basketball trials. i saw suresh there too. and yup. he found out that i was from pj. thanks kell( or was it cyn).
sent kell to the bus stop. cynric left for dinner with his friends. waited till kell's bus came before walking home. it's been long since we chatted at the bus stop. haha. thanks girl.
i'm tired and my back still hurts. boo.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

i just came back from grocery shopping. the snacks bought looked like they could last me a week but trust me, they will be gone in two days time. haha.
weiquan called me. and this is a message to him.
seeing my maid run after bryan is the most hilarious thing. she's damn cute luh. haha.
back home, bryan went into the living room saying "I ROCK". (yes. it just made me go-.-)
the conversation between him and mommy...
bry: I ROCK!!
mom: you rock what rock.
bry:*smiles with that demented face*
mom: can't even stand straight how to rock
kill me please....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

kell came over get her books dad bought for her. we studied before leaving for dinner at pu tong restaurant in balmoral. really reminded us of the old times we had when we mugged for the Os. haha.
and and she might be renting the apartment near ngee ann. i really hope the rent is affordable. becasue she might be staying there for three years if they really get the apartment. and OMGGGGG neighbours man. stay overs won't be a prob!!!!!!!! we were screaming over that luh. mommy said we were crazy but omg. it's just omg. haha.
dinner at putong was yummilicious. headed to waffletown to have ice cream. and omg. the most embarrassing thing happened. the faces, the actions. omg. shan't elaborate on the details. just that we laughed till our stomachs cramped. haha. evreytime i think of it i feel like i can really die laughing. haha.
it's been so long since we had such a good time. waffletown and dempsey shall be our next hangout!!! gosh girl. can't wait to see you on mon:DDDD
mom and aunt deciding over what foods to order:)
lips for food?
enjoying her food:)
the menu looked like my napkin-.-
kell's unwanted fats. ew.
bryan's classic faces:)
whatever it is, you know chromium will always be here for you. and you know you can always count on me:)))
GP>>>> two reflections due.

Friday, April 18, 2008

in GP, mrs chua said that ppl can suffer from information overload. the cons inculded were that the individual could choose to ignore the information given and be oblivious to it. NOW, i am srsly suffering from homework overload. ahhh. can i ignore them too. i can seriously die luh. and i am so tired now, i don't feel like doing anything. feel like some couch potato but oh wells. i think i'll start tmr morning. when i'm all bright and fresh. all i need now is my pillow and my bed.
i really enjoy those walks with you from school...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

yest 15 april 2008 tuesday
went to ngee ann to meet babes:))))
went with daddy to his office to get some stuff printed before walking to the convention centre to meet nette. kell came shortly after. gosh miss those two real lots. we were doing loads of catching up. the tako yaki there is nice. i tell you. srsly. don't compare to sakae though. theirs is the best. but this is not too bad though. it's nice enough for me to buy it twice. haha. went to meet daddy again. cos i ran out of cash. oopsie. hee. camwhored with those two darlings before walking over to meet weiquan at the convention centre. and and i bluffed those hockey players there that i was from pj and got transferred to BS there:D the cca fiesta was quite fun though. the ppl there are nice:D
cabbed to jp to meet marc. had fish and co for lunch. the stingray is YUM!!! they didn't have my salmon but the stingray is equally good:))) had pitch training after that. tired tired. but it was fun:)
work place!!
the bitches are in the house:D
today. wednesday.
skipped gp enrichment with marc, rw and qian ru. went to the esplanade. caught cinderella two. GUS IS SOOO CUTE!!! haha. it's been so long since i watched disney shows:D took 75 home thinking it would be faster and the bus ride was like more than an hour long. omg. thank god he was with me. if not, i'd be more panicky. had to rush home for piano.

Monday, April 14, 2008

i think today is one of the days where i sweat till my hair is so soaked. it looked like i just bathed. like soaked in sweat. ew. anyway, met giny, atina and qianru during recess. giny and atina was bitch fitting like nobody's business. haha. damn funny.
wanted to skip math tut but failed:(
and during math tut....
ger: gosh. why do we even have to learn maclaurins? ugh.
ruiwei: to confuse ourselves and to forget it later in life *:)*
ger: ????
PE - long jump. i was auntie molly!!! haha. yes. i just love sweeping the sand:D couldn't jump because of my back :( but still i enjoyed sweeping the sand!!!
i'll never forget the warm embrace of your hand.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

looking back at previous posts really makes me reflect on my past. the language used can really make me faint. haha.
anyhow, went to play badminton with dad just now. yes yes. and i admit that i suck. it's been so long since i've played it. daddy's getting old too. he used to be more agile than now. really enjoyed myself though:) it's been long since i've played with daddy.
school's starting tmr!!! kell, always here for you. go out there and kick some butt:D

Thursday, April 10, 2008

thank you:D

ruiwei didn't come today:( was alone in class. thankfully there was wenyi:)

GP was killer. almost killed myself by falling asleep

china studies was okay. it amazes me how mr chan can be so fascinated by the subject. he talkes with upmost enthusiasm, which is not all bad:)

send marc to the bus stop but had to run back to school halfway cos it was raining :(

ate with qianru in the canteen before heading home after the guys went for bball training.

just rushed my PI. now i have GP "homejoy". ugh.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

econs test - okay
chinese lesson - compo
china studies - slacked. penelope called me a ponstar as usual. haha. ruiwei and i were so bored with mr chan that we left the lecture halfway. haha. oops but yea. saw marc tending the stall. penelope's stall was just next to him. haha. yup. chatted for a while before doing henna. haha. and then went back for lecuture 6 mins before the bell.
assembly - slacked in the cafe before leaving for training. we just stayed around and there was only this teacher asking her students to attend assembly. they didn't bother actually. cos they had "customers" to attend to:)
training - gosh the sun was crazy. my hips hurt had to stop PT. raindrops kept falling on my head (perpisration) . it was seriosuly streams of water and not just the occasional droplets you experience. theory lessons on hockey later on. haha. miss ho let us off without doing PT. yes!!! and the guys playing soccer in the court kicked the ball so hard it hit my back. pain sia! dtupid pangsai. got to treasure this day cos training so far ends with PT. bused to jurong point and had chicken wings. YUM!! trained with hannah to west mall. we were praying that the train won't leave. it was so crowded that every entrance was filled with ppl. and we kind of "greeted" every door with the word PANGSAI! but still we managed to hop on the train. haha. had to rush home for mommy's birthday celebration.
mommy received my flowers!!! YAY!!! she was happy i was happy everyone's happy:))))

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

went out with kell and wq today. it was raining so heavily. my shoes were wet, my socks soaked, my skirt and blouse damp. bused with wq to ps to meet kell. htht-ed. got my flowers for mommy. it's her birthday tmr. hee. i sent her a bouquet in daddy's name:DD hope she'll be surprised.
kell bought her shirt from graphic tees. love the hot pink cap there:)
had long john. omg. kell and my retarded-ness were like endless luh. we just kept on laughing and laughing. and wq was just there videotaping us -.- seeing the video only made me realise that no, i'm not retarded but blessed that i have such wonderful friends. haha.
walked around and went to marks and spencer. we were like spraying each other with the different perfume testers. omg. the worse victim was wq, leaving the shop smelling all nice and disgusting.
shopped around and i think i'm falling in love with yellow. cos whatever i pick it's yellow:) my studs are yellow, my nails are yellow too!! i wanna shop!!! omg. so many things caught my eye but no moneh :( okay. mommy shall come with me next time. hee. she's my moneh machine:D
sorry about the prank. no more next time kay. promise:)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says,
"thats her"....
so.... i didn't go to school yest. hee. it's halfday anyway. so yea. met kell and nette at 10.30. weiquan couldn't make it for breakfast so we met him at the mrt station instead. trained to potong pasir mrt station and walked to sa to meet tammie. omg. the journey to sa was treacherous okay. we were sweating like nobody's business plus the fact that the security guard was not so very nice. so yea. it was only 1230-ish then so tammie couldn't leave the school. we waited outside for her and wq played with my hockey stick. it was as if we were having some kind of illegal gathering outside sa cos the four of us piled our bags at the huge tiled area opposite sa and started walking here and there as thought it was our turf. haha. we asked if we could go into the school and the security guard "kindly" refused us. in the end, we walked to the coffee shop next to sa while waiting for tammie to leave. and just when we thought she was going to leave, her mom came to pick her up:( couldn't talk but it was comforting to know that we were gonna meet her later that night:D
the heat from the sun was srsly unbearable. so we cabbed from potong pasir mrt to wisma. talked at starbucks and then walked to cine to eat pastamania. had to leave for training at 4 plus. gosh, for a small ass like mine, i got a huge maxi cab all to myself. kell told me to move my butt all around the cab so that all the seats are taken up. well technically. -.- the uncle didn't know how to get to the hockey village and the dumb thing is i was lingering only tens of metres away from the place. yes. we had a friendly with jj. rushed home after that only to know that kell and the guys just finished their movie. thanks guys!!
tammie came first. went to the playground to wait for the rest to come. gosh. i miss that girl like alot alot alot. so we were doing a little bit of catching up here and there before the rest came.
dinner started when nette came from ballet and yay!! the clique was reunited :DDDDD omg. this is like one the rare days that we actaully get to sit down and talk crap. omgomgomgomg. really enjoyed myself yest and i can't wait for the next meeting:D
some pictures taken while waiting for tammie.
i've never regretted knowing each and everyone of you...
weiquan's gross nails.haha.
what's life without you guys:D
thank you guys for everything...

Thursday, April 03, 2008

UGHHHHHH. i hate you bryan. i srsly just wanna scream my head off. if only my room was sound proof. stupid idiot asswipe. ARGHHHH.
marc was feeling a little tired today. hope you're feeling better now:D
met up with kell and weiquan after school. weiquan came to pj to meet me and then it rained so heavily when we got down the bus. tammie called and i rain across the road with his phone. haha. omg. haven't laugh so hard for ages. the two of kept getting at weiquan. haha. WEIQUAN!!! see you're still stumbling. that means you're lying. haha. we kept on coming up with stupid reasons and excuses to show that he has flaws. and then kell choked on her hokkien mee. haha. damn funny luh. yup. she teared. we joked around and yup. the laughing didn't stop cos weiquan just got repeatedly suan-ed by the both of us. weiquan left not long after that. kell and i went to find my red shirt. in the end, weiquan is gonna lend me his. haha.
gonna meet my the whole clique tmr!!! CANT WAIT!!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

1st april, tuesday
it's been long since the last entry. i can't wait to see tammie dearest on friday!!! haha. it's been ages since i've last seen her.
went out with marc, eugene and kell yest. the sole purpose was to get my shin guards and socks. the uncle just refused to sell it to me at $20. but in the end he did luh. haha. all thanks to the guys bargaining skills. but it was so maluating luh. we thought we could get the same pair of shin guards at $20 at another shop but when i called penny to double check, she said it was the shop i just stepped in to -.- omg. we didn't know where to put our faces man. and and i've been to penisula plaza before!!!! i was thinking it was some ulu place. it's not really that ulu though. skinnies sold there are cheap i heard. and i think i'm gonna get more stuff from there. not shopped enough yet:) long john-ed at marina before that. was so excited to see kell cos she went on her wonderful taiwan trip while i'm studying my ass off here. haha. but it's not all bad:) just miss her loads. and i was almost mistaking every girl who walked past long john as her luh. wth. was doing a bit of catching up when that eugene ass pulled her away. idiot. haha. i'm so sorry kell but you were mine first kay:D
headed to esplanade after getting my hockey loots. we were walking in a straight line, holding each others' hands. super funny luh. trying not to get cut by ppl and all. chilled at the screening room at the esplanade library for a while. watched godzilla. left at 7ish for home. i had a lot of fun that day:DDD
today, 2nd april
lessons were as per normal. trying my hardest not to doze off in chinese class but omg. i just couldn't help myself. Mrs Ng was staring her eyes wide at me :X it was only then did i open my eyes real wide but after that it just felt like there were ten rocks onb my eyelids. pfft. thank god there was a one hour break after that.
we had pitched training at ntu today. leanrt new stuff practised the old ones. had a game after that. omg. 3-1!!! haha. but the last shot was taico one luh. still it was a score. NEH!!! bused to boon lay interchange with hannah, jo, and jun. we were all sitting there and then suddenly, jo just burst out laughing. haha. it was until she told us what happened that we all laughed. ppl turned back to stare at us. oopsie. bought my macdonalds. while walking out of jurong pt, hannah malu-ed herself. haha. step until so happy some more. you know what i'm talking about:D
campaigning and elections for student council starts today. wishing kegan and sonstance all the best of luck. o8so7 will support you guys:DDD
kegan and constance
ruiwei and my specs. randomness luh. haha
mommy bought this for me. it's a present:D
beloved 08s07
something from taiwan:)))